Appeal of Discord Real Life Channel Mute


"I will be true to you whatever comes."
TNP Nation
Castle in Confidence

I would like to appeal the decision by moderation to mute me in the real life channel or at the very least receive an official statement admitting the bias of moderators involved.

There was indeed a heated conversation in the real life channel, and I admit that I played a part in that, but in comparison to the normal kind of statements that are said there, mine were far from a mutable offense. There are people in anger saying "f you" to others and that doesn't seem to warrant a mute. There are people flaming me by making very obvious statements about the Catholic Church in order to illicit a response. Furthermore there was no actual reason given for my mute other than a generic statement about it being about my real life channel comments. I further question the unbiased nature of the moderation team when I see Dreadton and Artemis take on nicknames that could only be construed as a mockery of my position which could suggest a bias in use of powers to suppress those who oppose their worldview.

Dreadton warned that any further comments would illicit a mute. I said nothing, and yet I was muted anyway. It is my hope that there could be further explanations on what has occurred and how my comments were somehow worse than the often vulgar comments that others are using.

Thank you for your time.

In faith,
Your appeal has been noted and will be discussed by the Discord Moderation Team.
Your mute is not for any one breach, but for a cumulation of behavior since your return. By your own admission, your actions were intended to provoke a response from the regional player base. They were not given in a manner that fosters debate, but in a manner that demeans, belittles, and dismisses viewpoints, beliefs, and lives that are not the same as yours. Please take this time to reflect on the way you communicate with those in this region.