Syrixia [TNP]Today at 2:08 PM
@here Welcome one and all to the first AMA of this festival, featuring TNP Minister of World Assembly Affairs @Morover [TNP]!
Before we begin I want to mention, as well, that Defense Minister Rom will be at 5 PM tonight, and Foreign Minister Pallaith will be at 8 PM. Now, that being said, let's begin!
I'll start - @Morover [TNP], what do you think is the most important part of being WA Minister in terms of impact on the greater regional and NS community?
Morover [TNP]Today at 2:12 PM
So, I think that being a WA Minister - or even just a part of a regional ministry - is important because it extends the actual ability for any individual to gain access to the World Assembly to a wider audience. Upon first glance, it is a very daunting aspect of the game - and especially for newcomers. WA Ministries make a bridge between the greater NS community and the WA aspects of the game, by making it more easily understandable. In TNP especially, where we have such a wide array of both authors and voters, we can accomplish this very effectively - and I think we do a pretty good job, especially through our Information for Voters program and such
TSP does something similar to this, in fact, with their OWL program
Prydania [TNP]Today at 2:14 PM
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Today at 2:15 PM
What role do you believe an ideal WA Minister should have in introducing new players to the WA, encouraging them to become authors, and training them in interregional politics through WALL? (or are these roles more suited to MoHA and MoFA?)
Praetor [TNP]Today at 2:15 PM
What do you hope to change or contribute to the Ministry that hasn't been done before?
i'm fast as fuk boi [TSP]Today at 2:16 PM
yea, we should probably have 2 channels, one for questions where anyone can post, and one where only the lecturer can post and answer questions that were posted in the other channel
@Syrixia [TNP]
Syrixia [TNP]Today at 2:17 PM
We'll take that into consideration for the rest of the AMAs; for now just use #poop-deck for non-question-related stuff
Morover [TNP]Today at 2:20 PM
in response to Fiji: I think that any WA Minister should take an effort in fostering the "creative spirits" (or whatever you wanna call it tbh) in regards to the World Assembly, whether that be through critiquing drafts either internally or on the NS Forums themselves, or through drafting legislation itself. Nobody can force another player to take an interest in the WA, but the critical job of a minister (and ministry as a whole, for that matter), is to make it as easily accessible as possible. Personally, I've been more concerned with managing the internal affairs of the ministry, though that is certainly easier given the fact that I came in where many services that make this easier are available - whether that be through automated scripts or otherwise.
I personally don't think WALL should be used for training in interregional politics, as that is primarily a service to help further the very-specifically WA interests of a region (there is an intermingling with FA there, but it's not necessarily the best place to "train" somebody in it)
To Praetor - I'm not looking towards anything super new or innovative - one thing that I am in the early process of planning is a secondary WA symposium, though I won't comment too much on that before anything has been confirmed 100%. My biggest goal internally, though, is to gather a wide array of authors and others interested in the WA as part of the ministry to best secure the future.
Eoin [TSP]Today at 2:23 PM
How much of your time do you dontate to NS things and how much would say is required for any government role?
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Today at 2:23 PM
How would you handle a scenario in which our WALL partners specifically request our delegate vote one way on a proposal, but in which our WA Ministry has voted the opposite way? Would you make an effort to convince our WALL partners otherwise, or would you value that partnership on that vote more than our own vote? If the latter, how would you handle PR internally?
Morover [TNP]Today at 2:25 PM
Eoin - I donate way too much of my time to NS, if I'm being honest. Currently, I'm out of work IRL so I spend about 10 or more hours a day idling in NS, whereas I spend about 3-4 hours actively doing stuff - it also greatly depends on the day, but those are good general estimates. When I'm in work, I cant imagine I spend more than 4 hours a day on the site at all, but I'm not actively monitoring it. For the positions I've been held in, I don't think it requires insane amounts of time, so long as you get everything done. I don't have any quantifiable numbers for what should be given, though.
