9003 A delegate you can count on (and to!)


Deputy Minister
TNP Nation
I am running for delegate as evident by making this post. Rather then putting some sap story or long paragraph about what I have accomplished I will provide a short bulleted list.

  • Commended Via SC resolution 311
  • Deputy minster of Home Affairs
  • Deputy Guild master for the Cards guild
  • 1 time SC author of resolution 303
  • LTN in The North Pacific Army
  • One of the founding Generals in the potato alliance for Nday
While I may not have walked a conventional path to get here I do think that I am more then qualified to lead The North Pacific to further greatness.

Now onto the important part: What my polices and views are for the region.

A common standing point that every branch and ministry of the TNP government needs to work on is the tedious task of declassifying documents. This means reading everything posted on the forum and in discord and making a judgment call if the information contained should be redacted. Per legislation of the RA any document that is older then 1 year MUST be declassified unless otherwise noted to remain classified for various vaild reasons. I believe that just cleaning out now isn't enough, while it is the stepping stone in the right direction under my delegacy documents will be reviewed for declassification on a monthly basis. This will prevent such massive backlogs from occuring where people would be tasked to review countless pages of information that 99.99% can be declassified. Working with cabinet leaders (ministers and their deputes) I would forum a FOIA council that is tasked to review documents this would hold the minasters accountable while providing much needed transparency of goverment records.

My cabinet will look different then others. I am not afraid to make changes or try things out. "because we have always done it that way" does not mean we have to keep doing it that way. Rather then simply appointing minsters I will allow each ministry staff to elect their own minsters. In practice this would function along these lines: The incumbent minster will facilitate the election process seeking nominations among the staff for who would like to be minister, after a time period of 2 days the staff of that ministry would have 2 days, or until all staff members have voted, to vote on who they would like to be their minster. I do hold the right to still appoint or refuse the person elected and will serve as a tie breaking vote.

  • The staff chooses the minsters from within themselves rather then me an outsider picking it for them
  • The potential minsters will present platforms and ideas will be challenged to provide the best ministry
  • It will help make sure that anyone who wants to be a minster has a chance to be one.
  • It does not exclude the incumbent minster from serving again.

  • What about the open seats for almost a week!
As the incumbent is facilitating the election they would be expected to serve for the 4 days to cover and gaps. While I trust that each ministry can be self sufficient for 4 days any lost progress is still lost progress and should be limited​

TNP should and always will be a WA powerhouse. Increasing endorsement count is key to this but so is the proper use of approval bumping. I support the use of approval bumping for resolutions that are so outlandishly bad or harmful to TNP that they do not deserve to see the light of the voting floor.
Outside of that I believe that can continue pumping out high quiality IFVs as we have been and promoting the forum vote to our citizens with that we will maintain our status as a powerhouse among the WA.

This is my home, serving for most of my NS career playing R/D I understand this section a lot. What our NPA needs the most is to work on recruitment and training. Already I am taking steps to work on updating the training guide. As for recruitment working on hosting more Joint ops as well as just doing more operations. Currently the NPA has a handful of active officers and no soldiers. This is no where near what the NPA should be. I would like to do AMAs with the High command staff as well as utilize HA to recruit for defense and all the ministries in general.

The mouth piece of the region. Publishing a lot of good works. Working with this ministry will be key to making sure that they continue to publish high quality works. Including more sections as well and recruiting more writers form all sections of the region. I believe that both TNS and TNL serve an important role in our region by providing information to the region. I don't know a lot about this ministry and will work closely with the minster of Communications in the upcoming term to develop and upcoming vision of greatness.

The cards guild is and always will be a front running program I plan to develop and work with the leadership to continue to excel above and beyond what we have. We struck gold first and our cards program is the envy of the world. I plan to keep it that way and push our other programs and ministries to that same level. One way of doing this is working with the ministry to form a rewards program for example you get points for doing things like making IFV for MoWAA those points can then be turned in (or collected to climb the leader board) for free cards, titles, or other incentives.
The other wildly successful program to come from Culture/HA/Radio is TNP game night. Hosting more regular game nights playing jackbox and the like are both great incentives as well as ways to get mroe people on our discord.

The hot button topic that comes up all the time. This can be broken into two parts forming connections and strengthening those connections. Working to reach out to UCRs is key. Many smaller ones may be scared or fearful of us but by becoming allies we can spread our influence much further. Furthermore building on the treaties and connections we already have is important. While we strive to be the first and greatest at everything it is important to remember the power of collaboration. Open lines of communication are key, regular embassy updates can function both ways and are critical for us to grow as a community.
I am open for any treaty requests from other regions or even internally if a member of our region thinks that we should build bonds with a region.

