World Assembly Campaigns & Approvals


Just like a queef in the wind, so is life
TNP Nation

This thread will be used to announce campaign telegrams that I receive and to announce any World Assembly resolutions that are approved. Feel free to discuss those matters here.
The Grand Commonwealth of KIDS Countrytag: delegates
17 hours ago

So, after a minor hiccup with the original piece of legislation, I have resubmitted the Repeal for General Assembly Resolution #279. Previous approvals have since magicked themselves out of existence, so I ask that you approve it once more (pretty please?)
Here's the original message for reasoning:
Hello there!
I am writing to request your approval of this repeal of the Right of Emigration resolution.
The original resolution is completely ineffectual if not followed through completely, and a gross violation of NatSov if it is. As an example, the resolution prohibits member states from restricting emigration unless very specific conditions are met, but it completely forgets the fact that member-states have the right to issue passports as they please, thereby rendering the entire resolution ineffective. Furthermore, it explicitly permits nation-states to restrict emigration for fugitives and those who have committed crimes, also forgetting the fact that member-states have the capability to just make emigration a crime, essentially overriding the legislation.
Also, the legislation "inappropriately restricts each member-state's ability to control their own sovereign affairs and policy, including potential times of war, when a person's departure or emigration may not be otherwise illegal but nonetheless significantly damaging to the nation's military affairs, such as the emigration of high-ranking arms manufacturing executives during times of armed conflict." (language from the repeal).
Therefore, I would highly recommend you approve this repeal, and I humbly ask for your approval or suggestions.

KIDS Country
The Christmas Present Elf Santa of Wymondham → tag: api
5 hours ago
Dear esteemed World Assembly Delegate,
I hope this telegram finds you well. I am writing to humbly ask that you approve the General Assembly proposal, authored by myself and Maowi, that I submitted earlier today, Repeal: GAR#27 "Freedom of Assembly" -
While the target resolution seeks to achieve a very important goal, its execution falls short on multiple counts. It fails to adequately protect the freedom of World Assembly denizens from their potentially despotic governments, but also inadvertently imposes harmful restraints on member states' ability to intervene in non-violent assembly. For example, it could result in emergency vehicles being blocked by protesters.
As it is impossible to amend World Assembly resolutions, we have prepared a replacement draft with the goal of addressing each of the issues laid out in the repeal. It is ready for submission immediately should this repeal pass.
I would be extremely grateful for your approval (click the link below and scroll down) to help ensure that the World Assembly gets a chance to vote on a crucial improvement to legislation guaranteeing a fundamental right to countless people:
Best wishes,
(Feel free to contact me via telegram with any thoughts or questions)
The Self-Administrative City of Tinhampton → tag: delegates, -nation: tinhampton, -nation: greater_cesnica, -nation: knootoss, -nation: dilber
8 hours ago
Hiya there - if you can read this, then please approve Protecting Sapient Life. If passed, this proposal would strengthen the provisions of the current resolution at vote by banning capital punishment for any reason in all member states, as well as forbidding the deportation of those who could realistically be sentenced to death to retentionist non-member states.
The Multinational Conglomerate of Confederation State Broadcasting → tag: delegates
42 minutes ago
Dear World Assembly Delegates,
The blatant attacks by McMasterdonia on your regional sovereignty in the form of quorum raids cannot be ignored any longer.
Quorum raiding, and in particular these recently-conducted raids, are attacks on free throught. And just because you dared to oppose The North Pacific viewpoint, too.
The Confederation encourages you all to fight against the bullying tactics of McMasterdonia. Please, help to spread this message, if only because there are thousands of regions out there that just cannot defend themselves against quorum raids. Maybe that region is yours.
OOC: Statement against McMasterdonia's The North Pacific
by The Corporate Conglomerate of Valerox