Fiji - The important thing about WALL is that it cannot force a delegate to vote a specific way, only to approve proposals. I think it's of an utmost concern that our delegate specifically follows our forum vote. Under the current administration, I think it would be imperative to at least try and vote in line with the majority of people - though that becomes a bit more complex with tight votes. I think if our WALL partners seriously wanted us to get a proposal to fail for whatever reason, I would try to sway the forum vote by presenting the cases made. I think that it can be reasonably stated that the high-level WA experts within WALL will see issues within proposals that many others won't, simply due to time spent analyzing or otherwise - presenting these issues to the general public is probably the best thing I can do in good faith. I do think it's a case-by-case basis, but I will always try and do what I think is right while remaining consistent with what the Region and WA Ministry as a whole believes in.
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Today at 2:30 PM
In your opinion, when should IFVs be released to have maximum impact on the community vote? Would you say this timing has been met, on average, for IFVs released this term?
Praetor [TNP]Today at 2:31 PM
What are your thoughts on the Heroes of the North program? Why has this program stalled?
Morover [TNP]Today at 2:33 PM
IFVs should be released as soon as humanly possible, because the majority of votes happen within the first day. I think there's only been one circumstance where an IFV was released more than twelve hours after the vote has started since I've been minister, and that was due to an incredibly tight vote and some internal debate within the Ministry over what should be done.
Heroes of the North is a nice initiative that has likely stalled due to general lack of interest - collaborative efforts when it comes to writing proposals themselves are often hard to coordinate, so even though a few proposals have been fleshed out since the project's inception, progressing the process to a point where it's available for Drafting NS-side can be difficult. It's been something on my plate that I've intended to be getting around to, but it's not super high on the priority list - I don't think it's something that needs to be done in a rapid manner, but rather should be a goal that should be accomplished in the long-term, changing dynamically as various things are accomplished.
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Today at 2:36 PM
What is your opinion of TSP's WA Ministry? What do you think we can learn from them to improve our own operations?
i'm fast as fuk boi [TSP]Today at 2:37 PM
What are your thoughts on TSP's Office of WA Legislation and what do you think we can improve with it?
Morover [TNP]Today at 2:41 PM
I'm honestly in love with TSP's general style of IFV's - the dispatches look incredible, and the idea of presenting contrasting opinions from people who are legitimately commenting on the merit of the proposal as a proposal as opposed to being specifically designed for voting recommendations is pretty ingenious, in my opinion. I think that they may run into some issues with regards to finding sufficient comments on some proposals (and have noticed that on occasion), but it's a relative nonissue. I also think that they could span a far wider scope if they bumped up their forum activity - from what I can tell, TSP does a lot of drafting RMB-side (and presumably Discord, as well), but I don't really see many voting threads or discussions on their forum at all. I think TNP could definitely implement quotes into our own IFVs, but I think it may be difficult with the current format - though, if we ever issue an "abstain" or "no recommendation" IFV, that style may just be perfect
I think that should've answered both of y'all's questions
Does someone know how big the TSP Office of WA Legislation is in terms of active contributors off the top of their heads?
i'm fast as fuk boi [TSP]Today at 2:42 PM
I would say around like 10, but i'm not sure.
maybe a little more.
Somyrion [TSP]Today at 2:44 PM
About 6 active staff and ~5-10 active voters.
We do everything onsite on the RMB of the region "The South Pacific WA Voting Center", which is why there's nothing on the forum.
i'm fast as fuk boi [TSP]Today at 2:44 PM
Somyrion [TSP]Today at 2:44 PM
Easier for RMBers, is the idea.
Morover [TNP]Today at 2:45 PM
From an authorial point of view, it may be wise to put a disclaimer of that on the WA subforum on your forums. For a while, I looked mine up there to see general opinions and left rather disappointed.
RMB-side drafting is very smart, though, I just don't think authors expect it
Somyrion [TSP]Today at 2:45 PM
Good idea! runs away to do that and stop interrupting your AMA
i'm fast as fuk boi [TSP]Today at 2:47 PM
What would your ideal WA Ministry be?
Prydania [TNP]Today at 2:48 PM
Morover [TNP]Today at 2:48 PM
I mean, in an ideal world I'd like to just have like 8-9 people who are actively interested in the WA and we get to decide everything for ourselves, though that's not really practical in any big region. TNP Ministry is pretty close to that, though, in terms of actually writing the IFVs - we just have a pretty big obligation to follow the forum vote, as well :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Syrixia [TNP]Today at 2:51 PM
Does anyone else have any questions? If not, we'll conclude in ten minutes.
i'm fast as fuk boi [TSP]Today at 2:53 PM
Do you think that by having the IFV be written by a member of the WA Ministry makes the IFV somewhat biased by maybe not telling the whole story behind a proposal? And if so, how could that be changed?
