Hello Home Affairs!
It’s time to say goodbye for now, and while I admit it’s going to be odd not serving as your Minister of Home Affairs after being in the position for most of my time here in TNP, I have full confidence in Owen as your new Minister, and in whatever they have in store for you in the next four months. I’ll always love this Ministry and I fully intend to stick around, so you’ll still be seeing me taking rows!
This past term we saw the creation of the Welcome Wagon, which with some finer tuning has the potential to be a powerful recruitment tool. Further implementation of the cards program we announced last term also occurred, and while it may see further changes in the future it has been promising so far. We’ve sent out recruitment telegrams from 10 lists over the course of the term, with over 12,000 telegrams delivered to individual nations. 121 new members were contacted by our mentors over the forum.
In short, it was generally a productive term. However, I must admit that I as a leader for Home Affairs fell short in the latter half of the term. I would be remiss to deny this, and so I do also apologize to my staffers who have believed in this ministry and in this region and put forth so much effort. You all deserved better than what I could give you in those last months of this administration, but I hope the culmination of work put in by myself and my deputies over the past two terms together will have, ultimately, left Home Affairs in a better state than it was when I joined it.
And who knows? Perhaps someday I’ll return with a second wind and finish a term in Home Affairs more strongly.

With that, it’s time to sign off as MoHA one last time. Thank you everyone! And special thanks to Bluie, 9003, BMW, Vivanco, Arichia, and Bobberino. You all were amazing deputies, for the respective terms that I had you all.
Minister of Home Affairs