TNP Meme Contest Voting

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St George

RolePlay Moderator
Deputy Speaker
He/Him, They/Them
It's time to decide who has the Meme-iest Meme, who submitted the best meme in all of TNP and beyond. But first, some housekeeping - This line in the dispatch "If you have a nation in the region endorsing the Delegate-elect McMasterdonia, you will get a bonus vote.", could be read in multiple ways, so to clarify, if you have a nation in the region endorsing McMasterdonia and submitted a meme, that (or those) meme (or memes) get an additional vote. In addition to that, if you have a nation in the region and are endorsing McMasterdonia, you also get an additional vote on your ballot. They'll be a ballot at the end of this post to show you how to vote. :0

And now... for the memes!

That's a lotta memes. Anyway - here's how to vote:
Nation in TNP:
Are you endorsing McMasterdonia? (We'll check, don't lie smh):

Vote 1:
Vote 2:
Vote 3:
Vote 4 (only use this one if you're endorsing McMasterdonia):
Voting is open until 10PM EST on the 20th of January.
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Nation in TNP: Great New Canada
Are you endorsing McMasterdonia? : Yes

Vote 1: Wonderess 2
Vote 2: Cascadian Bioregion 1
Vote 3: Nimarya
Vote 4: Rivering Waters 3
Nation in TNP: not to fret
Are you endorsing McMasterdonia? (We'll check, don't lie smh): no

Vote 1: zaviana
Vote 2: Em 1
Vote 3: Comfed 1
Nation in TNP: Yamantau
Are you endorsing McMasterdonia? (We'll check, don't lie smh): Yes

Vote 1: Cascadian Bioregion 3
Vote 2: Nimarya
Vote 3: Wonderess 1
Vote 4 (only use this one if you're endorsing McMasterdonia): Dreadton
Nation in TNP: Loli County
Are you endorsing McMasterdonia? (We'll check, don't lie smh): Ofc

Vote 1: Wonderess 1
Vote 2: Em 1
Vote 3: Nimarya
Vote 4 (only use this one if you're endorsing McMasterdonia): Dreadton
Nation in TNP: Dangine
Are you endorsing McMasterdonia? (We'll check, don't lie smh): Yes

Vote 1: Eluvatar 2
Vote 2: Yamantau Em 1
Vote 3: Riveringwaters 2
Vote 4 (only use this one if you're endorsing McMasterdonia): Yamantau Em 2
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Nation in TNP: Sanjurika
Are you endorsing McMasterdonia? (We'll check, don't lie smh): nope

Vote 1: Comfed 1
Vote 2: Praetor 3
Vote 3: Nimarya
Nation in TNP: The Cascadian Bioregion
Are you endorsing McMasterdonia? (We'll check, don't lie smh): Yes

Vote 1:Wonderess 1
Vote 2:Nimarya
Vote 3:Cereskia
Vote 4 (only use this one if you're endorsing McMasterdonia):Comfed 1
Nation in TNP: Francois Isidore
Are you endorsing McMasterdonia? (We'll check, don't lie smh): Yes!

Vote 1: Praetor 3
Vote 2: Praetor 1
Vote 3: Wonderess 1
Vote 4 (only use this one if you're endorsing McMasterdonia): Comfed 2
Nation in TNP: The Democratic Kingdom of Skaraborg
Are you endorsing McMasterdonia? (We'll check, don't lie smh): Yup

Vote 1: Comfed 1
Vote 2: The Cascadian Bioregion 2
Vote 3: Yamantau Em 1
Vote 4 (only use this one if you're endorsing McMasterdonia): Riveringwaters 2
Nation in TNP: Xagill
Are you endorsing McMasterdonia? (We'll check, don't lie smh): Yes

Vote 1: Eluvatar 2
Vote 2: Yamantau Em 1
Vote 3: Wonderess 1
Vote 4 (only use this one if you're endorsing McMasterdonia): Praetor 3
Nation in TNP: Pallaith
Are you endorsing McMasterdonia? (We'll check, don't lie smh): Yes (duh)

Vote 1: Praetor 3
Vote 2: Wonderess 1
Vote 3: Yamantau Em 2
Vote 4 (only use this one if you're endorsing McMasterdonia): Nimarya
Nation in TNP: Bobberino
Are you endorsing McMasterdonia? (We'll check, don't lie smh): Yes

Vote 1: Comfed 2
Vote 2: Wonderess 1
Vote 3: Nimarya
Vote 4 (only use this one if you're endorsing McMasterdonia): Eluvatar 2
Nation in TNP: Westinor
Are you endorsing McMasterdonia? (We'll check, don't lie smh): Yes

Vote 1: Nimarya
Vote 2: Wonderess 1
Vote 3: Eluvatar 1
Vote 4 (only use this one if you're endorsing McMasterdonia): Praetor 1
Nation in TNP: New Celoveniortan
Are you endorsing McMasterdonia? (We'll check, don't lie smh): Yes

Vote 1: Cereskia
Vote 2: Dreadron
Vote 3: Wonderess 1
Vote 4 (only use this one if you're endorsing McMasterdonia): Wonderess 2
Nation in TNP: Great Bights Mum
Are you endorsing McMasterdonia? (We'll check, don't lie smh):

Vote 1: Wonderess 1
Vote 2: Wonderess 2
Vote 3: Eluvatar 1
Vote 4 (only use this one if you're endorsing McMasterdonia): Nimarya
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