Official OOC Confederation Communication. 27-01-2021
It must be stated that the Confederation of Corrupt Dictators is a roleplaying region. We have for a long time championed a zero-tolerance policy towards all out-of-character fascist-related content, whether on our Regional Message Board, within our regional Discord server, or towards our allies or any other entity applicably associated with the Confederation label. LinkThis has been made evident repeatedly. The Confederation Government has, not exclusively: closed embassies, issued denunciations, and banned offending nations from NationStates and Discord. For a more specific example, in every embassy application lodged with the Confederation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs demands a written statement from the submitting region to state their stance against out-of-character fascism and other heinous ideologies.
The North Pacific's regional stance concerning the Confederation is one that is negatively influenced by their recently re-elected World Assembly Delegate, McMasterdonia. This player has shown themselves time and again to spread false rumour and slander. They make no attempt to decipher the truth from hearsay, and do so only to discredit the Confederation interest. As a result of these actions, NationStates is coming to realise that The North Pacific under McMasterdonia is nothing more than a spiteful regime.
Due to this bias executed from the highest offices of The North Pacific, NationStates' largest and most influential region, the Confederation's anti-fascist reforms are continually stifled. Why is McMasterdonia and The North Pacific so determined to ensure that out-of-character fascism looms over the Confederation?
Accusations that the Confederation continues to harbour real-life fascists and players subscribing to heinous ideologies have not only been continually disproven, but are without reliable source. These days, these accusations are only made because the accusers are personally invested in the destruction of the Confederation. In the case of McMasterdonia, it was McMasterdonia who conspired to keep Jocospor out of the World Assembly Secretary-General elections. It was McMasterdonia whose previous Delegacy was threatened by covert Confederation operations. (These operations were solemnly apologised for by Jocospor. An in-character response was issued to maintain the regional aesthetic; it seems that we can no longer even do that.) It was McMasterdonia who Linkinfiltrated the Confederation with the intent to cause it harm. It was McMasterdonia whom Jocospor criticised as a fervent member of the "World Assembly Elite", an often-misconstrued phrase denoting any NationStates player who amasses huge amounts of power and uses it to serve themselves. McMasterdonia has certainly done this, and often at the expense of others.
The unwarranted and barbaric quorum raids executed by The North Pacific Army are themselves an attack upon regional sovereignty, a value which McMasterdonia hypocritically champions. These quorum raids should be condemned by the NationStates community. They are blatant attacks against regions who merely dared to peacefully oppose The North Pacific's Ministry of World Assembly Affairs. That McMasterdonia would so casually subvert the democratic process should be viewed as a threat to the stability of NationStates.
Unquestionably, McMasterdonia's vendetta against the Confederation is personal, and does not appropriately represent The North Pacific's collective view.
While NationStates should bear The North Pacific’s collective community no ill-will, ordinary players should not fear to take a stand against the region whilst McMasterdonia remains its World Assembly Delegate. This is certainly the Confederation’s position.
Hail the Confederation!
The Corporate Conglomerate of Valerox
Lord Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
along with
The Corporate Empire of Depackya
Mouth and Will of the Emperor
The Empire of ShrewLlamaLand
Lord of Loathing of the Commission to the World Assembly
The Medical Dictatorship of HMS NHS
Lady Overseer of the Ministry of the Senate
The Corporate States of Aeioux
Lord Director of the Ministry of Home Affairs
on behalf of
The Shadow Cult of Jocospor
The Shadow Emperor
and all the member states of
Confederation of Corrupt Dictators
Authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Valerox. Copyright 2021.

Read dispatch
The North Pacific will always be a mighty region, but under the demagogue McMasterdonia, all of us in the World Assembly are threatened - unless, of course, we lick the tyrant's boot. This is a perfect example of a player who builds up their power only to punish others.
Take a stand,
The Confederation Imperial Council
through the Ministry of State Broadcasting
The Christmas Present Elf Santa of Wymondhamtag: delegates
19 minutes ago

Dear esteemed World Assembly Delegate,
Yes, it's me again.
I hope this telegram finds you well. I am writing to humbly ask that you approve the new and improved General Assembly proposal, authored by myself and Maowi, that I re-submitted earlier today in order to fix a minor illegality, Repeal: GAR#27 "Freedom of Assembly" -
You will probably remember the reasons why GAR#27 is no longer fit for purposes from my previous Telegram. If you want a reminder, you can view them in the spoiler below
Why GA#27 needs to be repealed and replaced
I would be extremely grateful for your approval (click the link below and scroll down) to help ensure that the World Assembly gets a chance to vote on a crucial improvement to legislation guaranteeing a fundamental right to countless people:
Best wishes,
(Feel free to contact me, again, via telegram with any thoughts or questions)
The Republic of Dimech
112 minutes ago
Be sure to vote "for" on the Protecting Sapient life to make a difference. Life is too sacred to be taken away
Share with as much as possible to make the change happen
WA campaign telegram
The Sopo Sloth Kingdom of Ambrella → tag: delegates
6 hours ago
Greetings, esteemed delegate!
I am writing to ask for your support for my Security Council resolution, Commend HEM.
HEM has a long and esteemed history in NationStates which includes impactful tenures in The South Pacific and The Land of Kings and Emperors. Perhaps most notable is his founding of Europeia in 2007 and his many subsequent contributions. HEM's legacy is one of powerful leadership, good governance, and mentorship.
Your approval will put this resolution honoring HEM's work before the Security Council. I'm happy to answer any questions or concerns you have and hope to have your support.
Best regards,
Ambrella (Sopo)

I also approved it
Dear %NATION%,

Greetings! I hope this telegram finds you well. I am writing to ask that you consider approving my General Assembly proposal, Right to Assemble:

Now that the World Assembly has passed the repeal of GA#27 Freedom of Assembly - a very old resolution which was unfortunately flawed in many ways - it is essential that we fill this crucial gap in WA law. My proposal addresses the issues for which GA#27 was repealed (having collaborated on it with the author of the repeal), ensuring that citizens of the WA are guaranteed the fundamental right to assemble and associate non-violently without hindrance or retaliation. However, the exceptions to this have been carefully created after extensive drafting to ensure the safety of uninvolved individuals, and the ability of member states to prevent widespread disorder.