Praetor [TNP]Today at 2:54 PM
What was the motivation behind the policy change to have IFVs following the forum vote? I believe this is the first time I have been around while this is the policy.
Morover [TNP]Today at 2:58 PM
I think that there will be a bias regardless of who writes it - the reason that IFVs are needed in the first place is because a vast majority of players simply don't care about the WA, whether that manifests in simply not doing research on the proposal or not reading it at all. In the case of the former - which I would imagine is a lot more common - having a concise explanation of why the proposal should be voted for or against can meet their needs perfectly. Unfortunately, when taking discussion points for/against from elsewhere, these concise explanations are oftentimes not present. What is done with TNP IFVs, though, is that we try to give as much time as we can for critiques to be made on it, to hopefully minimize bias and make it as straightforward as possible without mischaracterizing the proposal.
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Today at 2:59 PM
What is your pitch for why more people should be interested in participating in the WA Affairs Ministry?
Syrixia [TNP]Today at 3:00 PM
I think this will be a good one to end on.
Morover [TNP]Today at 3:01 PM
IFVs following the forum vote isn't a strict policy, but it's something that I think should be adhered to - and has been expressed by our delegate too. I know Pry vowed to always vote in line with the forum vote, and it sends kinda a contradictory message to have the IFV not reflect what the delegate votes in-game. I also believe they vowed that the WA Ministry under their watch would send out IFVs according to the forum vote, but I may be misremembering that and I can't find their campaign offhand so I may be wrong there.
Generally, I've recommended everyone who's in TNP and shows an interest in the WA to join the Ministry. Albeit, I've done less of this since actually becoming Minister, but I think if you author proposals or give feedback in any significant way, and you're a part of TNP, it's infinitely beneficial to join WA Affairs. Hell, I think I've actually recommended people from outside the region to join the region so they can get a say when it comes to IFVs. TNP holds one of the biggest shares of WA votes, and it can be very valuable to have a say in where those votes are redistributed. I mean, I joined TNP for the Ministry, and I certainly can't say I regret it.
Syrixia [TNP]Today at 3:05 PM
Definitely something to keep in mind! :smile:
That being said, I think that'll do it for this AMA. The transcript will be going up on the forum momentarily - stick with us for the rest of today's AMAs and the festival's events! The next event will be Rom's AMA at 5 PM EST.
@Morover [TNP], thanks for answering, and thanks for your hard work and diligence in your job :smile:
Morover [TNP]Today at 3:06 PM
Of course! Thanks for having me, and thank everyone for the questions :D
@here Welcome, one and all, to the second AMA of this festival, featuring TNP Minister of Defense @Rom [TNP]!
Before we begin I want to mention, as well, that Foreign Minister Pallaith will doing an AMA at 8 PM EST tonight. Now, that being said, let's begin!
I'll start - @Rom [TNP], what do you think are the major similarities and differences between TNP and TSP's militaries, and what are the strengths of each military's outlook and policies?
Rom [TNP]Today at 5:08 PM
Well I mean we both work together on occasion- our couple detag runs we have done together over the last couple months and our liberation attempts we are currently engaged in at the moment in South Pacific come to mind - so like even though we do have different objectives for the most part (TSP is by large a defender region while TNP leans independent) I still consider SPSF to be one of our strongest military allies.
Jay [TNP/TSP]Today at 5:10 PM
What do you envision for the future of the NPA?
Rom [TNP]Today at 5:13 PM
"I'd like to finish what Ravania started." Nah I'd like to bolster up NPA's piling force in particular. We have one of the stronger piling forces in NS where we can routinely show up with 20+ pilers at a given moment (which is very impressive btw), and I'd like to be able to continue to grow that number in the future. Piling is a great way to get yourself involved in GP (it is how yours truly first got into GP back in 2013) and it gives a great opportunity for those that have a busier schedule to still be involved in their regional military.
