[GA - PASSED] Repeal "Landfill Regulation Act"

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TNP Nation

Repeal "Landfill Regulation Act"
Category: Repeal | GA #520
Proposed by: Honeydewistania | Onsite Topic
Replacement: None​

General Assembly Resolution #520 “Landfill Regulation Act” (Category: Environmental; Industry Affected: All Businesses - Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

The World Assembly,

Observing the excessive micromanagement in General Assembly Resolution #520, “Landfill Regulation Act”, which includes mandating that member nations create agencies to ensure compliance, unnecessary handholding and bureaucracy that is better left to be decided by member nations themselves;

Further observing that this overreach ignores member nations who use private companies to survey environments, which results in member nations being forced to create agencies they will not use, meaning that the bureaucracy is even more pointless;

Concerned that the poor definition of SWL includes locations such as scrap metal yards, which pose little to no significant harm to public health or the surrounding environment, resulting in harsh mandates being placed on these ‘landfills’ that could cost exorbitant amounts of money;

Dismayed that systems for the collection and removal of leachate are mandated regardless of the potential danger the leachate causes to public health or to the environment, yet another excessively broad mandate;

Further concerned that implementing such unnecessary regulations negatively affect the operations of ‘solid waste landfills’ with very little potential positive benefit;

Realising that placing these mandates on SWLs without any form of subsidy or funding could lead to costs being passed on to the consumers, therefore giving them incentives to dispose of solid waste at unregulated areas instead and defeat the resolution’s purpose of protecting the environment from solid waste;

Convinced that a poorly executed and overreaching resolution ought to be repealed, hereby:

Repeals General Assembly Resolution 520, “Landfill Regulation Act”.
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

[TR][TD]For[/TD][TD] Against [/TD][TD] Abstain [/TD][TD] Present [/TD][/TR][TR][TD]7[/TD][TD]11[/TD][TD]1[/TD][TD]1[/TD][/TR]

Repeal "Landfill Regulation Act" was passed 9,244 votes to 5,630 (62.1% support).
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IFV - Against

This proposal aims to repeal GA resolution "Landfill Regulation Act" on the basis of it introducing unnecessary bureaucracy to landfill operation and maintenance, along with implementing unnecessary and costly regulations.

Recommendation While the repeal proposal in question is well-constructed, it does not make an effective case for the target resolution necessitating a repeal. The proposal presents two primary concerns: that the resolution in question imposes unnecessary mandates, especially concerning the establishment of compliance agencies, and that the resolution imposes undue financial burdens on member nations. The target's mandate that member nations "establish, if such does not already exist, a state agency or similar organization with the responsibility of inspecting and regulating SWLs in accordance with this resolution" captures a variety of methods of complying with this clause, and the resolution's qualifying of its mandates regarding leachate disposal and physical barriers serves to prevent the exorbitant costs that the repeal is concerned with.

For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends voting Against the at-vote General Assembly proposal, "Repeal 'Landfill Regulation Act'".
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Against. The biggest issue I have is with the leachate clause. Surely Cretox or Honeydew can inform me, but isn't all leachate inherently harmful and thus its removal warranted?
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Against. The biggest issue I have is with the leachate clause. Surely Cretox or Honeydew can inform me, but isn't all leachate inherently harmful and thus its removal warranted?
By real life terms, yes. But leachate in this definition will include runoff from rain that pours on the landfill
Against. It is too soon. I do not see that requiring a state agency to undertake regulation is an undue burden, moreover it would seem to me contracted out functions could be caught within the resolution’s reference to a “similar organisation” in which case that aspect of the bureaucracy issue does not arise. The remaining concern raised by the repeal, that some companies may face disproportionate burdens, may be a concern but it does not outweigh the beneficial effect of regulation of other more harmful sites caught by the resolution.

EDIT: “out way” to “outweigh”
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Against. It is too soon. I do not see that requiring a state agency to undertake regulation is an undue burden, moreover it would seem to me contracted out functions could be caught within the resolution’s reference to a “similar organisation” in which case that aspect of the bureaucracy issue does not arise. The remaining concern raised by the repeal, that some companies may face disproportionate burdens, may be a concern but it does not out way the beneficial effect of regulation of other more harmful sites caught by the resolution.
I disagree, as ’the establishment of a state agency or similar organisation’ is the mandate. Member nations are obligated to create an agency or similar organisation whether they like it or not, for no conceivable reason.
While I do not support this repeal, I'll be voting Present given that I'm the author of the target resolution.


1) The mandate of creating a separate agency is pointless. Many nations may delegate landfill work to private corporations through tenders or use public corporations. This one is trivial and I understand it does not necessarily pose an undue burden.

2) The resolution uses this definition of leachate:
  1. "leachate" as any liquid containing chemicals or particles originating from the solid waste stored in a SWL;

Not all leachate is harmful. A good example is thermosetting plastics, which forms a large portion of any nations solid waste. In fact, for some inert metals, even metal leachate is not harmful to the environment. By putting a blanket definition of leachate and assuming it's all bad, this places an undue burden on the nation of treating the waste.

3) Perverse incentives. By placing excessive and as shown in point 2, a scientifically unfounded burden on landfill operations, member nations (especially poorer ones or ones with no major environmental lobby) may find it more economical to use even more polluting technologies such as incineration or even not disposing of the waste at all.

That this overreach ignores member nations who use private companies to survey environments, which results in member nations being forced to create agencies they will not use, meaning that the bureaucracy is even more pointless.
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