Repeal "GMO International Trade Accord"
Category: Repeal | GA #509
Proposed by: Regnum Italiae | Onsite Topic
Replacement: None
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.General Assembly Resolution #509 “GMO International Trade Accord” (Category: Regulation; Area of Effect: Consumer Protection) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.
The World Assembly,
Acknowledging that regulation of trade of genetically modified organisms, which General Assembly Resolution #509 “GMO International Trade Accord” tried to address, is an important area of legislation most likely in need of attention from the World Assembly; but
Noting that unclear measures lead to unforeseen consequences which can do more harm than good;
Concerned by many issues, including:
Concluding that such overlooked flaws completely undermine the effectiveness of the resolution as a whole; hereby
- The exclusion of genetic modifications obtained through hybridisation or selective breeding as a result of the limited definition of biotechnology, which pose comparable threats to the environment;
- The resolution’s failure to explicitly require member nations to enforce regulations created by the Committee for the Regulation of Modified Products, allowing for nations to easily dodge compliance of these provisions without penalty;
- The vagueness of the term ‘reasonable’ that is used so often in regard to safety measures throughout the resolution, especially in sections 3 and 4, as the use of this term allows an excessively ambiguous and free interpretation of what is the best effort possible in the matter of safety. The term reasonable is in fact inherently relative in its definition and this implies that nations can set up measures as they see fit to their contingent situation, without any kind of control, thus making it possible for them to hugely disregard security when profitable;
- The lack of regulations of intellectual property, thus granting undisciplined privileges to corporations and private institutions, like the possibility to stop outside research or create monopolies, which undermines the resolution's call for improving research and the exchange of information between member nations; and
- The presence, in section 4, of exemptions to unsterilized plants GMOs, since requirements like “in cases where the environmental benefit [...] clearly outweigh any downsides of their use” are loose enough to let member nations set their own policies without any way to ascertain the truthfulness of their reasons especially since there are no overseeing authorities; and
Repeals General Assembly Resolution #509 “GMO International Trade Accord”.
Co-authored by Honeydewistania
Voting Instructions:
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Repeal "GMO International Trade Accord" was passed 11,317 votes to 2,913 (79.5% support).
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