You may have received/be shortly about to receive a telegram urging you to approve a different proposal on the same topic. I appeal to you to refrain from doing so. While the intention behind it is honest, its language leaves huge gaps, giving member states leeway to make free assembly extremely difficult by illegalising various actions necessary for the assembly. There is also a difference in the way assemblies promoting hate speech are handled, as explained below if you wish to read through a more detailed analysis.

Illegalisation loophole

Both proposed replacements include an exception to allow member states to intervene in non-violent assembly in order to prevent illegal activities from occurring, as well as the caveat that member states cannot declare that participation in non-violent assembly is itself an illegal activity.

The proposal authored by myself and Wymondham - “Right to Assemble” - includes a further protection: it prohibits member states from making it illegal to “carry out actions which, were they carried out in any circumstance other than non-violent assembly or association, would otherwise be considered legal.”

In other words, a member state cannot try to obstruct protests or other assembly by imposing unreasonable restrictions that are not present in any other normal situation. This is intended to allow member states to prevent protesters from putting others in danger, without allowing them to silence dissent and make peaceful protest a nightmare to engage in. That is the crucial language that is missing from the alternative proposal, “Right to Peaceful Assembly”.

Difference in approach to hate speech

In line with WA law on civil rights and discrimination, my proposed replacement permits member states to act to prevent the advocacy of hate towards another individual based on their “disability, nationality, race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or another arbitrary, reductive categorisation.” Furthermore, it mandates that member states deciding not to act in such situations must ensure the safety of the people being targeted by such hate speech. I truly believe this is the optimal way of guaranteeing the safety of all people involved in these situations, with minimal impact on honest, non-hateful assembly.

I would be very grateful for your approval of my proposal, Right to Assemble, so that it can reach the voting floor and the final decision on it be put in the hands of the WA as a whole. Feel free to telegram me or my co-author, Wymondham, if any clarification or more detailed reasoning would be helpful in any way.

With best wishes,


I have approve this proposal
Dear Esteemed Delegacy,

I am reaching out to you to humbly request that you approve my General Assembly Proposal, "Right To Peaceful Assembly". This proposal seeks to establish a right to peaceful assembly for people in all member states, a crucial right that has recently been stripped thanks to to the repeal of GAR #27, "Freedom Of Assembly" due to flaws in its writing.

By approving my proposal, you will help to ensure that this critical freedom is protected by World Assembly legislation. The link to approve the proposal may be found here:

You may also be aware of another replacement proposal, titled "Right To Assemble", authored by Maowi and Wymondham. Though written in good faith by excellent authors and people, I strongly encourage you to withhold or withdraw your approval from their proposal. This is due to two main reasons:

  • Article 5(a)(ii) of their proposal allows member states to broadly prohibit speech, even if it is not objectively hate speech, thanks to the loose wording within this clause. This has the great potential to be abused by authoritarian states to stifle free expression.
  • The proposal does not actually enshrine the right to peaceful assembly, instead using prohibitions on actions. This is a severe oversight, and when taken in concert with Article 5(a)(ii) of the their proposal can pose a devastating detriment to civil liberties.

I urge you to make the right choice, and approve my proposal; so that the right to peaceful assembly can be properly protected.


Greater Cesnica

I have approved this proposal
Hello delegate,

I would appreciate your approval of my proposal to Commend 1 very fast endotarter.

Coauthored by well-known author Honeydewistania, this proposal seeks to recognize the player behind the nominated nation (known as r3n) for their impressive contributions to the game of cards and NationStates as a whole. R3n is one of the founding members of the North Pacific Cards Guild, the largest and first regional card organization. Through this, they have gifted thousands of legendary cards to involved members, conducted pull events, created new programs, and provided technical support. To the greater NationStates, they have also created a searchable database of every card, an endotarting tool, and various other items listed in the proposal. The development of the Civil Defense Siren in particular is critical to combating fascism in NationStates.

Read the proposal here:,

Thank you in advance!

Noahs Second Country

I have approved this proposal
he Self-Administrative City of Tinhamptontag: delegates, -nation: tinhampton, -nation: greater_cesnica, -nation: madison_and_wisconsin, -nation: hyperico, -nation: saint_jonas, -nation: mikeswill, -nation: chicken_cutlet, -nation: the_new_polish_empire, -nation: kustonia, -nation: sstrayaa, -nation: cruciland
8 minutes ago