Syrixia [TNP]Today at 5:13 PM
What has your leadership philosophy been as Minister of Defense and how would you compare it to those of your predecessors? Who would you say are your favorite previous Ministers of Defense and why?
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Today at 5:14 PM
Do you place any importance on raid reports like the NPA Bulletin segment in The North Star? To what extent should the Ministry of Defense contribute to these articles? Would you prefer reports be published more frequently?
Prarie [TSP]Today at 5:14 PM
Who are some up-and-comers that you could see making a difference in the R/D sphere?
What militaries would you like the NPA to collaborate more with in the future?
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Today at 5:16 PM
You mention the desire to build the NPA's piling force. Recruitment efforts to the NPA often produce few results. Do you have any specific ideas on how to boost recruitment in order to make this dream come true? (2) In his campaign platform, Prydania suggested the MoD could work with GAs and the Ministry of Home Affairs to help boost recruitment. Have you pursued these options? (3) What other ministries could you work in tandem with (MoR?) to provide training resources and enthusiasm?
Rom [TNP]Today at 5:17 PM
I'd say my philosophy especially considering how I have considerable GP experience is to be able to get others in a position of leadership because lets face it - I'm not gonna be here forever, so I'd like to be able to when I'm no longer MoD we have capable people ready to take up the position. In terms of OP's, I've tried to make sure we work with a wide variety of orgs which I'd say I've done a good job at so far. Of my favorite previous MoD's, I learned a lot from being Trond's deputy last term, and that experience I gained from him has helped me out a lot so far.
@El Fiji Grande [TNP] the reports for TNS are very important imo, and I've very much enjoyed being able to write them when I've needed to. I think our current format of doing them monthly has been going great and I see no reason at the moment to change it up.
Phoenix of the Sun [TSP]Today at 5:19 PM
What has been your favorite part of being TNP's Minister of Defence so far?
i'm fast as fuk boi [TSP]Today at 5:20 PM
What are your thoughts on the SPSF and what can we do to improve it?
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Today at 5:21 PM
What is your opinion of NPA open houses that give newcomers the chance to participate in training missions without affecting OpSec?
Rom [TNP]Today at 5:22 PM
@Prarie [TSP] In the NPA I've really been impressed with Nim in particular for up and comers. She is most certainly a lot better at GP than I was back when I first got started. :stuck_out_tongue:
But like outside of NPA, "I really think Ursus has been doing great work." In all seriousness I've liked what Refuge in particular has been able to do in such a short amount of time, she should be a quality raider for a long time. As for defenders, Phoenix has been one that has impressed me too. Much better defender than I ever was, even if I was a defender OG legend.
@El Fiji Grande [TNP] I think the biggest thing to increasing our piler force is to not only continue our recruiting efforts (which we have been doing among other things working with HA to generate interest) is to keep the people that we do have within the NPA interested and engaged. I've noticed a lot of the people that join NPA end up leaving after a couple OP's, and it is vital to keep the people that actually do join interested and participating in the operations that we conduct.
As for militaries that I'd like to see us work with more in the future I'd have to say Legio. Or TWPAF. We share common interest with both militaries, particularly in the fash bashing department.
@Phoenix of the Sun [TSP] I'd have to say the FA aspect of it. I've always been good at the FA side, and I've very much enjoyed being able to work out and plan OP's. That part is almost for me anyways more fun than the OP itself. :stuck_out_tongue:
I've also enjoyed the training aspect, because I've got a lot of GP knowledge as I've mentioned before, and I've been put in a position where I'm able to pass on a thing or two to the people that I've trained. Very few things are more rewarding than to see someone who you have helped train enjoying and having fun in raiding/defending, because at the end of the day NS is supposed to be a place where you are having fun.
@i'm fast as fuk boi [TSP] I like the SPSF, and ive worked with that org for several years by now. They are a very talented org and have great leadership, but I'd imagine if I'd have to say there is something they could improve on ig the recruiting aspect of it. I know that Warrior one of their previous MoMA's was really good at that skill, and TSP being a GCR has a great recruiting base to pull from.
