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Statement on the Coup of SLU
Crafted in conjunction with the FA team and External Chief of Staff @Pallaith
Social Liberal Union has long been a proud democratic region, with an unbroken history of elections, robust debate, and some of the most impressive and professional legal documents created by NS regions. They have maintained a consistent and respectable size despite being one of the quieter regions in the world, and in recent years have been one of our embassy partners in our forum. The robust and carefully crafted law that community created over the course of a decade very clearly subordinated the founder to a caretaker role, and placed the meaningful power in the hands of the nations making up the region. Social Liberal Union lived up to the ideals its founder laid out, and truly was a region “dedicated to democracy, social welfare, equality and freedom of opinion” where “debate is encouraged.” The community thrived thanks to the promise he made with them, that it would be the region they made, and that it would change form over ten years as its community evolved, as all long-standing regions, including TNP, do with time. It was this community, so developed and different from the upstart region he made so long ago, that he betrayed, and those principles and democratic ideals that had served them so well which he violated. TNP rejects the notion that just because a founder can unilaterally use game permissions as he sees fit, he always has every right to do so, and that such use must be respected. Democracy is fragile, and requires the trust and cooperation of all who engage in it. That is especially true when a region has a singular founder, and the only thing preventing that founder from holding all power to himself is words on a page that all players in the region agree to respect and execute. Ainland broke the promise that underlies all democratic regions, that those words on a page are binding and that they actually mean something. He rendered those words hollow and false.
Ainland’s successor region, Liberal Democratic Union, has been placed on our retaliatory recruitment list due to Ainland’s violation of our recruitment policy, but we would be remiss if we did not also make a point to warn nations attracted by that region’s similar promise of being a place “where freedom of opinion and open debate is encouraged.” These words are lies. Ainland only honored democratic principles when it was convenient for him, and as soon as he saw no other recourse, no other means to get his way or exercise some level of control, he disregarded and disgraced them. If the only opinion that mattered to him was his own, and he was willing to cast out everyone who disagreed just because he had the tools to do so, no one can believe that he will never do such a thing again. The people of LDU can only wonder every day, every year that passes, which thing will so displease him that he would break his word again and deliver them the same fate he did in SLU. A region that holds itself to the high standards of democracy, as SLU did and continues to do without its former founder, would never tolerate behavior like this, and a founder who behaves this way is no true practitioner of democratic values. We condemn Ainland for these transgressions against his own region, and for his hypocrisy. We encourage allies of democracy and players who believe in democratic principles to find a region worthier of their time and attention than his.
The North Pacific recognizes The Social Liberal Union as the rightful and legal government from Social Liberal Union. We have renamed their forum embassy to reflect this and have also offered them whatever aid or assistance they might need while they rebuild and recover from this treachery. We wish them the best and stand with them as we do all other democratic regions and communities who wish to decide for themselves their own destiny, and strive to secure greater freedom and self-expression as they make their way in this game.
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