[Accelerator - GA] No Eutrophication


TNP Nation

No Eutrophication
Accelerator Draft Discussion and Review

Category: Environmental | Industry Affected: All Businesses - Mild
Proposed by: The Democratic Kingdom Of Skaraborg | Onsite Topic

The World Assembly,

Explaining that eutrophication is the process in which a water body is enriched with nutrients that can lead to algae blooms and lack of oxygen in the water body; that it is caused by Nitrogen and Phosphorus ; and that most of the emissions of phosphorus and nitrogen come from sewers and agriculture,

Noting that there needs to be more regulations in treatment plants and the farming industry to prevent the spreading of said elements into water bodies,

Concerned about the dangerous impact eutrophication can have on marine and freshwater life and biodiversity,

Concerned about the threats that eutrophication results in, such as:
  1. eutrophication leading to algae bloom and lack of oxygen in water bodies,
    It threatenening biodiversity as it can kill several organisms and make species go extinct,
  2. eutrophications further threatening sapient health as some algae produce toxins dangerous to persons and other organisms;
Understanding that to prevent eutrophication and to save biodiverse wildlife in seas and lakes the WA needs to regulate the spreading of the nutrients phosphorus and nitrogen into any water body which otherwise will cause eutrophication,

Hoping that forcing farmers and treatment plants to work against eutrophication will get an end to this problem,

This resolution hereby:

1. Defines, for the purposes of this resolution “algae blooms” as when the amount of algae in a water body rapidly increases because of eutrophication,

2. Enacts that all treatment plants by international law:
  1. must use chemical treatment on phosphorus to make it form lumps of phosphorus which can then easily be removable,
  2. must introduce, if not already existent, biological treatment on nitrogen by using bacterias that live on nitrogen and phosphorus to take care of the nutrients before discharging the water,
  3. must test the sewage water before discharging it to the water so it doesn’t contain high levels of nitrogen or phosphorus,
  4. must regularly test pipes to prevent leakage,
3. Mandates that all farmers in member states adopt one or more of the following methods to reduce eutrophication:
  1. use the same amount of fertilizers as the plants can absorb,
  2. grow other plants that absorbs the leftovers from the fertilizers,
  3. create ditches that lead unwanted ground water and fertilizers to treatment plants,
4. Obliges governments to take responsibility for making sure that farmers adopt at least one method, and making sure that, if farmers do not adopt one system, they will be fined an amount that will decided following the establishment of WAEL (see clause 6),

5. Encourages farmers to use organic fertilizers instead of instead of using fertilizers that are extracted from minerals such as phosphorus,

6. Establishes the World Anti-Eutrophication Fund (WAEL) to help complete clause 2, 3 and 4, which will:
  1. ensure that the creation of biological and chemical treatments in treatment plants are made in member states and that treatment plants regulate their pipes regularly to prevent leakage of nutrients,
  2. ensure that the government is checking that all farmers have adopted one method, such that, if the government shows uninterest in doing so they will be fined,
  3. fund research and new methods to fight eutrophication,
  4. fund money for treatment plants to create chemical and biological treatment,
  5. ensure that farmers will be able to ask for financial aid to complete clause 4 if they don't have enough money to adopt one method,
7. Prohibits drinking water being taken from lakes currently undergoing algal blooms as the algae might be harmful to people.
Note: This is an internal discussion on a draft proposal accepted to the WA Accelerator Program. Please rip this draft apart and offer any comments you may have; the objective here is to help the author make this proposal better. If the author does not have access to this subforum, comments will be communicated to them by the Minister or an assigned Deputy. Detailed feedback is appreciated and encouraged!

Sponsorship Voting Instructions (Optional):
  • Vote Accept if you want the Ministry and Delegate to sponsor the proposal upon submission.
  • Vote Reject if you want the Ministry and Delegate to not sponsor the proposal upon submission.
Detailed opinions on whether to sponsor this proposal are likewise appreciated and encouraged!

Accept Reject
The forum draft has not been updated since the beginning of last month. I am curious; is the author looking to resume drafting on this proposal soon?