@El Fiji Grande [TNP] I know that other orgs have done that past - RRA for example during their RRA Day would do a detag run that was open to all and was public knowledge - and I'd imagine that doing something kinda similar could certainly be feasible for the NPA to do.
Jay [TNP/TSP]Today at 5:35 PM
Is there a regional military that you consider to be an emerging power in R/D?
Rom [TNP]Today at 5:37 PM
I've been noticing that FNDA has been able draw decent numbers on the defender side. I'm still not as familiar as I'd like to be on the raider side of new raider groups, so I'm not the best person to ask for what orgs seem to be doing great things. But if I'd have to give an answer, like either Karma or Social Technocratic Union? Both orgs seem to be decent piling forces, and Karma does nice work on the tagging side as well. Trieltics when they do things are among the best taggers on NS.
Phoenix of the Sun [TSP]Today at 5:40 PM
If you could choose only 1 kind of op to do for the rest of your NS life, and you could only do this thing or no R/D at all, what would that be? (I mean like, raiding, tagging, liberating, chasing, detagging?)
i'm fast as fuk boi [TSP]Today at 5:41 PM
What are your thoughts on the current R/D methods and what do you think could improve them?
Rom [TNP]Today at 5:41 PM
Liberating. I still consider myself to be defender leaning to be honest, and there is nothing more enjoyable than a successful liberation. I still have memories of some liberations I was involved in 5+ years ago hahaha
@i'm fast as fuk boi [TSP] I really like the current R/D meta, but as a old school person I'd always like to see old school methods such as thorning (even though the practicality of it in modern GP makes it a waste of time) to Instant Jump Points (even though with us having our current update knowledge makes those not needed as well)
Phoenix of the Sun [TSP]Today at 5:45 PM
What is the one most important piece of advise you'd give to future MoD's?
i'm fast as fuk boi [TSP]Today at 5:46 PM
What is your favorite part of R/D?
Rom [TNP]Today at 5:47 PM
Okay I have to take a quick break (I'll be back in about 10 - 15 minutes)
Syrixia [TNP]Today at 5:49 PM
@Rom [TNP] Would you like us to conclude here?
Rom [TNP]Today at 5:53 PM
Okay I'm back again
Syrixia [TNP]Today at 5:53 PM
Rom [TNP]Today at 5:53 PM
We can continue lol
Syrixia [TNP]Today at 5:53 PM
Does anyone else have any questions? If not, we'll conclude in 8 minutes.
Jay [TNP/TSP]Today at 5:55 PM
Hard-hitting, eyebrow raising, potentially controversial question: Defender TNP?
Rom [TNP]Today at 5:55 PM
@Phoenix of the Sun [TSP] my advice I'd give to future MoD's is to always have a backup plan. Not all of your stuff you want to do regarding holds and that sort will always work out, so it is important to acknowledge that. Another thing I'd say is to be open to working with a wide variety of orgs and to not fall into a habit of working with a lot of orgs, like working with just TBH.
Sanjurika [TNP]Today at 5:56 PM
Was this question asked yet? Oh well, I'll ask anyway. What would you say are your strengths and weaknesses as MoD? Do you think your Deputies are able to cover any weaknesses you might have?
Rom [TNP]Today at 5:57 PM
As for my favorite part of R/D, my favorite part is being able to work with other people to accomplish a common goal. It is very much a team effort, and without many people being involved you are not gonna be able to do a whole lot as a org.
@Jay [TNP/TSP] "the inner ravania in me says yes."
Syrixia [TNP]Today at 6:00 PM
One more question I think we can conclude on @Rom [TNP] - what do you hope for the future of the NPA-SPSF relationship?
Rom [TNP]Today at 6:01 PM
@Sanjurika [TNP] my strengths I would say is that I am really good in the FA department, and I also have a lot of charisma as well which again can be helpful as MoD. As for my weaknesses, I'm not the best at stuff like doing paperwork (I can be v forgetful at times haha) but like my deputies such as BMW do a great job in helping us keep both our mission logs and NPA roster up to date, and Robes does a amazing job in helping me with the reports I make about the stuff we are doing.
@Syrixia [TNP] Thanks for having me, and I've very much enjoyed being able to do this! I'd say for future OP's I bet we can slip in a joint fash bash when necessary, and whenever we do our joint detags I've always found those to be a lot of fun. Maybe we can liberate South Pacific? Who knows.
