First World Order

FWO Ambassador

Name of your region: First world order
Link to your region's forums and/or Discord: and
Head of Government: Jodilee
Head of State: Theberstan
Minister for Foreign Affairs (or equivalent):Rwekazaland (Holy Birb)
Short description of your region: The First world order is a region with over 400 Nations and has lots of act-ivy. We have MAP Role play and RMB Role play (The RMB RP is Map less To keep out chaos on whole own what land because we have a very large region), We have a role play's of Olympics going on right now, we have a basketball sport called NSNBA and other Fun RP's.
Will your region post regular Foreign Updates: Yes we can do it Monthly
Well you got me, since you made a new thread after the last one got locked, you have found the loophole and I will now have to accept. Oh wait, that's not how this works.


Please let me know if you require us to post multiple threads in your forum to clearly express our denial, I have no shortage of people who would be willing to do it.
Your WA delegate Said that If We Kicked Ludistan Off of RO in FWO we could have embassies.
Your WA delegate Said that If We Kicked Ludistan Off of RO in FWO we could have embassies.
I never said that and I'm sorry if what I did say was taken that way.
What I said was that there is a process to gaining a TNP embassy. There needs to be an application. I said that such an application would be looked more favourably if Ludistan- who was caught puppet wanking to troll a citizen of ours on our RMB- was not in the government.
I never promised an embassy if he was no longer a RO.