The North Star - Issue XX Planning

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I finished my Chinese homework
TNP Nation
Regional Assembly HighlightsCretox State
North Pacific Army BulletinRobespierre
The Spotlight 29 - Interview with NimaryaArichia
News - Festival with TSPArichia
News - August Special Judicial ElectionComfed
News - September General ElectionRocketdog
News - September Special Judicial ElectionOwenstacey
WA DigestBMWSurfer
Unclaimed articles are in bold.

Please indicate below if you would like to write any of the articles listed above, or if you would like to write an article which is not listed. All articles are due by the last weekend of the month, which is Sunday, September 27th for this Issue. This issue will be published on Sunday, October 3rd.

When you are finished with your article, please put it into a google doc and post a comment link to that google doc in the "Editor's Desk" subforum (for info on how to do that see this article, and make sure the link has "Commenter" permissions). If you are unable to do this for any reason, please let BMWSurfer know. It is recommended that you write your article sooner, and update it as needed.

If you need any assistance, please let BMWSurfer know.
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I can try writing the NPA bulletin, that is a pretty straightforward place to start right?
Usually we have a member of the NPA do it, but sure. Use the Defence subforum of the Delegate's Government forum to check what activity the NPA has had from about early July up to now. You can also check past editions of the NPA Bulletin for writing inspiration.
OK I will read up on some of the old ones and get inspired. Should the tone be playful? Serious? Or if that something editors sort through?

Edit: Work has gotten very busy and I am afraid I cant commit to this for fear of not finishing it. Sorry! I will try and be more active once things slow down.
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OK I will read up on some of the old ones and get inspired. Should the tone be playful? Serious? Or if that something editors sort through?
Overall, I would say aim to be entertaining/engaging.
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