July Embassy Update
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Republica Accord, Negotiated, Signed & Ratified
Unionist Engagement Reinvigorated In Senate By-Election
In our last embassy update, the disappearance of Senator Grand Gondor was reported on. At the time they had one day left in the ten day unannounced activity buffer before an election would be held for their seat. As Grand Gondor did not return, and indeed has since CTEd, the Chancellors opened a Senate By-Election on the second of June. Midway through the candidacy period for the one open seat, a second seat became available following the resignation and subsequent renunciation of citizenship by long time Unionist North Plegia.
Ten citizens declared their candidacy for the two vacant seats with six posting campaign statements. Following a Senate election that had only six candidates for the five seats and minimal campaigning, this was a very welcome sight for the Union’s political landscape. Voting was opened on the sixth of July and beyond Nuevo San Miguel, who had separated themself from the pack by virtue of endorsements from President Phoenix Coalition and former Vice President Asdersland, it was anyone’s race.
The perceived tightness of the race was not borne out in reality when the Chancellors released the results on the eighth of July. Nuevo San Miguel had dominated as expected, with an average ranking of 2.26. Long time citizen Drawception ended up with the second seat with an average ranking of 3.74, well ahead of third place finisher British Isles and Commonwealth Realms with 5.44. The election was also notable for RON’s strong performance, finishing well above half the candidacy pool.
Presidential Election Sees Phoenix Re-Elected For Second Term, With Dome Artan The New VP
The Union’s second Presidential term wound to a close at the end of June with the Chancellors declaring the candidacy period open for the third Presidential election on the twenty fifth of June. The election was expected to be a laid back one with Phoenix Coalition seeking reelection following a widely admired four month term. The incumbent did announce a new pick for Vice President following the mutually agreed departure of Asdersland from the position, current WA Delegate Dome Artan would take their place on the ballot. While much of the lead up to the election was filled with jokes about Phoenix Coalition running unopposed, former Chairperson of the Union’s General Assembly Firseria announced their candidacy with Nuevo San Miguel their choice for VP.
Firseria openly admitted they weren’t “in it to win it”, instead there to offer some competition to Phoenix Coalition and get some experience for a potential more serious run at some point in the future. Both candidates did publish extensive campaign statements, but there was minimal other campaigning beyond some citizens asking questions. The campaign period was mostly notable for the Chancellery’s allowance of RMB campaign posts, something long outlawed by the region’s various election officers. The voting period was opened on the 29th of June with thirty six votes being cast, up twelve from the last Presidential election. Phoenix Coalition won reelection handily, taking twenty five of those thirty six votes with Firseria grabbing the remaining eleven.
UDSAF Update
As the pace picks up since last month, so too do the activities of the UDSAF, having completed far more defenses and detags than last month. This includes a 51 detag update done independently on the UDSAF server.
UDSAF Monthly Report
July 2020
Participating UDSAF Members (assisted in Libcord):
- Khevo
- Comlogical
- Kanglia
- Glaciosia
- Phoenix
- Thatcher Whitehall
Defenses: 28
Detags: 52
Liberations: 1
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