Presidential Elections Held


Foreign Envoy
President Peeps Elected in Close Election

Contact Information (Discord): Forilian#8262

(Europeia, October 3, 2020) - The citizens of Europeia elected Peeps as president in an election held on Friday, October 3. Peeps, along with his vice president, Pichtonia, defeated Lime/Calvin 54.5 percent to 43.9 percent, with 1.5 percent going to Re-Open Elections. Both Peeps and Pichtonia were on the Cabinet before the election, serving as grand admiral and attorney general respectively.

"I thank the people of Europeia for electing me and look forward to what we can accomplish this term," said the newly elected president. The vice president adds that he is "happy and very honoured." to be elected, and that "the Vice Presidency has been my dream office since my early Europeian days. Monkey has left me a high bar for this office and I hope I'll do my very best to do it justice.".

The Senate has confirmed the following individuals into the Cabinet:
Kuramia, minister of foreign affairs;
Istillian, grand admiral;
Malashaan, minister of interior;
Forilian, minister of communications;
SkyGreen24, minister of world assembly affairs;
Sopo, minister of radio;
Calvin Coolidge, minister of culture; and
Aexnidaral, attorney general.

The nominees were not voted on until after the by-election to replace Senator Common-Sense Politics, who resigned recently, was held on October 4.

More news from the Europeian Broadcasting Corporation available here: