Closing Address - January 2021

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Koala Fanatic
TNP Nation
Closing Address
January 11, 2021

Well here it is, the end of the term! Thank you everyone who is involved in the Foreign Affairs ministry. Whether you’re new, or a veteran. Your help truly means a lot to me. The term was far from perfect, and I had my share of hiccups and bumps along the way. But I think I learned a lot. I’ve always thought of FA as a machine that needs to constantly be maintained. And while that is true, there’s also an aspect that isn’t so quantifiable (if that makes any sense :P).

During this term, the World Factbook continued seeing progress. Special thank you to @Owenstacey for his continued investment of time and effort. As of this writing, there are only a handful of regions to be completed. Hopefully we made some progress in making sure that they’re consistently updated. With things like cards incentives being added.

Speaking of cards. I’d also like to thank the leadership of the newly created Cards Ministry. The incentives provide a unique opportunity for all ministries to take part in. The FA team was able to come up with some tasks for ambassadors to complete in order to earn points, and I’ve been logging them when I have the opportunity.

On the world stage, we saw some embassy closures and some new friends. The closure of the embassy with XKI was unfortunate, but I believe largely unavoidable. As others have said, there simply wasn’t a willingness to make it work. The closure of NationStates also was an unfortunate circumstance. In happier news, we saw the opening of embassies with The Hole to Hide In (THTHI) and St Abbaddon. St Abbaddon has history with TNP, and is a UCR that has a long lasting history. THTHI is a modern-tech RP-centric region, and I’m optimistic about what the future has in store on that front.

Something that Tlomz mentioned in his campaign was the formation of a Foreign Affairs committee. It’s shown promise, and has given ambassadors the opportunity to reach out to an experienced member of FA for help from distributions to the wider gameplay world. I think it’s shown possibility and I hope that it can be maintained and improved in the future, should it be deemed worthy.

That said, the term had plenty of drawbacks. I’ll freely admit it was primarily by my error. Partly because I was a new minister, and partly from miscommunication on my end. As Deputy Minister I had to learn how to communicate more, and as Minister I’ve experienced a whole new level of communication that took some adjusting to. I’m fully aware that I didn’t have the largest name on the Gameplay side of things, and that’s something I aim to work on.

As a final thank you, I’d like to thank @TlomzKrano for this opportunity once again, and @Pallaith for assisting me on so many levels both during this term and during your time as Minister. And thank you to my Deputy Ministers @Oracle, @Robespierre, and @Owenstacey for your input and assistance for well, anything. Finally, thank you to the FA team and TNP as a whole. It was fun while it lasted :)
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