[08/29//2020] Noncompliance - dangerous trend, legitimate roleplay, or godmodding?


Primarily a Lurker
TNP Nation
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Noncompliance - dangerous trend, legitimate roleplay, or godmodding?

Hello, and welcome to the event of the day in the World Assembly Symposium 2020! You can also see the live discussions by joining the Discord for the event from 5PM-8PM EST today, August 29.

While the topics are intentionally broad, we also introduce subtopics for the interested:
  • How should non-compliance be handled within the World Assembly?
  • Is there a legitimate way to be non-compliant or is compliance put into place instantly and by force?
  • How do 'non-compliance pacts' effect gameplay within the World Assembly?
You can leave any longer-length essay-style responses here, if you like, or you can just wait for the actual live discussion on the Discord!