Syrixia [TNP]Today at 6:03 PM
No problem! Thanks for answering, and for your hard work!
That being said, that'll be it for this AMA. The transcript will be going up on the forum momentarily - stick with us for the rest of today's AMAs and the festival's events! The next event will be Pallaith's AMA at 8 PM EST.
Pallaith - Ask Me Anything:[/spoiler]Code:Phoenix of the Sun [TSP]Today at 8:26 PM So, I guess my first question to you, fren, is, how are you enjoying being the Minister of Foreign Affairs of TNP? Pallaith [TNP]Today at 8:27 PM it's always a much nicer experience when there aren't any major crises going on, so in that sense I like it a lot more than the last time I did it, and we've got a great team that makes a lot of the day to day stuff pretty easy so I am feeling alright i'm fast as fuk boi [TSP]Today at 8:28 PM What are your thoughts on TSP's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and what do you think they can improve? El Fiji Grande [TNP]Today at 8:29 PM In your mind, what is the importance of the UCR Outreach program to TNP, and how will you ensure its longevity past the end of your term? Jay [TNP/TSP]Today at 8:30 PM What are your foreign policy goals in this term as MoFA? El Fiji Grande [TNP]Today at 8:33 PM In your last Ministry report (August), you stated: With Dar’s help we will be pioneering a new pattern of behavior that will hopefully become a staple of our diplomatic protocol. Could you clarify what you mean by this, and why it's important going forward? Pallaith [TNP]Today at 8:34 PM I have admired what they have done recently, they've really synergized with the embracing of defenderism and I have to give them props on the professionalism they have exhibited, there's a clear push to have more to say on the world stage. I feel like if they synthesized that on an individual embassy level rather than leave it for GP statements, they would have greater spread? sometimes I think TNP kind of has the opposite problem, we're getting our updates out including game-wide but aren't making a big splash in the contest of ideas, so to speak. I'm going to loop this in with my answer to Jay, I think it would be nice to find a way for us to engage on that level, but the trick is always finding the right way to do it. I would like us to be less reactive, but in the meantime I think if we see our current projects to fruition we can contribute something other than regional updates. The World Factbook is the obvious project that I think is going to be something big, the better we get at expanding it nd updating it, I think it can be a resource not just for our diplomats but for everyone, and when e really perfect it, we can start storing some historical information too that will be really useful years down the road. another of those projects is the UCR Outreach program, as Fiji highlighted. It is important that we learn how to engage with UCRs, given how many there are. We're still figuring out how to formalize this thing, right now it's just us talking to regions who may be interested in doing more with us, and figuring out what engages them and what they would like to see and get from us, which can build future relationships. We haven't wanted all our treaties to be GCR treaties, we have had a historical relationship with many old UCRs but other than Greater Dienstad that just isn't the case in modern times. In terms of ensuring tis longevity, that doesn't matter to me. What matters is the work being done in this project, not the formal project itself It is just another version of the kind of thing I aimed to do as delegate and MoFA in the past. Currently I think the most fruitful path with it is working with the MoWA to use our WA tools and knowledge to help regions interested in that. It's concrete and has obvious immediate utility and it could be what starts a better more complete relationship with regions. Fiji's other question is about something I said in my report. I meant that I want ambassadors to get used to editing and updating the World Factbook. I want working on that to be what drives their studies and observations that would previously go into their ambassador reports. I want them to build that habit and take for granted the World Factbook as part of their rounds and part of what goes into how they do their jobs World Factbook questions are specific and will always need to be answered, and as they get info and can't fit everything they have into a specific box, we can create new sections of the entries and they will get better. This enhances the program long term and also creates a guide for ambassadors so they know what to look for. It should help training new ones be much easier in the future El Fiji Grande [TNP]Today at 8:43 PM Your term as Minister of FA has seen the largest expansion in World Factbook Project pages for our foreign partners. While this is commendable, do you think the current work satisfies the intent of McMasterdonia's idea when he stated it in a past campaign? To quote: As I said in my first campaign, this will become a valuable resource for successive governments as well as serving as an engaging project for our diplomatic corps to work on. ... This final version will be a useful guide for whoever occupies the Delegate seat after me, and