- TNP Nation
- Unitegone
FOR INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO USE THIS TEMPLATE, SEE https://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/9067664/
Remember to change the [Your Nation] at the end of the telegram to the name of your nation! In order to collect accurate delivery report data, we ask that you please create a new template every time we send out a new list, instead of saving and reusing the template IDs.
To make your claim, please post below in this thread using this form:
For "claim" put the range of rows you intend to complete, and for "number of rows" put how many rows total you have claimed. When you are finished with your rows, you MUST edit your post to fill in the "delivered" and "blocked" sections of the form. Otherwise, we will assume the rows were not completed and record that in the roster as such. For the first 24 hours after this list is posted, there will be a limit to the number of rows you can claim at once. You are not prevented from claiming multiple times within those 24 hours, so long as you complete the rows you had claimed previously before claiming more. When the first 24 hours is up, the limit for row claiming will be removed so that lists can be finished as needed.
Remember to change the [Your Nation] at the end of the telegram to the name of your nation! In order to collect accurate delivery report data, we ask that you please create a new template every time we send out a new list, instead of saving and reusing the template IDs.
To make your claim, please post below in this thread using this form:
Claim: (ex. 150-200) Number of rows: (ex. 50) Delivered: Blocked: |
Hello there!
The January 2021 General Election is now over and [nation]McMasterdonia[/nation] and [nation]Cretox State[/nation] were elected Delegate and Vice-Delegate, respectively.
In order to ensure that the transition occurs as fast as possible, we need all TNP residents in the World Assembly to endorse the elected pair. Our records show that you have not endorsed at least one of the above nations.
Therefore, to allow the Delegate and Vice-Delegate to become number 1 and 2 in endorsements, please ensure that you have endorsed both [nation]McMasterdonia[/nation] and [nation]Cretox State[/nation] as soon as possible.
Thank you for assisting with the smooth transition of power. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.
[Your Name]
1 | 2nd_confederacy_of_independent_systems, 5erreno, aaa_provisional_empire, abrahamland, ac_micronation_principality_of_julian_kg, acrabinnia, adanus, aesland, +region:the_north_pacific |
2 | agladar, agratele, aidiarnia, aingard, ajibola, al_zuro, alagasia_ii, alakanasas, +region:the_north_pacific |
3 | alamei, alenatia, alfsky, alleno, alnizal, al-roanine, alsatian_island, amberra_e_terranova, +region:the_north_pacific |
4 | amderlask, amstaad, amzeyones, andonia, andorica, angbad, angmari, angortheish, +region:the_north_pacific |
5 | anima_liberalis, anne_hathaway, anousland, antavaria, aons, aostria, aquila_islands, araragi, +region:the_north_pacific |
7 | arcanstotska, archadien, arichia, arkad, arquadea, arson, arstungry, aruvicion, +region:the_north_pacific |
8 | ascenon, asia_alt, asnar, asslands, astaaria, astrind, astronomical, asyllum, +region:the_north_pacific |
9 | atlat_tric, atrito, attelooch, austerealia, austrian_confederacy, authoron, azadnara, aztecopia, +region:the_north_pacific |
10 | azur_iane, azzadoni, bahial, balashnika, balgand_dis, balzaria, bavaristan, bawrai, +region:the_north_pacific |
11 | bear_islands, beareldon, bearical, beeg_beeg, belamyra, belfagoria, belin_antenia, bendover69420, +region:the_north_pacific |
12 | benefits_of_beeftins_and_feetbins, bergezia, bhad_bhiddie_city, biritza, blue_rogues, bobertus, bonunross_and_adutosr, bourbon_drinkers, +region:the_north_pacific |