Nim has done a wonderful job and created a model ministry that being said amazing isn't the end its only the start of what could be I look forward to working with the next minster to develop an even greater vision and grander projects to accomplish. Including but not limited to creating targeted requirement for the ministries. Maintaining programs such as the pen pals program and other outreach and retention programs.

I will work with radio to make tutorials for every ministry as well as for various things around NS such as card farming, Tools, R/D, etc. The radio ministry has been fantastic and only suffers from recruitment issues as all ministry do.

Now you may ask yourself "Hey why are some of these sections rather small do you not have a vision for them?" to that I say I do have a vision, a vision of greatness that I want to work with the leadership to see. Striving for perfection and becoming a powerhouse in ALL ministries.

If all of that did not convince you to vote for me then this will
I will change my name too 9000 trees to stop breaking all of the spreadsheets
What is your opinion on "Approval Raiding" within the World Assembly, where people go into regions and endorse a native in order to disrupt the delegacy and influence the approvals on a proposal in order to prevent it from going to vote?
Two hypothetical questions. Feel free to answer one or both.
  1. Let's say you want to remain as delegate indefinitely. How would you orchestrate this?
  2. Let's say your overarching goal is to weaken and destabilize the region. How would you go about achieving this goal?
Yes yes, this is a variant of "how would you coup the region?"
Who would your ideal cabinet consist of?
My ideal cabinet is one that the ministries themselves pick. I could easly draw straws for each and those people would do a good job, I can easily look at the numebers that each ministry reports as well. Or I can pick yes people who will just agree to whatever I say but the most effective people in my mind are choosen from with in the ministry. The people who work actively with them hence I outlined a plan to host ministry based elections for ministers

What is your opinion on "Approval Raiding" within the World Assembly, where people go into regions and endorse a native in order to disrupt the delegacy and influence the approvals on a proposal in order to prevent it from going to vote?
Yes, this is an effective tactic that we have employed and I have been a part of. Some important keys to consdering when thinking if it is right to deploy such tactics however is the validity of the targets as well as what our allies think of the proposals. In fact so much the opposite effect can also be done. By occupying burner regions we can create more approvals this later tactic would be and should be utilized less as if a perposal can't get the approvals needed it most likely would fail at vote but I would not be past using this method should the reason call.

Two hypothetical questions. Feel free to answer one or both.
  1. Let's say you want to remain as delegate indefinitely. How would you orchestrate this?
  2. Let's say your overarching goal is to weaken and destabilize the region. How would you go about achieving this goal?
Yes yes, this is a variant of "how would you coup the region?"

step 1 remove term limits because they are a road block in the road to indefinitely being WAD
step 2 is get a nice cult of card farmers to join the region and get citizenship to vote for the above legislation
step 3 be the best delegate ever so that I keep getting reelected.
step 3.5 bring more cult members in to vote me into office more and more

2 I would destablize the region by bribing the residents to farm countless common cards for me until I have so many cards [v] names a new feeder after me and destabilizes the entire NS meta from GP to RP to Card farming to everything between.
Something about you screams "coup" but I can't put my finger on it. I'll vote for you.
9003, I was really pleased to see how you ran your last campaign for Vice Delegate. I have to admit I was somewhat dismayed to see you pursuing this office, it struck me as unexpected and a leap too far. I do appreciate you have been working on your endotarting though.

I'm a bit curious about your FOIA approach. You intend to effectively release records immediately or soon after they are created, rather than wait a year? Wouldn't this require greater redaction and withholding, considering recent communication is more likely to create issues when it comes to sensitive matters? It sounds nice but I don't know how practical or desirable it is to do that so frequently.

Is there no other idea for culture outside of cards? I recognize this is a difficult area to approach, but I think cards deserves to be separately considered at this point, much as gameside advocates have been approached outside of the sphere of Home Affairs.

Do you see no potential backlash to our standing in the WA if we make greater use of approval bumping and justify it by saying the proposals are somehow contrary to TNP's interests?

What kind of UCRs should we approach? Are there reasonable limits to how seriously we should take random nation A when he pushes us to get a treaty with random region B? If there are, how is this a new innovation? I will confess here that I would generally not that take scenario seriously as a viable way to pursue a treaty with another region, can you think of good examples of such a scenario?

If the staff picks the minister, would the minister still be able to pick the staff as happens now? Would the staff pick every single potential staffer in a vote? If neither of these is the case, how does it happen, are all comers are automatically accepted, or something else? And if the minister picks, what's to stop that minister from clearing out the staff to avoid competition, or removing and selecting yes men to keep themselves in power? How often would this selection be made, once a term?

