Title: Stationmaster
Age: 57
Religion: Courantist
Occupation: Deputy Stationmaster at Gojannesstad Stortoghass Station
Education: Bachelor's in Transportation Administration, Nyhett Tech
Best Skills: Efficiently managing Goyanes' busiest mainline rail station, (in college) Forcing quarterback sacks in Gojan football
Birthplace: Perle, Kusenhelm, Goyanes
Species or Race: North Gotic/Nord (Gojan)
Marital Status: Married 36 years
Children (basic details): three children, 30 y/o f, 32 y/o f, 33 y/o m
Appearance (what does your character look like? physique, height, hair, eyes colour. Include a picture if you want): About 6' tall, medium build, greying and thinning blond hair, and blue eyes. Has some wrinkles on his face. Sausage fingers. (I don't have a picture of him, but here's his uniform)
Age: 57
Religion: Courantist
Occupation: Deputy Stationmaster at Gojannesstad Stortoghass Station
Education: Bachelor's in Transportation Administration, Nyhett Tech
Best Skills: Efficiently managing Goyanes' busiest mainline rail station, (in college) Forcing quarterback sacks in Gojan football
Birthplace: Perle, Kusenhelm, Goyanes
Species or Race: North Gotic/Nord (Gojan)
Marital Status: Married 36 years
Children (basic details): three children, 30 y/o f, 32 y/o f, 33 y/o m
Appearance (what does your character look like? physique, height, hair, eyes colour. Include a picture if you want): About 6' tall, medium build, greying and thinning blond hair, and blue eyes. Has some wrinkles on his face. Sausage fingers. (I don't have a picture of him, but here's his uniform)