House Storingeen of Luwyin
- Leader: Duchess Freja var Storingeen
- Ducal Governor: Count Esir Karhorz var Sudreim-Hjemstaf
- Capital world: Luwyin
- Executive branch: Senate of Luwyin
- Military:
- Ducal Fleet
- Ducal Guard
- Office of Security
The Duchy of Luwyin located in between the Trans-Galactic Road and the Great Whip is an extremely bureaucratic duchy of the Imperium with sizable wealth but also, quite a corrupt senate. Since the coronation of Freja after her father’s death in 2016 3SA, with the help of her brother Akad, she managed to root out the corruption within the Office of Security, but even with his brother’s efforts, the senate is still loomed by bribery. Thanks to it’s tradition of discipline and honor both the Fleet and Guard have managed to stay clean, with top brass from both of the services cracking down on corrupt guardsmen and fleetmen with execution if caught.
Its foreign policy -even during the age of chaos that is beginning to take place within the Imperium- still resembles that of Freja’s father, Duke Odiros II, who was an avid supporter of former Emperor Shriram Morghanos IV and a loyalist. So after his death, Freja and House Storingeen will most likely stay loyal to the imperial family and its close relatives.
The duchy’s wealth primarily comes from its trade, services and shipbuilding. Its trade vessels and convoys are well protected from pirates, and its routes like the Traverse located near its capital world, Luwyin are heavily taxed. The duchy has an extremely wealthy 1%, a middle class with a fairly good standard of living, but most of its working class are below the poverty line.
As far as its shipbuilding, the Njorvin Ducal Shipyards are the most famous of all. Its most famous ship, the Rexlarus-class Patrol Carrier, is the perfect ship for the Ducal Fleet’s anti-piracy operations. Loaded with a mixed squadron of dropships and fighters, a contingent of Ducal Guards and a duo of light railgun batteries and smaller point defense systems, it can operate completely independently and conduct long range patrol and convoy defense missions.
Most of the worlds in the duchy located within the habitable zone contain large oceans, an abundant amount of tropical islands with rocky terrain, are extremely prone to large amounts of rainfall and have a nitrogen-oxygen rich atmosphere. Luwiyn -despite its position as the capital world of House Storingeen- still retain its large seas and oceans. Most of its shipbuilding and its small manufacturing industries are located on barren desert and arctic worlds.
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