House Valin of the Violet Fields
General Information
Leader: Archduchess Amelia Valin
Capital: Trovan
The current ruler of The Fields is Fredrick Valin a fifty-eight-year-old sentinel standing guard over his ancestral home. His time as Archduke has been what some would call a strange time. His quieter and calmer nature made him stand out from his predecessors who occupied their time spending their endless fortunes on complete and utter debauchery the likes of which most sane men could not imagine. This trend was due to a large family secret one passed from generation to generation. The Valin's did not follow the Piathan gods but worshipped a goddess of love, pleasure, debauchery, and excess named Arona who the Valin's thought allowed them to prosper much more than the Piathan gods ever would. These tendencies overtime leaked into the upper class of the Fields with many nobles accepting the way of Arona and the debauchery she brought with her.
The Archduke has two daughters one named Amelia and the other Emma. Amelia is a twenty-year-old whose spirit shines brighter than the stars, a girl who is more interested in partying and fooling around with her fellow classmates and friend than preparing to become the next Archduchess of the Fields. Her sister on the other hand is a much quieter and obedient child whose intellect far surpasses those of her classmates. Although only sixteen her mind is on par with that our some of the brightest minds in the galaxy making her the pride of the family.
The Region has strived over the past several centuries to maintain good diplomacy with its fellow great houses making sure to make their presence known but not in a way that would draw ire to their pearly gates. Despite that their army and navy are still some of the most formidable among the Archdukes, ready at moments notice to defend the region from possible destructive forces. With this, the Valin's have secured their place in the galaxy and have cemented themselves as one of the most dominant houses in the Empire.
Some helpful visuals:
Archduke Fredrick Valin
Princess Amelia Valin
Princess Emma Valin

General Information
Leader: Archduchess Amelia Valin
Capital: Trovan
- The Amethyst Armada (Naval Forces)
- The Gold Wardens (Ground forces)
- The Peacekeeper Corps (Gendarmerie)
The current ruler of The Fields is Fredrick Valin a fifty-eight-year-old sentinel standing guard over his ancestral home. His time as Archduke has been what some would call a strange time. His quieter and calmer nature made him stand out from his predecessors who occupied their time spending their endless fortunes on complete and utter debauchery the likes of which most sane men could not imagine. This trend was due to a large family secret one passed from generation to generation. The Valin's did not follow the Piathan gods but worshipped a goddess of love, pleasure, debauchery, and excess named Arona who the Valin's thought allowed them to prosper much more than the Piathan gods ever would. These tendencies overtime leaked into the upper class of the Fields with many nobles accepting the way of Arona and the debauchery she brought with her.
The Archduke has two daughters one named Amelia and the other Emma. Amelia is a twenty-year-old whose spirit shines brighter than the stars, a girl who is more interested in partying and fooling around with her fellow classmates and friend than preparing to become the next Archduchess of the Fields. Her sister on the other hand is a much quieter and obedient child whose intellect far surpasses those of her classmates. Although only sixteen her mind is on par with that our some of the brightest minds in the galaxy making her the pride of the family.
The Region has strived over the past several centuries to maintain good diplomacy with its fellow great houses making sure to make their presence known but not in a way that would draw ire to their pearly gates. Despite that their army and navy are still some of the most formidable among the Archdukes, ready at moments notice to defend the region from possible destructive forces. With this, the Valin's have secured their place in the galaxy and have cemented themselves as one of the most dominant houses in the Empire.
Some helpful visuals:

Archduke Fredrick Valin

Princess Amelia Valin

Princess Emma Valin

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