An Act to address the concerns regarding the process of the AGORA Act and amend Chapter 3 of the Legal Code:
Section 1: Chapter 3 shall be amended renumber Section 3.3 to 3.4, to insert a new Section 3.3, and amend Section 3.4:
Section 3: Any cases currently being prosecuted when this bill is enacted will continue under the same prosecutor.
Section 1: Chapter 3 shall be amended renumber Section 3.3 to 3.4, to insert a new Section 3.3, and amend Section 3.4:
Section 2: The remaining sections of Chapter 3 of the Legal Code shall be renumbered in numeric order.Section 3.3: Bar Association of the North Pacific
11. The Bar Association of the North Pacific will consist of any citizen in good standing appointed by the Delegate and confirmed by a majority vote of the Regional Assembly. The Bar shall consist of a maximum of ten members.
12. Any citizen may be appointed to the Bar Association. Citizens will be exempt from constitutional restrictions on holding multiple government offices for purposes of their appointment to the Bar Association.
13. The term of members of the Bar Association will be 6 months, beginning on the day they take the Oath of Office. The Delegate does not have the power to remove a member of the Bar Association.
14. The Bar Association will select a member to prosecute a pending case before the Court of the North Pacific, a member may decline to prosecute and the Bar shall select a different member.
15. The Bar Association will have the power to make rules for the selection of prosecutors.
Section 3.4: Criminal Trial Procedure
16. A standard procedure for all criminal trials will be established by majority agreement of the Court.
17. Any person may present criminal charges to the Court. If the charges are accepted, the Bar Association will appoint a prosecutor to manage the prosecution of the case.
18. Any member of the Bar Association may be appointed as a prosecutor. Members of the Bar Association will be exempt from constitutional restrictions on holding multiple government offices for purposes of their appointment as a prosecutor.
15. In the event the Bar Association is unable to appoint a prosecutor within 30 days of the acceptance of charges, the Delegate, or next available person in the Line of Succession if necessary, will appoint a prosecutor to manage the prosecution of the case with the agreement of the Speaker.
16. No one may prosecute or appoint prosecutors to a case in which they are the defendant or part of the defense.
17. If the original prosecutor is unable to see a case to completion, another prosecutor will be selected by the same procedure as the original prosecutor.
18. If the prosecutor discontinues management of the prosecution of a criminal case, then the complainant may, at their discretion, manage themselves the prosecution of the criminal case. Otherwise, they may withdraw the complaint.
19. If the complainant has not stated their intent to either manage the prosecution of the case or withdraw the complaint within 14 days of the prosecutor declining the case, the complaint will be considered withdrawn.
20. For the purposes of this section, "managing the prosecution of a case" includes but is not limited to:
21. When the management of the prosecution of a case is completed, all records associated with that prosecution will be transferred to the Court.
- acting as the prosecutor for the duration of all stages of the criminal trial heard for the case;
- and representing the prosecution in any separate judicial review hearings arising from the criminal trial.
Section 3: Any cases currently being prosecuted when this bill is enacted will continue under the same prosecutor.
Section 3.3: Bar Association of the North Pacific
11. The Bar Association of the North Pacific will consist of any citizen in good standing appointed by the Delegate and confirmed by a majority vote of the Regional Assembly. The Bar shall consist of a maximum of ten members.
12. Any citizen may be appointed to the Bar Association. Citizens will be exempt from constitutional restrictions on holding multiple government offices for purposes of their appointment to the Bar Association.
13. The term of members of the Bar Association will be 6 months, beginning on the day they take the Oath of Office. The Delegate does not have the power to remove a member of the Bar Association.
14. The Bar Association will select a member to prosecute a pending case before the Court of the North Pacific, a member may decline to prosecute and the Bar shall select a different member.
15. The Bar Association will have the power to make rules for the selection of prosecutors.
Section 3.4: Criminal Trial Procedure
16. A standard procedure for all criminal trials will be established by majority agreement of the Court.
17. Any person may present criminal charges to the Court. If the charges are accepted, theDelegateBar Association will appoint a prosecutor to manage the prosecution of the case.If the Delegate is the accused or unavailable, the next available person in the Line of Succession will appoint a prosecutor to manage prosecution of the case.
18. Anycitizenmember of the Bar Association may be appointed as a prosecutor.CitizensMembers of the Bar Association will be exempt from constitutional restrictions on holding multiple government offices for purposes of their appointment as a prosecutor.
14. The designated prosecutor will be confirmed by a majority vote of the Regional Assembly. The Delegate and other officials who may have appointed a prosecutor do not have the power to remove a prosecutor.
19. In the event theRegional AssemblyBar Association is unable to appoint a prosecutor within 30 days of the acceptance of charges, the Delegate, or next available person in the Line of Succession if necessary, will appoint a prosecutor to manage the prosecution of the case with the agreement of the Speaker.
20. No one may prosecute or appoint prosecutors to a case in which they are the defendant or part of the defense.
21. If the original prosecutor is unable to see a case to completion, another prosecutor will be selected by the same procedure as the original prosecutor.
22. If the prosecutor discontinues management of the prosecution of a criminal case, then the complainant may, at their discretion, manage themselves the prosecution of the criminal case. Otherwise, they may withdraw the complaint.
23. If the complainant has not stated their intent to either manage the prosecution of the case or withdraw the complaint within 14 days of the prosecutor declining the case, the complaint will be considered withdrawn.
24. For the purposes of this section, "managing the prosecution of a case" includes but is not limited to:
25. When the management of the prosecution of a case is completed, all records associated with that prosecution will be transferred to the Court.
- acting as the prosecutor for the duration of all stages of the criminal trial heard for the case;
- and representing the prosecution in any separate judicial review hearings arising from the criminal trial.
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