It's A Culture Opening Statement

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St George

RolePlay Moderator
Deputy Speaker
He/Him, They/Them
Hello, I'm not going to put the seal here because we haven't earned it yet. In three weeks time we will have.

I'm the new Culture Minister and if there's one thing I'm good at, it's making offices and communities work again. I fixed TNP RP. I fixed the Speaker's Office. Myself and my deputies are going to fix culture. Which does bring me onto my first two deputy appointments - more are coming - :
  • @Sarah comes to us with a fine a history of culture based work in other regions. She's also the fightiest bread around and with her culture will ryse (that's a multilevel joke) to the standards we're setting.
  • @Yamantau Em was with culture last term and is an active RPer and the brains behind the RP Spotlight series with the NBS. He's my second favourite Canadian and if there's a pun about Canada and doing really good pretend I put it here.
Now, as for what we're going to do, whilst I can't reveal all of our plans right now - here are some of the goals we have set for this term:
  • Activity and Visibility: Culture has felt largely invisible for a while now, only coming alive when the Lennarts started, or when Theme Thursdays happened. We want to change that and this term we are going to be a lot more active in a much more visible way.
  • Reform, Revamp, Regrow: There's some stuff that Culture is responsible for that's either out of date, fallen into decline or just needs some attention. Firstly, the Roleplay dispatch put out by TNL needs updating and overhauling. Secondly, the Games server is a massive opportunity for growth and activity that we're really letting just fall by the wayside. We can do a lot with it, with some work. There's more in this area to come too.
  • Making YOU the Center of What We Do: A lot of culture stuff in the past has been top down and for the most not overly successful, so we want you to be more involved in what it is we do and what we focus on. We'll still have events with and without our regional partners going on and be fulfilling our brief with regards to that, but at the same time we can also be catering to you guys with contests, mini-events, games, and just general interaction.
  • Making Stuff Bigger: Whether it's Theme Thursdays, ongoing collaboration with other ministries or even just the size of the ministry, Culture is having a growth spurt this term.
  • Events: Watch. This. Space.
Here's something to start with - we want your suggestions for Theme Thursdays, and to help with that we've launched a google form that you can fill out and tell us what you want to see. I'll be pushing this every Theme Thursday too, and it'll be an ongoing thing to help us build up a bank of suggestions.

Buckle up, folks. Culture is about to blast off.
I don't know about you, but I'm excited. Culture is in very good hands this term.
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