October Report
October 15, 2020
Hey everyone! It’s about that time for our monthly report, and Foreign Affairs has been chugging along! The term started out a bit strange with more ambassador positions than usual being open, but we’ve managed to get the ball rolling again.
In the last month, Foreign Affairs has accepted seven new members and denied two. With the roll call, several members were also removed for losing citizenship/failure to respond to the roll call. The following members have been assigned to regions:
@Arichia was assigned to Forest and XKI
@Comfed was assigned to the Rejected Realms and Osiris
@Queendom of Seridian was assigned to Gay
@Sanjurika was assigned to Europeia
@Ngai Ti Empire was assigned to Canada
@Dragonstar5674 was assigned to South Pacific
@The Federalist was assigned to Taijitu
@Greater Ale Permars was assigned to the LKE
@CD- betterThanFlash was assigned to Nationstates
@Imperial Pieserged was assigned to the IDU
Early this month, @Oracle removed all the Discord members masked as Foreign Affairs who weren’t citizens. They were also kind enough to do some pruning of the Foreign Affairs subforum members. Previously, the Executive Staff Mastersheet had listed FA has having over 100 members. That number has since been changed to a much more realistic number of 30.
I am also excited to be working with the newly created Cards Ministry for cards rewards in the future… But I’ll let DGES explain that when it’s ready.

Our World Factbook project is starting to slow down, with many of the regions already published. This month @Owenstacey and I were able to release Europeia. Unfortunately, due to some miscommunication on my part and real life stuff getting in the way, not much else was finished. With shifting our focus to continuous updating of the World Factbook, hopefully more will be finished in the next month.
The Communications Ministry released TNS Issue XX and TNL Issue XXXII, and @Robespierre and I were able to quickly release the codes for ambassadors to distribute. This is still an ongoing distribution.
Looking ahead into the rest of October and early November, I am aiming to establish the framework for the oversight committee outlined by Tlomz. We’ve done some early brainstorming, but nothing concrete has arisen. This first month was mostly me trying to figure things out and not make a fool of myself.

To start this part of the term off on the right foot, I am appointing @Robespierre as a member of the Senior Diplomats. Robes has previous experience working with the Senior Diplomats as an observer during his term as Minister of Defence, and I am confident he will do well. Thank you to all the ambassadors who have been working hard completing distributions and interacting with your region! We still have a lot to do, and I’m super excited for what is to come.

As always if you have any comments or questions please DM me on Discord or PM me on forums!
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