Greetings, Delegate. If you look at The World, you will note that Ankh Morpork's WFE now begins with an exhortation to "ban fascists and neo Nazis once and for all from NationStates."
If you believe that fascism has (or should have) no place on NationStates, then please approve Commend Ankh-Morpork Founder, a symbolic display of support for the nation that introduced this statement to Ankh Morpork's WFE. Ta muchly.
WA campaign telegram
The Republic of Ankh-Morpork Founder → tag: delegates
39 minutes ago
Dear Delegate McMasterdonia,
Today, Ankh Morpork became the featured region. I refounded Ankh-Morpork Founder to edit Ankh Morpork's World Factbook Entry to send a clear message that there is zero room for real life neo Nazis and fascists to continue to roam unchecked on NationStates.
Delegate Tinhampton of Auctor very kindly authored the proposal 'Commend Ankh-Morpork Founder to acknowedge Ankh Morpork's protest against fascism: (page=UN_view_proposal/id=tinhampton_1612692890).
I do not personally deserve this commendation. It may be a joke proposal but what is an even bigger joke and disgrace is that real life neo Nazis and fascists are allowed to recruit members on NationStates. This is wrong and must stop.
They may claim that they are merely 'roleplaying' as fascist nations. This is untrue. It is clear to the majority of nations that regions such as Nazi Europa, Genua and Fifth Empire are recruiting zones for IRL fascists and neo Nazis who indoctrinate naive new players into their poisonous ideology.
Delegates, I ask you to approve Commend Ankh-Morpork Founder (page=UN_view_proposal/id=tinhampton_1612692890) as a loud, assertive protest against the continued presence of fascists and neo Nazis on NationStates.
Today, I am launching a petition to ban real life neo Nazis and fascists from NationStates forever. Delegates, I ask that you sign the petition. I also ask that you go back to your respective regional governments and ask that your region supports this extremely important petition. The link to the petition is below:
Thank you Delegates.
Kind regards,
Gradea / Ankh-Morpork Founder / The Langburn Islands
Please approve 'Commend Ankh-Morpork Founder' page=UN_view_proposal/id=tinhampton_1612692890
WA campaign telegram
The Republic of Jedinsto → Marlida, Marriane Best Girl, Matallian Aaland, Mathmagia, Matonis, Mauerbluemchen, Maxconian Khal, McMasterdonia
3 hours ago
Hello, delegates. If you are opposed to nukes, or would at least like them to be regulated, you would want to vote to approve my proposal page=UN_view_proposal/id=jedinsto_1612752354 . This proposal stops WA nations from nuking each other out of the blue, but allows you to nuke non-WA members without regulation, as they may do the same to you.
WA campaign telegram
The Self-Administrative City of Tinhampton → HumanSanity, Valerity, Sukiato Stanners, Fighting Everyone, Aredita, Free Azell, Russia Major, Arenado, Saint Kus Viseatanumpance, LollerLand, Red nation state, Mekhania, Lesser Velutaria, Sapim, Isaris, Thermodolia, The Slavic Rus, Mikeswill, Qudrath, 2 more
105 minutes ago
Greetings, Delegate. Please retract your approval from Right to Assemble by Maowi and - if you have not done so already - approve Right To Peaceful Assembly by Greater Cesnica.
There are many flaws with Maowi's proposal. For instance, Article 5(b) requires that member states "take all steps necessary to ensure the safety of" any person or group who is the target of hate speech at a non-violent assembly due to their possession of an arbitrary and reductive characteristic; while this is viable for many individuals or small groups, it is hard to imagine how this can be effectively enforced in relation to hate speech directed towards the entirety of a sizable religious or ethnic minority (due to a lack of police resources) or a foreign leader who already receives substantial round-the-clock protection from their own government, for instance.
WA campaign telegram
The Crown Republic of Greater Cesnica → tag: delegates
6 hours ago
Greetings, Esteemed Delegacy,
I am reaching out to request your approval for my General Assembly proposal, Right To Secure Digital Communication.
This resolution seeks to preserve the ability to achieve privacy and security in the the era of digital communication via encryption methods and other secure communication methods. Additionally, it also prevents member states from carrying out activities such as adding "backdoors" into devices and other platforms, requiring the use of insecure and potentially dangerous methods of encryption and other such technologies, and requiring third parties to develop tools to help unauthorized parties violate the integrity of private communications
Such legislation is of critical necessity, as things like state-mandated backdoors inherently compromise the security of devices and platforms, leaving them open to attack by malicious actors; while prohibitions on encryption and secure communication methods prevent the integrity of private digital communications from being preserved, which could lead to interception during transit of such communications by bad actors.
To approve this critical legislation, click the link here: page=UN_view_proposal/id=greater_cesnica_1612933360
Thank you for your time,
The Greater Cesnican Delegation to the World Assembly

I approved this proposal
WA campaign telegram
The Holy Machine of Boston Castle → tag: template
39 minutes ago
Greetings Ambassador of McMasterdonia,
We write to you today to humbly request that you support "Whistleblower Protection Act", a proposal our delegation has submitted to the General Assembly.
The protection of those who expose government and business wrongdoing is an essential part of civil rights protections. This proposal, by delineating what whistleblowers, and the media outlets who report on them, can and cannot be punished for will help to shore up extant gaps in international law to provide for more open and transparent government processes in all of our nations. With your support we can ensure a new level of transparency in our nations and also ensure that those who abuse the system for malicious ends are also held to account: page=UN_view_proposal/id=boston_castle_1613106100
Yours sincerely,
~~Boston Castle

