- TNP Nation
- Kranostav
- Discord
- Tlomz

A potentially deadly infection has been reported with abnormal symptoms resulting in the infected acting strangely. Please continue monitoring the infected and constructing emergency treatment locations while we begin research on a cure. At this time, everyone should begin preparing for the event by joining our regional Discord and utilizing "!iam Z-Day" to role yourself for the event. We need everyone we can get to assist research on the cure and coordinate the fight against whatever this virus might bring. Medical experts estimate new symptoms could occur as soon as 4pm EST (about 2 hours from now), so expect for new developments as we progress into this evening/morning. In the meantime, please familiarize yourself with the PSA below and make sure you are ready!
Surgeon General Medical Public Service Announcement
Good afternoon,
Whether this be your first ever Z-Day event or you are a seasoned veteran, I recommend brushing up on the following dispatch to make sure you understand the basics and can get acclimated to our game plan: Z-Day Overview and Basics
During this event, we will be coordinating our response through our Discord and via regional telegrams. Please ensure you join and role yourself appropriately using "!iam (Z-Day/Curer/Exterminator).
This year our regional poll concluded and Cure has won! Please navigate to your Zombie Control Panel at the beginning of the event and select the option to research a cure! Unauthorized uses of Zombie Hordes and Extermination Teams may result in the termination of your nation's populous and ejection from the region until the event concludes. Going rouge will not be tolerated and will potentially earn you an all expense paid trip to The Rejected Realms.
ATTENTION ALL PUPPET MASTERS: If you are moving puppets into the region to assist with the cure, now is the time to do so. A list of your puppets would be greatly appreciated so we can ensure they are not accidentally targeted or ejected.
Here are hotlinks to specific dispatches you might find useful during the event:
Target List
Awards (To be updated post event)
Questions? Below are some FAQ's:
What happens if I don't participate?
Nothing! There should be an opt-in/out function so you should not have to even see it this year if you do not desire, however we aren't totally sure how it is going to work yet. As for your nation, the effects of this event are not permanent so everything will return to normal in a few short days! But should you opt out, we'd miss you a whole lot! This is one of the highlights of the NationStates year for many players.
How can I participate if I can't join the Discord?
First of all, join the Discord! If you are able to go to discord.com, create yourself an account, and follow the link above, do it! That's where all the action happens, because our onsite telegrams and Regional Message Board just aren't fast enough to report rouges and coordinate counters. Even if you stick to just the NationStates site at all other times of the year, make this event your special exception and get Discord for a day. Then you can just delete it again... until next year! But if, for whatever reason, it is impossible for you to access Discord -- please stand by for announcements via telegram and on the RMB, as well as make use of your previously mentioned dispatch and subsequent links. Please also only do cure unless explicitly told otherwise.
I did Z-Day last year. Has anything changed since then?
The only difference this year should be some sort of additional opt-in/out function however everything besides that is same. We are going for cure again and we hope to see you help us work again to try and save the world!
What if I want to help out by handling multiple puppet nations?
Z-Day is different than N-Day in that your nation's population matters quite a lot. Should you have medium to high population (few billion citizens or more), feel free to move them into the region, otherwise do not worry about creating puppets if they are brand new or otherwise low population. No matter the size of your main nation, please feel free to participate and contribute anyway you can. Z-Day can be very fast paced so even with a single nation you will have a lot of fun!
We need as many people working towards the cure as possible, if you have any questions or concerns please express them in the comments below or on discord.
Godspeed in fighting back the incoming virus threat,