13 | box_mathad, brannaland, britain_v3, british_bayonet, broadwayville, bruhast, brutinia_sandalist, buca_e_buco, +region:the_north_pacific |
14 | buckerino, bulgerzena, burger_king_and_watermelon, burmane, buschgardensburg, butimere, butthurtius, calberbia, +region:the_north_pacific |
15 | canlonia, capitista, carlinland, cartel_eleven, cartheen, castarria, catalis, cathy_myschittland, +region:the_north_pacific |
16 | centristin, chadizian, chaverpsed, cheerago, chowda, classoland, clownistan, cofederacy_of_toads, +region:the_north_pacific |
17 | coja_virdan, comfed, commitoria, commonwealth_of_astoria, commoterre, conservative_state_of_poland, contordia, cooming, +region:the_north_pacific |
18 | cornwallis_bay, coronapolis, crimson_south_tides, crimsonskullonia, crystalline_beekeepers_united, curacaoin, cyor, dailly, +region:the_north_pacific |
19 | dandal, dannyton, dark_warchief, darth_maki, deadria_callison, delta_rebublic, delvador, democratic_switzerland_republic, +region:the_north_pacific |
20 | democratu, dercia, determined_nation, dimech, disunited_earth, dogologo, dowaktar, dreylus, +region:the_north_pacific |
21 | drosnakajak, dubanska, dutchyland, dylanana, dyrenell, easiest, east_quincy, eastern_azur, +region:the_north_pacific |
22 | eastern_bengal, eastern_karnils, eastern_marna, eastern_valskovia, eastern_winesian, easternryke, eckman, efectivstan, +region:the_north_pacific |
23 | ekonia, elevation, elorenicia, embassys_of_pluto, embrines, empire_of_prosperia, england_and_east_cornwall, equalitie, +region:the_north_pacific |
24 | ermarian, ertugrul_bey, eshica, eskela, estado_etnico_castellano, estrevakia, ethan_the_terrible, ethmerica, +region:the_north_pacific |
25 | european_nation_state, eylstadt_izetta, ezpen, f0g, faircliff, falamia, federation_of_centrallia, feelonia, +region:the_north_pacific |
26 | felicitatem_in_libertatem, felora, fem_valley, fickastan, fiel_bardulia, finely_unionized_network, finland-benelux, flemingovia, +region:the_north_pacific |
27 | fluffy_panda, foyt_islands, fraguale_cothe, fraystonia, free_habsburg, free_osean, free_salvation, free_state_of_ancapistan, +region:the_north_pacific |
28 | freefall_tribes, freelain, f-thesystem, fugandia, fully-autonomous_gay-space_luxury, fxii, gargantuon, gllop, +region:the_north_pacific |
29 | gmt2001, gnomewatchers, gobund_cria, golderion, good_united_states_of_america, goshuizmus, govornia, goyanes, +region:the_north_pacific |
30 | grand_duchy_of_helsinki, gransl, great_and_glorious_martese_unionins, great_jenovah, great_potato_union, greater_covenantland, greater_new_promaya, greysonlandia, +region:the_north_pacific |
31 | habanan, ham_federation, haor_chall, happy_totoro, heatherhart, heloonia, herculo, herzliyya, +region:the_north_pacific |
32 | holat, holy_autism_empire, hospitallar_hydrus, humptalumpta, hunter, husiland, hyperbanus, hyw, +region:the_north_pacific |
33 | i_like_killing_people, icier_iceland, iconic_republic, idetal, ikilandia, ilisseia, ilmatil, imperial_american_patriots, +region:the_north_pacific |
34 | imperial_walib_dnaland, imperium_pacem, inconiark_federation, indbharat, indoskovia, inluck, iranian_union_states, irish-wales_empire, +region:the_north_pacific |
35 | isale_eko, ischaemia, islanasu, islanublar, islicio, iudaeah, ivernary, jaemir, +region:the_north_pacific |
36 | jcory, jedallia, jetter, jinju-do, joeeicaidsland, joie_kristiana, jurbi, kalinigrade, +region:the_north_pacific |
37 | kamoar, kaozakstan, kashyyykkkk, katamba, kaulakistan, kazuka, kienholz, kievan_komondo, +region:the_north_pacific |
38 | kingdom_of_the_rook, kingdom_of_unity, kingt, kitabo, kitty_terrorists, klegsethgrad, knitehorn, kobagia, +region:the_north_pacific |