I have approved the proposal.
WA campaign telegram
The Founder of Yodle → tag: api
6 hours ago
Greetings Delegate McMasterdonia,
As a fellow Delegate to the World Assembly, you have the power to make or break a proposal by being the gatekeeper to it being brought to a vote on the floor. As such, I kindly ask that you consider approving a proposal that has recently been submitted to this fine establishment. It is a proposal that seeks to repeal "Commend Northern Borland." Given that the vote which passed the original commendation was so close, I believe that it is only just that repeal be brought onto the floor to give the community a second chance to voice their opinion. If it were to pass, then the community would speak up and reverse course on what was originally voted on, but if it were to fail then that would be an affirmation the commendation was justified.
The link to the proposal will be down below, so I ask that you vote to give the NationStates community a second chance to vote on a contentious commendation that barely passed in the first place.
Thank you,
The Second Best of Noahs Second Countrytag: api
6 hours ago

Hello delegate,
I am once again asking for your approval of a proposal I wrote.
You may be aware that the recent passage of Commend Northern Borland was incredibly close. I've drafted up a repeal of the resolution to give the World Assembly a chance to reconsider this choice.
SC#342 contradicts itself multiple times and ultimately makes a joke out of the Security Council. By voting to pass it, we have indirectly acknowledged stats like obesity, death rate, and corruption to be positive. A condemnation would be much better suited for the Borland nations, in my opinion.
I acknowledge that the resolution is funny and I also believe that nations can be recognized for their World Census statistics. However, this is not the way to go about it. Additionally, if you have approved Aya Democratic Republic's proposal, I urge you to remove it. Their repeal is unfortunately filled with formatting errors and misses a few key points, which led me to write a repeal of my own.
My repeal can be found at this link: page=UN_view_proposal/id=noahs_second_country_1613221144
Thank you in advance,
Noahs Second Country.
WA campaign telegram
The Holy Callistan Tsar of Sorianora → tag: delegates
13 hours ago
Hello esteemed delegate McMasterdonia,
I humbly ask you to approve my proposal to liberate the embassy.
As you know the embassy was recently raided in a joint operation by Lily, Europeia, The Black Hawks, Lone Wolves United, and Karma.
My proposal, Liberate The Embassy, will knock down the borders and take the region back!
The Embassy had been an anti-fash region and once it is liberated we can begin to spread its message once again!
WA campaign telegram
The Lacking of HumanSanity → tag: delegates
7 hours ago
Delegates of the World Assembly,
I write to you in urgency: The Embassy has been infiltrated and seized by hostile raiding forces.
Though there already exists a proposal to liberate this region, its haste in development ensures its eventual failure. I have written a proposal to clearly explain the necessity of a Security Council Liberation for the region, while avoiding giving unnecessary recognition to occupying forces.
I humbly ask for your help in supporting this proposal, that we allow the natives who reside within the region to keep their RMB, and allow the community there to continue to act as a hub for interregional communication.
Join me in approving the following proposal: page=UN_view_proposal/id=humansanity_1613341259
Delegate of 10000 Islands
WA campaign telegram
The Workers State of Free Las Pinas → tag: api
4 hours ago
Greetings, and Happy Valentine's Day, Delegate!
Today, I reach out to you to request that you approve my proposal, "Supporting People with Disabilities".
The proposal urges member nations to make day-to-day lives of people with disabilities easier, ensuring easier access to assistive technologies, forbidding discriminatory treatment against people with disabilities in workplaces, and granting people with disabilities the right to know relevant details pertaining to their disability that would have otherwise been ignored, still acknowledging whether such information could be obtained by their doctor. In addition to these requirements, the proposal encourages systems of education for those with visual, hearing, and/or intellectual disabilities, should such systems not already exist, a positive stance on disabilities in mainstream media and public spaces, and research on products that would benefit people with disabilities further.
To approve of this proposal, click this link: page=UN_view_proposal/id=free_las_pinas_1613281039
Kind regards,
Ambassador Sebastian Castellvi
WA campaign telegram
The Fash Bashing First Minister of Radicalania → tag: delegates
13 hours ago
Good evening esteemed World Assembly Delegate McMasterdonia,
As you and your region may have noted recently, Commend Northern Borland recently passed the Security Council. A humorous and well written resolution, Commend Northern Borland scraped past the 50% marker, due to the controversy surrounding Commending such a nation for its horrific deeds.
It's for that reason, I've submitted the proposal Repeal Commend Norther Borland, and am coming to you to ask for support. We need you, as World Assembly Delegates to take action and approve the resolution.