for any new Minister of Foreign Affairs. I think that providing basic information about each region is important, but I think adding more information to the 'History of Relations with The North Pacific' section would also be valuable, as would an explanation of our current stance in relation to them. Do you see value in that sort of detail, and do you have plans to encourage ambassadors to add that detail? Pallaith [TNP]Today at 8:46 PM yes, and that is kind of what I hinted at in my other answers, I fully expect those details to come with time the pages are going to be somewhat rudimentary initially, because we have to get them all on the board, we have to make sure they are consistent, and once we have a solid template we can enhance it. Editing something that already exists is much easier than building it from scratch. I'm trying to finishing the building phase while starting the second phase of enhancing and expanding what we already have, and you're going to see a great variety of approaches and speed to how this is done because our ambassadors are providing most of the info and the work and I will admit I do differ from McM in a way, because I do not see this as just being for our FA ministry, I think especially because it is public and visible to the world, it can be and should be a resource they can utilize too and I don't think he intended it to be just for us, but I think that was a major selling point for him, that we could use it Jay [TNP/TSP]Today at 8:48 PM Are there any emerging regions in NS that TNP may be considering building a relationship with? Pallaith [TNP]Today at 8:53 PM none immediately come to mind, at least not ones we don't already have some commonalities with, as part of our UCR outreach program we have had an eye on a few democratic-style regions in previous terms but we didn't really get much engagement from them, and in some cases I think they even fizzled out. We had a few offshoots created by former TNP players, but they turned out to be a bad fit for future engagement or kind of started to fall apart. All the regions we are having good conversations with in the UCR outreach program or wanted to build better relationships with aren't really emerging, I guess I think of emerging regions as being a few months old, whereas TNP typically doesn't really invest a lot in such young regions, we like to see when they get settled and figure things out a bit El Fiji Grande [TNP]Today at 8:59 PM One of Prydania's visions this term was to: ...reconnect with our long-time allies from across the spectrum of NS. We need to be a visible and active presence on the NS world stage. Our allies need to know they can count on us and that we will march hand in hand with them in the name of our shared ideals. Likewise, we also need to be sure that we can rely upon our allies - that even with changes to NationStates, that these alliances are still serving our mutual values and interests. Since well more than half of the term has passed, do you believe you've satisfied this agenda? How does being 'visible and active' manifest itself? Is that something that relies on soft power from Comms/Radio/Culture and/or on hard power from the NPA, or have you interpreted this expectation to be specific to the programs within FA this term? Do you seek a balance between these cultural and military contributions, or do you want us to be as visible as possible, in every way? Second - and unrelated - are there any current alliances you find no longer serve our interests, and should be severed? What is your set of criteria for doing so? Phoenix of the Sun [TSP]Today at 8:59 PM What do you envision for the future of FA in TNP? El Fiji Grande [TNP]Today at 9:04 PM If you were to revisit your essay on Optimistic Diplomacy within the perspective of today's interregional politics, would you still agree with the stance you took then, or has your position evolved over time? To what extent do you participate within or monitor the NSGP server, and how important is such activity to the role of being involved with senior FA leadership for TNP? Pallaith [TNP]Today at 9:09 PM I do not think Prydania's expectations can ever be fully met, certainly not in a single term. This is something that is a constant challenge and aspiration that we have to come back to every single time we set out to do our work. The bare minimum does not fairly get this done, but it still has to be done, so everything you said, our ministry work and the output of that work, absolutely must continue if nothing else, so long as we are actually moving toward ore meaningful work. And we do that to a great degree with NS events and cultural events, like this one, and in the sense that we have been making an effort to do more of them, and have had a few under our belt this year, maybe not all under Pry, but certainly keeping the chain going, I think we have been living up to that goal. It's just not something you can ever stop and say "okay did it, done." All kinds of power get it done Fiji, soft or hard, and I think we've done a great blend of both. They should be balanced in the sense that you can't discount one or favor one over the other, that's just dumb and limits yourself unnecessarily. And I wouldn't say we are better at one over the other, so