39 | kostbone, krauhn, krembrule, kroken, krondia, kureizen, kyhrin, kylme, +region:the_north_pacific |
40 | la_commune, la_diosa_hera, lackinsar, laggington, lanctre, landestian, landlandlandlandland1, landofthekingspeople, +region:the_north_pacific |
41 | lanorth, lasoja, lationna, latverin, leewood, legionary_north_america, leibheitland, lemonbiscuits, +region:the_north_pacific |
42 | lemsrow, level_headed_libertarians, lieion, liv0nia, lmfnao, loptous, lotte_and_constantine, lucritedsomonkerp, +region:the_north_pacific |
43 | ludomin, lustitia_omnibus, lux_cathia, lux_conos, maacau, magellum, magilus, majes_coargi, +region:the_north_pacific |
44 | manako, maraniva, mardano, mariquian, maroon_peak, mathingaua, matioria, matolne, +region:the_north_pacific |
45 | matreksya, mcdonaldsland, mecca-switzerland, meinkrampft, meironostan, mesenia, miaphia, miarybhalzhack, +region:the_north_pacific |
46 | middle_pautaniants, mikkelick, minki_tomircia, minoteon, miragnac, mirasland, missionary, mittleropa, +region:the_north_pacific |
47 | moanapo, monacao, montarc, montrabeque, morphing_eurasia, multius, muzonia, nassaro, +region:the_north_pacific |
48 | nation_of_orchid, nationalist_maharlika, nationalist_peoples_party, nationalist_state_of_california, nationdom, nations_of_azania, nationtownstate, navantica, +region:the_north_pacific |
49 | ncl, neekulandia, neo_colorado, neo_hollywoodland, neo_madras, neostalka, nerovia, neu_rodina, +region:the_north_pacific |
50 | new_albanistan, new_atlantico, new_avian, new_bentia, new_fula, new_gregicis, new_haven_america, new_hudazendkia, +region:the_north_pacific |
51 | new_judaica, new_periapsis, new_rafaelia, new_sitkopolis, new_victoriana, new_zea_land, newam, newcastle-tyne, +region:the_north_pacific |
52 | newfatland, newfinlandnation, newfoundlendland, newnatio, nexia, ninjak30, nisastria, nmusayeva, +region:the_north_pacific |
53 | nolambur, noratia, nordame, nordrym, noria_prinefrikeslon, normallandia, norogovia, norswefin, +region:the_north_pacific |
54 | north_brightonia, north_saporeyike, northern_aughterne, northern_scovia, northern-kempia, noruvet, norvarxilaland, nouvelle-gaulle, +region:the_north_pacific |
55 | nova_ecloinia, novaray, novatros, novou, novus_imperialis, nuskoynia, nyfinest128, nyvelf, +region:the_north_pacific |
56 | obvindivilia, of_emptiness, okramija, oktica, old_siberian_monks, olojo, orbp1, orkentine, +region:the_north_pacific |
57 | osternia, pacho, pakchi, pakistan_and_bangladesh, palcania, palenhold, palutenia, pauliestien, +region:the_north_pacific |
58 | pavlikstan, people_prussia, phualand, pizza_squared, pizzerelia, plaid_town, planetmercury, planetpunk, +region:the_north_pacific |
59 | plangainer, pog_moments, polyland1922, portinisia, pragmatiland, prani, prefsi, prevaland, +region:the_north_pacific |
60 | prohendiniva, prometheians, prospit, puczovska, puebla_federation, putinskaya, qaeila, qaz, +region:the_north_pacific |
61 | quoph, raccooniah, rafiland, ravenhood, raycasting, red_hawk, reformed_pacenti_provinces, reimp_hap, +region:the_north_pacific |
62 | reinoniananiananonanonona, renfield, repubblica_ariana, republic_of_latinia, republic_of_new_atlantis, republic_of_sernia, resivenia, respublic_of_corusant, +region:the_north_pacific |
63 | rikarddahlistan, rohanland, romanian_land, rosharan, rotterdamistan, rovnotzka, royaumes-unis_de_cornellia, rubiatrix, +region:the_north_pacific |
64 | rumbuckia, rusni, saaycheesse3, sahaliyan_holapssia, sakusen, samfoychi, samoreubia, san_orono, +region:the_north_pacific |
65 | santevoraggezii, sapanda, sapphican, saugeria, savaska, savein, scandnaviland, scanhangstan, +region:the_north_pacific |
66 | schnarchi, sebastiania, seigan, selhurstland, sephodallan, seridian, shabot, shagger, +region:the_north_pacific |