Northern Borland is a villainous nation, and does not present itself in a positive manner at all. From its citizens' lack of education, to them dying during puberty, Northern Borland represents everything that as World Assembly Members we should be seeking to Condemn. Celebrating problems such as a booming funeral industry, child gambling laws, and applauded alcoholism, SCR#342 makes a mockery of the Security Council.
It is my hope that a repeal of the resolution will spark talks of a Condemnation of Northern Borland, and continue upholding the image of the Security Assembly we have come to expect. But to do that, this resolution must get to vote.
We need you McMasterdonia to Repeal Commend Norther Borland.
For more information, and to review the drafting procedure or discuss the resolution, please click here.
Thank you for your time, and if there are any questions you have, don't hesitate to get in touch!
WA campaign telegram
The Low-Key Den Mother of Octal → tag: wa
6 hours ago
Good wishes to you Reader,
As you may or may not be aware, the Security Council of the World Assembly recently passed a Commendation for Northern Borland. This earth-shattering resolution seems to have shaken the World Assembly to it's very core.
In the five days since it's passing, I have been inundated with telegrams, telling me how it must surely have been a mistake, the vote count was far too close, and given another chance, we would surely strip Northern Borland of their commendation, and God-willing, finally pass one of those Condemnations that we just can't seem to garner enough support to squeak out a win!
I'm kidding, of course!
You know what the World Assembly lacks? Diversity! Something that Northern Borland and the other parts of the Borland Empire have in droves! A virtue that is extolled in the wonderfully written SC#342! The World Assembly would stuff us all into the same box, never taking one step out of line. Only welcome if we hold the same values, in the same ways.
One proposed repeal claims that the Commendation is "unsophisticated drivel", yet a few paragraphs above calls it "openly sarcastic". Was it not Oscar Wilde (famed author) who wrote, "Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit but the highest form of intelligence"? SC#342 provides us with a smorgasbord of words, skillfully laid out in a meal lasting several courses! SC#342 toes a fine albeit dangerous line, and cleverly shows us that what some may believe to be failings of the highest order, can be beneficial to a people, or hold unexpected silver linings! Sure, people may be dying young and quite suddenly in the Borlands, but this doesn't mean they aren't living life to the fullest! They reside in an empire that grants them a litany of liberties!
I admit, I'm being somewhat facetious here, but what can I say? I'm quite fond of the works of Oscar Wilde.
To me, it seems quite telling that the last few Condemnations have failed, and the Commendation succeeded. Okay, yes, it was very close, but resolutions have been close calls in the past! That's a pretty shaky foundation to base a repeal on; just because you don't like it, we have to try again and again and again, ad nauseam?!
If you are a Delegate who has given their approval, I ask you to reconsider and remove that approval. Why can't we show our appreciation for the things that make Northern Borland unique?
If you are simply a member of the World Assembly, I would ask that you keep your mind open, and look at things from more than just one angle. Should any of these repeals successfully make it onto the Security Council floor, please read this again, and "Vote Against".
Thank you for the time you may, or may not, have taken in reading this missive, from my mind to yours,
WA Delegate & CEO
Capitalist Paradise
WA campaign telegram
The Politeia of Odysseus → tag: delegates, -region: Conch Kingdom, -region: 10000 Islands, -region: Refugia, -region: Lands End, -region: Cape of Good Hope, -region: Ridgefield, -region: Auctor
13 hours ago
Postmarked: Prestigious Principality of McMasterdonia
I yearn for your yes on yonder yammering:
A foul fellow Frenchy,
Known for nefarious nightraiding on naive natives,
Concerning she, I conclude a condemn is convenient and congenial to all.
Please my proposal approve promptly: page=UN_view_proposal/id=odysseus_1613419472
-Politeia of Odysseus
WA campaign telegram
The Holy Blue Monarchy of Aredita → tag: delegates
4 minutes ago
Honorary Delegates,
I would like to humbly request for your support my Security Council Proposal To Condemn Lily.
For years, Lily has been raiding regions just for popularity and recruitment. I'm sure you know someone or have been a victim of the condemnable actions. I know that I have. It’s time that we took a stand to stop these vicious crimes. To condemn all of the distress Lily has caused!
Never before has the Security Council taken actions to Condemn Lily. However, that can change. All you have to do is approve of my proposal. (page=UN_view_proposal/id=aredita_1613600684) I need 6% of all WA Delegates to approve this if we want it to go to vote.
If you have any questions, please telegram me. I'll do my best to answer them. Or you can ask on my discussion thread.
Thank you for your time, and consideration,
The Constitutional Monarchy Of Aredita
Never knew one telegram could make me cringe so hard