You said a problem of recruiting is present in every ministry. This seemed most acute in your evaluation of the NPA and Radio. So what's the solution? It's good to be aware of the problem, but if you're going to be elected, I think there should be some thought given to how it will be addressed.

You are correct that you lack knowledge in Comms, there is a difference between TNS and TNL, and you should look into it, because handling them effectively will play a big role in how the ministry continues to function going forward. Similarly, you seemed to pass over RP, even if only to remark how you won't really mess with it. I invite you to elaborate on this and also on how you would approach comms.

I know you were busy this summer and thought it was a shame you couldn't run for VD again. I am glad you're getting back on the horse, though I kind of wish it were a different horse. But I hope you indulge my questions, and I look forward to seeing your responses and how your campaign progresses.
I'm a bit curious about your FOIA approach. You intend to effectively release records immediately or soon after they are created, rather than wait a year? Wouldn't this require greater redaction and withholding, considering recent communication is more likely to create issues when it comes to sensitive matters? It sounds nice but I don't know how practical or desirable it is to do that so frequently.
By doing it monthly the goal is to get the bulk of the information declassified. In some of our channels such as WA affairs we easily can have 100+ messages a day, leading to 3,000 messages a month (about) or 36,500 messages to read through yearly. It creates a much more reasonable task and sets a doable goal. Where as the law require it be done yearly we should strive to do better and do so monthly. Comming from the channels I have access to (referring to discord alone) HA could release 99% of the info days after we close a list, as for WA affairs I would give it a longer time frame yes, but after a month our thoughts on bills would be released when we vote. In radio 99% of content while not a tone of daily traffic it could be released only redacting ongoing project ideas so that no one beats us to the punch, Similar to cards other then the new upcoming project idea (not a large portion of the chat) can be declassified with in a day or two of being said even. I picked a month as a time line as it was a reasonable goal and gives the Minsters and their deputes time read all of the messages.

Is there no other idea for culture outside of cards? I recognize this is a difficult area to approach, but I think cards deserves to be separately considered at this point, much as gameside advocates have been approached outside of the sphere of Home Affairs.
Cards: lots of them include them with every minastry to promote activity.
Keep up with the countless other amazing things we have with them
Moving the cards snapshot to work with communications.

Other culture ideas: Spam games on discord, social deduction games. Utilizing the servers we have better all around. I would love to see the game server back up and running using it to both host internal and external game nights and events.

I would not be opposed to making the cards guild its own minastry and charging them with as the go to for all cards based progrming and distrubution they already act like one.

Do you see no potential backlash to our standing in the WA if we make greater use of approval bumping and justify it by saying the proposals are somehow contrary to TNP's interests?

I do see a backlash hence my approval of the tactic in circumstances that minimize this backlash. We have done it before and it has proven wildly successful. I will implement it again if by some magic power someone similar to the CCD manages to get a proposal near queue.

What kind of UCRs should we approach? Are there reasonable limits to how seriously we should take random nation A when he pushes us to get a treaty with random region B? If there are, how is this a new innovation? I will confess here that I would generally not that take scenario seriously as a viable way to pursue a treaty with another region, can you think of good examples of such a scenario?

Any formally established UCR should be considered. As a region we are stable I could take office and create no new treaties and TNP would keep chugging along strong. However I think that it is important that we reach out to UCRs and take the first steps to forming diplomatic bonds with them. If they are small we can help them develop into a bigger and better region as well as shape their political view to align with ours.

If the staff picks the minister, would the minister still be able to pick the staff as happens now? Would the staff pick every single potential staffer in a vote? If neither of these is the case, how does it happen, are all comers are automatically accepted, or something else? And if the minister picks, what's to stop that minister from clearing out the staff to avoid competition, or removing and selecting yes men to keep themselves in power? How often would this selection be made, once a term?
The old Minister would maintain power until the selection process is complete meaning the incumbent still maintains their serves as they are under oath until relived of office. I still will oversee all of the election process as a minister who kicks everyone out would a be found guility of gross misconduct and b now have an empty ministry to run. The selection would be made once a term in place of my normal appointments. It should be noted that I still control the final say if for example a minastry thinks its funny to appoint troll x and everyone votes for them I will still appoint who I see fit to serve. This is a way to get the ministry feedback on who they think is the best fit. Simialrly I would break any ties.