67 | shans_aso, shaysoctopia, sheura, shlama, siglakan, sirhardhead, sitero, siunsia, +region:the_north_pacific |
68 | slavelandeia, smart_land, smittyshottakes, socialist_caeli_pax, socialist_kingdoms_of_scania, socialist_northern_republics, sockia, solis_terra, +region:the_north_pacific |
69 | solsulia, soltheria, sou_tros_soceland, soupyr_des_givres, south_african_legions, south_kalmaria, south_keanito, southeastern_china, +region:the_north_pacific |
70 | southern_ryland, span, spooky_orion_bowshock, steampunk_ariel, storland, strana_land, streidenberg, stuzemstazem, +region:the_north_pacific |
71 | sudrhodesien, sumyak, super_pax_americana, surachi, surksaka, suspire, svjatozemija, swedish_emmpire, +region:the_north_pacific |
72 | switzerhagium, sympathy_mesa, syrixia, tabbland, table_eaters, tabret, takshashilaa, takumai, +region:the_north_pacific |
73 | talvezout, tanoas, tarr-nation, technocratic-european_countries, tecnotalia, telemascus, texanz, the_airship_pilots_union, +region:the_north_pacific |
74 | the_democratic_republic_of_nytoa, the_dizoyo_fer, the_eastern_germanic_peoples, the_efteling, the_federal_terran_sovereignty, the_gallow, the_grand_federal_union, the_great_gucci_gang, +region:the_north_pacific |
75 | the_greylands, the_havannia, the_imperial_britannic_state, the_islands_of_gilbrina, the_isle_of_grossmania, the_lancerian_empire, the_land_of_poi, the_libertarian_states, +region:the_north_pacific |
76 | the_lucky_but_unfortunate_wanderers, the_mintorian_lands, the_northeast_reigon, the_octopodial_overlord, the_omolon, the_papal_catholic_states, the_pearl_river, the_penguin_confederacy, +region:the_north_pacific |
77 | the_pierce, the_redditor, the_republic_of_helios, the_sanada_clan, the_soviet_states_of_europe, the_teddy, the_tree_states, the_unified_pumaxi, +region:the_north_pacific |
78 | the_united_american_military_front, the_united_chase_states, the_united_galactic_states, the_united_kingdom_of_britannica, the_united_republic_of_unkaff, the_void_cult, the_white_dictators, the_zimbabwean_dollar, +region:the_north_pacific |
79 | thneedtown, thoraxia, titanianapolis, toarkersa, topito, topolyce, toshavo_iii, townbolia, +region:the_north_pacific |
80 | townsvalley, trans-canada, travislavania, tree_folk, trigoia, troph_evinia, true_equality_for_all, turtolen, +region:the_north_pacific |
81 | twistor_conscription, tyrassueb, ueino, uenoyama, umbrama, ungabungia, unicornsia, united_columbia_republic, +region:the_north_pacific |
82 | united_draconia, united_imprew_bell, united_somi, united_states_of_eroca, united_states_of_unicat, united_western_piedmont, unitedlandofthepeople, universal_state_formula, +region:the_north_pacific |
83 | uouoo, upper_britain, urthland, valoriakius, valtern, vandresque, vaste, vauquelin, +region:the_north_pacific |
84 | velon, venezia_pacifica, venezolandia, venuar, ver_testua, verdixia, verdunam, verdunnia, +region:the_north_pacific |
85 | vers_kasei, virdalonja, virgilintia, visigothic_lusitania, viviser, walist, wang_di_lun, waranjatanudolboran, +region:the_north_pacific |
86 | wartovia-fagal, wasinland, watsoonia, welchica, wellitia, wenet, wes_cybernis, west_maninjau, +region:the_north_pacific |
87 | western_washington_empire, wettelrode, whats_this_nation, whereisthatistan, white_dads_united, wie_deutschland, wilcoxia, wills_dominion, +region:the_north_pacific |
88 | wimply, winchesterville, wodan, wolfmessiah, wyoma, xatin, xinzlen, xiomar, +region:the_north_pacific |
89 | xionn, yagistan, yeet_nationss, yolodia, yorha_horde, yoshi_valley, yrtle, yugobatania, +region:the_north_pacific |
90 | yukon_free_state, zachlend, zbobistan, zeno-sama, zerophix, zesnoedor, zhas, zondu, +region:the_north_pacific |
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