WA campaign telegram
The Endorse Nociav of Libertanny → tag: delegates, -nation: dushkaria
58 minutes ago
Most honorable Delegates,
When I woke up today, I have been expecting yet another peaceful and lazy morning. Yet the smell of fresh winter wind and light of cold sun told me, that something unusual is happening. I have looked around, but I spotted nothing odd. I decided to light my cigarette, and whilst inhaling its flavors, out of nowhere, I have decided to check the World Assembly. It's a thing, that I don't do too often.
And I noticed the unusual, but promising and interesting event. A masterpiece, known as "Condemn Libertanny" has been submitted as a Security Council proposal. And I can't, but request you to approve the proposal, which can be found here: page=UN_view_proposal/id=vikanias_1613694658
I cannot, but truly and fully support this proposal. As we all know and realize, Libertanny has:
- Threatened 10000 Islands with repealing the treaty between XKI and TEP;
- Continuously disrespected LollerLand, Delegate of Caer Sidi,
- Declared war on Regional Message Board of Europeia twice in past 6 months;
- Has destroyed the fruitful and promising alliance between The East Pacific and The West Pacific, which as a result caused Libertanny to be considered Official Enemy of The West Pacific;
- Has, alongside JoWhatup, organized the biggest and most successful raid in modern history of NationStates, which as a result has enslaved the peaceful and innocent region of Alnobia, which was known as Operation Boom Beach;
- Has brought The East Pacific closer to defender side of military gameplay, therefore going against TEP's traditional values;
- Has fallen under influence of A mean old man, which as a result, caused AMOM to become the indirect leader of The East Pacific;
And whilst the proposal doesn't mention most of those, I truly believe, that Libertanny should be condemned.
Therefore, I am once again requesting, that you approve this proposal.
WA campaign telegram
The Lacking of HumanSanity → tag: delegates
70 minutes ago
Esteemed Delegates,
Liberate The Embassy has passed, and now defenders have been able to stabilize the region and begin the process of returning it to native control.
At this point, removing the Liberation is essential to allow The Embassy to have a new, secure password and enable its long term security from future invasions. I realize it seems odd to undo such a measure, however mechanically this is the best option for the region’s future, and it is supported by the region’s leadership.
Please approve this proposal here: page=UN_view_proposal/id=alcala-cordel_1613802066
Delegate of 10000 Islands
WA campaign telegram
The Islamic Republic of Emmiria → tag: delegates
Seconds ago
Honorable Delegates of the World Assembly,
I have submitted a proposal to the Security Council in which I propose we commend Zamastan, the founder of the Coalition of Crown Albatross.
I request you APPROVE the proposal, which can be found here: page=UN_view_proposal/id=emmiria_1613944072
Beyond the accomplishments listed in the proposal, Zamastan has shown time and time again a unique aspect of kindness, humanity, and hospitality that has been extremely important and fulfilling to the community of the Coalition of Crown Albatross during this past year of pandemic-induced life. From encouraging those going through difficult life moments and sharing genuine human connection with others, they are beyond worthy of acknowledgement.
Beyond that, of course, they have been a profound and influential member in multiple regions where they have constructively and positively contributed to the administrative functions and expanded in-game lore of everywhere they have been.
This is my first proposal to the WA, but I believe wholeheartedly that Zamastan is deserving of commendation for their actions throughout their time in NationStates.
Once again, you can find the proposal here: page=UN_view_proposal/id=emmiria_1613944072
Received again

