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- Marcus Antonius #8887
"sequere Polaris"

"sequere Polaris"

Pallaith and Marcus Antonius - Ghost gives Marcus the news
I am afraid that I have some sad news to convey to you all.
As of 20th November 2020, Pallaith (Ghost) resigned as a member of TNPU Council.
I have sat on this information for a couple of weeks to give Ghost opportunity to reconsider, sadly to no avail.
He has asked me to present to you, this following statement, by him, to you all:
"The university is entirely what we make of it. It is a project dependent entirely on the contributions of creative and dedicated people, and
that means many times that its work goes unseen and unremarked by many in this region. I believe it has great potential, when placed in
the hands of people who believe in that potential and whose deeds will allow that potential to be realized. It is abundantly clear to me
though that I am not one of those people, and by sitting on this council I have done nothing to encourage this and have only pushed paper
around. I believe that contributors will not magically walk through the metaphorical doors and give people on this council something to
respond to. I believe the council themselves ought to be the ones to take the first steps and through their example encourage the
contributions of others.
Therefore, these seats ought to be occupied by such creative and committed individuals, and while I am creative,
that creativity does not extend to this institution, nor does my commitment offer anything substantial or relevant to the existence and
health of the university. Consequently, I must respectfully resign from my position as a council member and urge in the strongest terms
the appointment of an individual who will engage in the work of the university and whose presence will serve to improve and make use of
this institution. I urge the remaining council members to be those active and dedicated exemplars of the university, and if they conclude,
as I did, that they cannot be that person for the university, I urge them to take the same step so that we will be succeeded by those who
truly wish to make the university something greater than what it is.
Thank you Marcus for your time and attention to this project, and the awesome work you have done in keeping it going. I hope you get
the help you deserve and that the university reaches new heights in the weeks and months ahead."
Firstly, I would like to thank @Pallaith for his previous dedication, support and distinctive service on the University Council and I wish him all the very best in his future endeavours.
I have taken Ghosts departure as well as the earlier departure, in September, of @Artemis as a bit of a blow in the strength of the Council.
There is a definite audible 'echo' now in the Council Chamber with only @El Fiji Grande, @Prydania and myself remaining.
I have taken onboard Ghost's comments, I agree that as Council members we should lead by example in what we do in TNPU. However, I have mentioned previously how I view the Council, the very reason why it was created, Council protects TNPU from Delegate intrusion and protection from a Chancellor who would lead TNPU away from it's values, as the SC protects the region from a rogue Delegate. That I believe is the main function of the Council, which is why I would put myself forward to remain on the Council even after my tenure as Chancellor comes to an end.
I have, as always, a real passion for the University to become a shining beacon in the minds and lives of the nations of The North Pacific, but we have to be realistic.
There appears to be little Regional interest in TNPU and activity is virtually the same as it has always been historically. I am aware there have been questions as to it's purpose, the purpose is what is mentioned right at the beginning of our Charter:
Since 2012, The North Pacific University took upon the role of education and sharing of information, whether it be in an informal or formal fashion, to the Region. This has been utilized as an integral part of the gameplay, roleplay and cultural community. Humanity has shown itself to desire information and an understanding of complex topics. This led The North Pacific to create TNPU in the first instance. On a regional scale; the dramatic and complex nature of the game’s politics and gameplay can often leave players lost. That is why TNPU can and should be used to help players in our great Region, understand in-game and real life issues.
I have some ideas that I will discuss with the Council and hopefully, with agreement, we can move forward with this project.
So watch out for future announcements.
"in victoria"
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