Culture/Foreign Affairs/Roleplay Boi
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- Democratu / Regunalia
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- DJHonore Gaming#5688
The 7 Sided Star Of Regunalia
The official flag of the 7 Sided Star as a whole
The "7 Sided Star" is the official name of Regunalia's standing military. It is so named because it consists of seven separate branches that cooperate in tandem with each other to accomplish any given mission. The 7 branches are as follows:

The official flag of the 7 Sided Star as a whole
The "7 Sided Star" is the official name of Regunalia's standing military. It is so named because it consists of seven separate branches that cooperate in tandem with each other to accomplish any given mission. The 7 branches are as follows:
The Regunalian Royal Honor Guard AKA The Regunalian Honor Guard, Honor Guard (Golden Point)
Headquarters: Honor Guard Grand Barracks, Grand Royal Palace Complex, Regunalia City, Fortessium Duchy, Centrian Region, Regunalia
Main Training Facility: Honor Guard Proving Grounds
Specialty: Defense
Prestige: Supreme
- Protect the King and the Royal Family
- Protect the Grand Royal Palace Complex
- Protect the Centrian Region
- Protect VIPs both foreign and domestic within the Centrian Region
- Actively stand watch for any and all threats to the above
- Investigate any and all real, pressing threats to the above
- Actively work to prevent harm to any of the above
Highest Rank: Chief General-at-Arms of the Honor Guard, currently Angus Steele
Entry Method(s): By Selection, By Recommendation, By Outstanding Service
Rank Prerequisite: Corporal
"The King's Hand" AKA The Regunalian Royal Bodyguards
The Regunalian Ceremonial Honor Guard
The Regunalian Honor Guard VIP Escort Service
The Regunalian Honor Guard Command and Control Service
The Regunalian Honor Guard Threat Assessment Service
The Regunalian Honor Guard Motorized Infantry Command
The Regunalian Honor Guard Armored Asset Command
The Regunalian Royal National Guard AKA The Regunalian National Guard, National Guard (Black Point)
Headquarters: Royal National Guard Command Center, Central Political District, Regunalia City, Fortessium Duchy, Centrian Region, Regunalia
Main Training Facility: National Guard Proving Grounds:
Specialty: Defense
Prestige: 2nd only to the Honor Guard
- Protect all regions except Centria
- Protect VIPs both foreign and domestic within all regions except Centria
- Actively stand watch for any and all threats to the above
- Investigate any and all real, pressing threats to the above
- Actively work to prevent harm to any of the above
- Coordinate with the Honor Guard in times of Kingdom-wide crisis
Highest Rank: Chief General-at-Arms of the National Guard
Entry Method(s): By Selection, By Recommendation, By Board Review
Rank Prerequisite: Private 1st Class
Regunalian National Guard High Command
Regunalian National Guard Agricola Headquarters
Regunalian National Guard Commerciorum Headquarters
Regunalian National Guard Institutum Headquarters
Regunalian National Guard Labos Headquarters
The Regunalian Ceremonial National Guard
The Regunalian Honor Guard VIP Escort Service
The Regunalian Honor Guard Threat Assessment Service
The Regunalian Honor Guard Motorized Infantry Command
The Regunalian Honor Guard Armored Asset Command
The Regunalian Royal Specialist Corps AKA The Regunalian Specialist Corps, Specialist Corps (Red Point)
Headquarters: Royal Specialist Corps Command, Communications, and Coordination (C3) Center, Central Political District, Regunalia City, Fortessium Duchy, Centrian Region, Regunalia
Specialty: Various, depends on Force(s) in question
Prestige: Very High
- Collect, organize, maintain, train, command, and deploy the majority of specialists for various roles within 7 sided star operations
- Act as the main intelligence-gathering branch of the star
- Eliminate HVTs within given conditions and parameters
- Coordinate all Royal military assets during times of kingdom-wide crisis
Highest Rank: Chief General of the Specialist Corps
The Regunalian Royal Marines AKA The Regunalian Marines, Marines (Purple Point)
Headquarters: Royal Marine Command and Control (C&C) Center, Central Political District, Regunalia City, Fortessium Duchy, Centrian Region, Regunalia
Specialty: Naval Assault, Ship Boarding
Prestige: Very High
- Act as Naval Infantry branch to compliment Navy capabilities
- Ensure security is maintained aboard Navy warships
- Repel Ship Boarding attempts by foreign actors
- Assault and defend coastal targets to ensure safety of naval supply lines
- Board and capture enemy vessels in times of war
Highest Rank: Chief Commander of the Marines
The Regunalian Royal Army AKA The Regunalian Army, Army (Green Point)

The official war pennant of the Regunalian Royal Army
Headquarters: Royal Regunalian Army Command and Control (C&C) Center, Central Political District, Regunalia City, Fortessium Duchy, Centrian Region, Regunalia
Specialty: Land-Based Operations
Prestige: High
- Act as the star's main land-based strike force
- Build, operate, garrison and maintain facilities necessary to the operation and maintenance of the Army
- Land-Based Logistics
- Coordinate with the Specialist Corps to eliminate land-based targets
- Reinforce Honor Guard/National Guard when necessary
- Win over hearts and minds on operation
Highest Rank: Field Marshal of the Army
Organization: Regunalian Army Organization
The Regunalian Royal Navy AKA The Regunalian Navy, Navy (Dark Blue Point)

The official ensign of the Regunalian Royal Navy

The official Navy Jack of the Regunalian Royal Navy

The official commissioning pennant of the Regunalian Royal Navy

The official Regunalian Royal Navy Aviation roundel
Headquarters: Royal Regunalian Navy Command and Control (C&C) Center, Central Political District, Regunalia City, Fortessium Duchy, Centrian Region, Regunalia
Specialty: Sea-based Operations
Prestige: High
- Act as the star's main sea-based strike/defense force
- Build, operate, garrison and maintain facilities necessary to the operation and maintenance of the Navy
- Transport Marines to and from assigned targets
- Sea-Based Logistics
- Protect the sovereignty of Regunalian coastal waters
- Eliminate enemy naval assets in times of war
- Bombard targets with naval fire as possible and necessary
- Aid, Protect, and/or Rescue Regunalian citizens in distress at sea
- Transport humanitarian supplies via sea when possible and necessary
Highest Rank: Chief Admiral of the Navy
Organization: Click Here
The Regunalian Royal Air Force AKA The Regunalian Air Force, Air Force (Sky Blue Point)

The official flag of the Regunalian Royal Air Force

The official Regunalian Royal Air Force roundel
Headquarters: Royal Regunalian Air Force Command and Control (C&C) Center, Central Political District, Regunalia City, Fortessium Duchy, Centrian Region, Regunalia
Specialty: Air-Based Operations
Prestige: High
- Act as the star's main air-based strike/defense force
- Build, operate, garrison and maintain facilities necessary to the operation and maintenance of the Air Force
- Air-Based Logistics
- Protect the sovereignty of Regunalian airspace
- Eliminate enemy air/land assets in times of war
- Transport humanitarian supplies via air when possible and necessary
Highest Rank: Chief General of the Air Force
Organization: Click Here
All credit to Prydania for the flags, pennants, and roundels, etc
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