The Islamic Republic of Emmiria → tag: delegates
4 hours ago
Honorable Delegates of the World Assembly,
I have re-submitted a proposal to the Security Council in which I propose we commend Zamastan, the founder of the Coalition of Crown Albatross.
I request you APPROVE the proposal, which can be found here: page=UN_view_proposal/id=emmiria_1613949339
(Re-submitted due to wording in conflict with rule 2a & 2b: - e.g. "gameplay", "real life", "Covid-19")
Beyond the accomplishments listed in the proposal, Zamastan has shown time and time again a unique aspect of kindness, humanity, and hospitality that has been extremely important and fulfilling to the community of the Coalition of Crown Albatross during this past year of pandemic-induced life. From encouraging those going through difficult life moments and sharing genuine human connection with others, they are beyond worthy of acknowledgement.
Beyond that, of course, they have been a profound and influential member in multiple regions where they have constructively and positively contributed to the administrative functions and expanded in-game lore of everywhere they have been.
This is my first proposal to the WA, but I believe wholeheartedly that Zamastan is deserving of commendation for their actions throughout their time in NationStates.
Once again, you can find the proposal here: page=UN_view_proposal/id=emmiria_1613944072
WA campaign telegram
The Eco-Socialist Republic of Sylh Alanor → tag: template
59 minutes ago
Good morning McMasterdonia,
The right of workers to be represented and treated fairly in their workplace is an important one. Therefore, it’s vital that any resolution seeking to regulate workplace or union practices utilise clear and effective language. Approaching something halfway only allows employers to exploit and abuse their workers.
The central issue with ‘GAR#530: Fairness in Collective Bargaining’ is that its language accomplishes exactly the opposite of that. The text of clause 4 gives incredible power to employers to exploit their workers. Labour unions are prohibited from ‘requiring excessive dues’ without defining what excessive is, allowing governments to label any amount as excessive and thereby preventing unions from raising funds. The resolution also prevents unions from protecting the pay or hours of workers as long as the employer states that worker was ‘unneeded’.
This repeal is being written in concert with a replacement draft that we hope provides a safer foundation for the relationship between labour unions and employers.
Please approve my proposal here: page=UN_view_proposal/id=sylh_alanor_1613955865
Thank you so much for reading,
Sylh Alanor
The Diplomacy of Jedinsto → tag: api
2 hours ago
Dear McMasterdonia,
As we face an ever-increasing threat of nuclear war, I ask that you approve this proposal. It prevents unnecessary nuclear warfare, while preserving the right of nations to defend against WMDs and otherwise serious attacks with their own nuclear weaponry.
Please approve the proposal here: page=UN_view_proposal/id=jedinsto_1614013309
WA campaign telegram
The Islamic Republic of Emmiria → tag: delegates
15 hours ago
Honorable Delegates of the World Assembly,
I have re-submitted a proposal to the Security Council in which I propose we commend Zamastan, the founder of the Coalition of Crown Albatross.
I request you APPROVE the proposal, which can be found here: page=UN_view_proposal/id=emmiria_1614120327
(Re-submitted due to wording in conflict with rule 2a & 2b: - e.g. "gameplay", "real life", "immersion to NationStates")
Beyond the accomplishments listed in the proposal, Zamastan has shown time and time again a unique aspect of kindness, humanity, and hospitality that has been extremely important and fulfilling to the community of the Coalition of Crown Albatross during this past year of pandemic-induced life. From encouraging those going through difficult life moments and sharing genuine human connection with others, they are beyond worthy of acknowledgement.
Beyond that, of course, they have been a profound and influential member in multiple regions where they have constructively and positively contributed to the administrative functions and expanded in-game lore of everywhere they have been.
This is my first proposal to the WA, but I believe wholeheartedly that Zamastan is deserving of commendation for their actions throughout their time in NationStates.
Once again, you can find the proposal here: page=UN_view_proposal/id=emmiria_1614120327
WA campaign telegram
The Chipmunk Caliphate of Crowheim → tag: api
41 minutes ago
Hello delegates, and I hope this telegram finds you well!
I'm reaching out today because I'm seeking your approval for my General Assembly proposal, The Gay Panic Defense Ban. This legislation is important for a number of reasons, and I'll walk you through why below:
What is the Gay Panic Defense?
The Gay Panic Defense is a legal strategy in which a defendant attempts to justify an unprovoked violent crime, often assault or murder, against an LGBTQ+ person on the basis that the mere discovery or knowledge of this persons sexuality, gender identity, or sex was enough to send them into a violent rage or that said violent rage was enough to clear their name of any wrongdoing.
Why Should You Approve My Proposal?
Well, I doubt I have to explain the homophobic and bigoted inclinations of the topic above. The Gay Panic Defense Ban aims to officially outlaw the practice for these reasons, and ensure that the court systems of all World Assembly member states are finally fair for those who identify as LGBTQ+. This is an issue that I personally am passionate about, and I think it's important to the advancement of civil rights in our World Assembly. I hope that you all feel the same way and hope to see your approvals in support of LGBTQ+ rights, a fair court system, and a more equal playing field for everyone. Just click either of the links in this telegram to go see the proposal, and hopefully approve it!
Thank you for your time,
Greetings Esteemed Delegacy,
I am reaching out to request your approval for my Security Council resolution, [link=page=UN_view_proposal/id=the_chuck_1614574860]Commending Valentine Z[/link], if you have not yet done so.
Valentine Z is a nation that has contributed immensely to the world, having curated every national issue and the related statistics to national issue responses, having developed an application to quickly retrieve the value of different art, and having published informative dispatches covering a number of topics among other achievements. Such effort is overdue for being recognized by the World Assembly, and thus warrants commending Valentine Z. The proposal can be found here: page=UN_view_proposal/id=the_chuck_1614574860
Thank you for your time,
The Chuck

I have approved this
The Township of Junitaki-cho → tag: delegates, -nation: regunalia, -nation: orioni 2, -nation: rakraine, -nation: koxor, -nation: astrum nigrum, -nation: the pop punk union, -nation: infernia, -nation: khavar-niscea, -nation: the regalian underland, -nation: dushkaria, 2 more
6 hours ago
World Assembly Delegates,
Labour unions are profoundly important in giving workers leverage and support against injustices by their employers. We've just repealed GAR#530: Fairness in Collective Bargaining, because of its far-reaching anti-union consequences, but the WA still lacks strong pro-worker legislation to ensure equity in workplace practices.
To this end, I've written Protecting the Rights of Labour Unions, a referendum which would take GAR#530's premise and expand it with more comprehensive, common sense mandates for labour union practices and protections, while still ensuring checks and balances on unions. I hope you'll take a look and grant your approval, so we can vote on this issue which affects all our nations.
You can view and approve this proposal here: