Daisuke Mizukawa


Title: Owner and Operator of Tsumakiri (Tsumakiri is a restaurant and it's associated street food vendor in Kuhena, Skanda)
Age: 37
Religion: Kensu
Occupation: Independent Skandan food vendor
Education: Graduate of Kujori Culinary Institution of Skanda
Best Skills: Cooking, chatting to customers
Birthplace: Sukoshi, Kuhena Prefecture, Skanda
Species or Race: Human, Sinnitic (Skandan)
Marital Status: Married 13 years
Children (basic details): Two children, one 12 year old boy, one 9 year old daughter.
Appearance (what does your character look like? physique, height, hair, eyes colour. Include a picture if you want): About 5'7", black, long hair often tied back. A heftier build. Brown eyes, well-groomed goatee.