You said a problem of recruiting is present in every ministry. This seemed most acute in your evaluation of the NPA and Radio. So what's the solution? It's good to be aware of the problem, but if you're going to be elected, I think there should be some thought given to how it will be addressed.
NPA: Open houses and more flashy things, when people join the NPA we need to be on top of making sure that they get trained and have a chance to have fun. If they sit around doing nothing for an extended period of time they just poof and never come back.
Radio and in turn all of the ministrys a round of HA recruitment works wonders! As well as getting people to understand what each ministry does, and having various events hosted by each minastry such as regular game nights that can be hosted on a rotating bases.

You are correct that you lack knowledge in Comms, there is a difference between TNS and TNL, and you should look into it, because handling them effectively will play a big role in how the ministry continues to function going forward. Similarly, you seemed to pass over RP, even if only to remark how you won't really mess with it. I invite you to elaborate on this and also on how you would approach comms.

With my lack of knowledge on comms I can not make a very fruitful statement here other then I will look into TNS and TNL and our other publications.
as for RP they are self sufficient and I will not interfere. If they would like support I will gladly provide it. One thing that we could do is get written pieces from the RP sphere published if they are interested in sharing their story. As this can make for useful fluff in other publications.

When elected I will work with the Minister of comms to create a vision and set goals for the ministry as it is one of our many faces.
Suppose your plan was to coup The North Pacific. How would you go about executing that plan?
Your endorsement level is around 456. What, if anything, have to done to improve your endorsement level in preparation for your delegate campaign?
Suppose your plan was to coup The North Pacific. How would you go about executing that plan?
Unlike my other candidates who seek to strike down the executive branch, if I were to coup I would maintain activity and in fact encourage it more utilizing the ministrys to both produce propaganda as well as assist in pulling the wool over the eyes of the general public. There are a lot of players in TNP who know nothing about the goverment at all and a region wide TG about a fake war or posing a fact election would keep many people at bay for a long time. The next important part is to have sleepers among the resistance. Knowing their plans ahead of time is critical to foiling them or letting them have wins that do not matter. As mentioned above as well getting more votes in the region and extra trusted bodys is key we all know @Mall will and would love to help coup but bribing others as well. Working with other regions to frame a war to get even our strongest allies to side by me the delegate as well so I can build an extra net of influence.
An ever important part is also to disband or discredit the SC (and remove their powers duh) spreading lies and slander so that people would unedorce them. All in all It would be hard to coup TNP for very long as we have a large nest of influence built up.

Thoughts on WALL?
WALL is a great way to be a powerhouse in the WA as well as strengthen our ties in the community.

Your endorsement level is around 456. What, if anything, have to done to improve your endorsement level in preparation for your delegate campaign?

I have started to endo tart daily, the easy half of gathering endorsements is endortarting and keeping up with this. When elected I will push harder to get more endorsements via TGs and dispatch notifcations. it is important to get the endorsements early as many natinons may log in once or twice then CTE but they still endorce and count towards the number.
I have a few questions of my own for you.

1. Will you be appointing any advisors to your Cabinet?
2. Will you be selecting a Chief of Staff?
3. Will you continue to employ a Press Secretary as several delegates in the past have done?
4. Will you be inviting the next Vice Delegate to sit in on Cabinet?
5. Are there any major legislative initiatives that you will pursue in the Regional Assembly, and if so, what would those entail?
6. If there was three changes to the structure of the North Pacific Government that you could make, what would those be and why?
Do you find NationStates fun to play? What is fun about it?

Do you think being delegate will make it more fun? What do you think will be fun about being Delegate?
What region do you believe is our closest ally? Furthermore, what regions do you think TNP should have a closer relationship with?
What is your vision for TNP? What do you want to change that other candidates would not do?
Spoiler: Culture The cards guild is and always will be a front running program I plan to develop and work with the leadership to continue to excel above and beyond what we have. We struck gold first and our cards program is the envy of the world. I plan to keep it that way and push our other programs and ministries to that same level. One way of doing this is working with the ministry to form a rewards program for example you get points for doing things like making IFV for MoWAA those points can then be turned in (or collected to climb the leader board) for free cards, titles, or other incentives.
The other wildly successful program to come from Culture/HA/Radio is TNP game night. Hosting more regular game nights playing jackbox and the like are both great incentives as well as ways to get mroe people on our discord.
Spoiler: Home Affairs Nim has done a wonderful job and created a model ministry that being said amazing isn't the end its only the start of what could be I look forward to working with the next minster to develop an even greater vision and grander projects to accomplish. Including but not limited to creating targeted requirement for the ministries. Maintaining programs such as the pen pals program and other outreach and retention programs.
Jeez man cut up your sentences, I got tired just reading a sentence.