PlayDiplomacyOnline: Signups


The MacMilitant
TNP Nation
Francois Isidore
Diplomacy: A North Pacifican Tragedy

Introduction | Opening Strategies | Alliances | Negotiations | Board Geography
Hello, reader!

Recently, I've been entertaining the idea of starting up a game of Diplomacy with players from our community here in the North Pacific. Play Diplomacy Online, much like the real-life board game of the same name, is a turn-based strategy game that's played by seven players at a time and revolves around the Great Powers of Europe in a scenario that's set prior to World War I.

In Diplomacy, your ultimate goal is to dominate and, eventually, conquer all of Europe by capturing various supply centers (SCs) that are scattered throughout the map. The board, which spans over seventy territories, is littered with neutral supply centers that can be claimed and disputed over by you and your fellow players. In order to do this, however, you'll need to plan ahead, coordinate moves with your geographical neighbors, form alliances, outsmart your enemies, and yes... even betray others every now and then.

Games of Diplomacy, when played over the internet using the site that I linked above, usually take from anywhere between several weeks to over a month to finish depending upon the promptness of the players involved. Please do not express interest in playing if you have any doubts about your availability and/or willingness to continually participate.

Continued participation involves entering in and confirming your country's orders for each season in a timely manner (usually in 24-hour intervals each), building and disbanding your country's units each Winter, and strategizing your moves in private (DMs) with your fellow players. You'll play as one of the seven Great Powers of Europe (England, France, Germany, Italy, Austria/Austria-Hungary, Russia, and Turkey) and cuntries will be decided at rnadom at the start of the game.

Additionally, if you are interested in playing, then I ask that you leave petty personal disputes at the door. Simply put, if your differences with another player that you see listed in this OP are so great that you can't stand to play a fun community game with them being present, then don't bother signing up in the first place! We want to have fun, we want to enjoy ourselves, but most of all: we want players who can commit themselves to making the game enjoyable for others.

If that's you, and if the idea of running an early 20th century European empire interests you, then feel free to say so by posting below or messaging me on Discord @TheMacMilitant#1962

All questions can be answered by either myself or by others who have played Diplomacy Online in the past and are willing to share their knowledge of the game.

Confirmed Players (Game 1)

@Vivanco / Vis (DoomHerald)

Confirmed Players (Game 2)

@Cascadian Bioregion

(NOTE: Due to the interest of everyone who’s posted in this thread thus far, two games will need to be hosted so that everyone who wants to participate has a chance to play. No one will be excluded and I’m comfortable hosting two games simultaneously, so I’ll be a part of both games as I have done in the past.)
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