it's also not smart to lean on one in particular, I think we have managed to be good at both. Now I will blend the end of our question with Phoenix's, I think we can do more to be more visible and vocal, and it doesn't just mean chiming in when there's a controversy. I think it comes from us finding something we don't like, and saying something or taking part in solutions. We don't always see a need or much use in doing so, ad we tend to speak to people or participate in less flashy ways, but I think the public can benefit from some of the things we have to say and our way of looking at things, and I have always wanted to find a way for us to find our voice in GP a bit more. The future of FA for TNP absolutely involves us being more present in the world, if not NSGP than other regions on the fringes or who aren't part of that wide sphere. And again, the UCR outreach program is one way we're exploring to get better at that The most obvious alliance that could potentially end is Taijitu. The question becomes, when an old friend is gone, but your friendship didn't end, do you maintain it for old time's sake and for sentimental reasons, or do you end it because there really isn't a region to be allied to? And I think you can make a good argument either way, this may just come down to which argument convinces the most people Somyrion [TSP]Today at 9:12 PM Would you be able to explain what the UCR outreach program is intended to be, for those of us uninitiated? Pallaith [TNP]Today at 9:18 PM I will never regret my take on optimistic diplomacy, I still believe in it. Time showed me that even those wins were not the end of their individual stories, certainly they ended up being symbolically ironic given later events. What we wanted to do was worth doing, and I believe that notwithstanding later difficulties, they still show something great that could have been, and I don't think the people involved think that it was not worth doing. I would say my position has evolved in the sense that I don't think I necessarily would have seen those things as a good in and of themselves divorced from context. I may not have done them if the opportunity came after those negative events took place, but mostly because I felt they may be undone or wouldn't be as meaningful to more people, not just because of political realities. I would probably spend a lot more time working on things like that before I do them I think I was naïve to think you could just push forward and build a foundation, even a flimsy one, and build more on it later. Now I would build a much stronger foundation first I post occasionally in the NSGP server, when I have time or something relevant to say, I don't think being in FA means I have to post there, but it does mean I should be aware of it and have an eye on it, and I do, I'm a voracious reader. I think my Gameplay forum thread checks are more important for FA though UCR Outreach program is not so much a formal program as a program we're hoping to construct based on how some very loose and casual talks with regions go. We want to formalize something eventually but we have to come up with some consistent successes first. The idea behind it though is to find a reliable way to approach UCRs we feel would be compatible with us in a variety of ways, maybe WA-heavy regions or democracies or regions that have a strong RP community. Something in common we can build a better relationship out of it's admittedly very nebulous and experimental, and I have one of my deputies, Tlomz, take point on it, because it's his brainchild, not mine Phoenix of the Sun [TSP]Today at 9:23 PM What kind of advise would you give to future FA ministers? Pallaith [TNP]Today at 9:28 PM if you hate tables and spreadsheets and coding, find someone who doesn't and grab them, hold them close, never let them go. If your delegate doesn't know much about gameplay or NS history, and you don't either, start reading everything and always know the basics of it when walking into a situation where they need the info (never let your delegate look bad). If they do know more about that stuff than you do, become a sponge and learn from them, because that's likely why you're there. And when stuff doesn't make sense or you come up with an alternative, please share it, because the fresh perspective is important and can help with messaging or innovation. And always always think three or four times before you speak, and if you think you're being too formal or careful and maybe you don't need to second guess...you're wrong, just do it anyway Phoenix of the Sun [TSP]Today at 9:32 PM Alright, well, it does look like our time is up for now, transcripts of this will be available SOON™️. Thank you guys for stopping by to listen to @Pallaith [TNP]'s AMA, and make sure to tune in tomorrow at 14:00 EDT (18:00 UTC) for a lecture on Sports! Thank you so much to @Pallaith [TNP]! Pallaith [TNP]Today at 9:32 PM thank you for hosting, it was interesting
Syrixia [TNP]Today at 5:09 PM
@here Welcome to the first AMA of the day, with TNP Minister of Home Affairs @Nimarya [TNP]! Great to have you all here, and thanks to Nim for coming!
Now, as usual, I'll start: @Nimarya [TNP], in TSP the Ministry of Regional Affairs, currently run by Seraph, handles a bunch of tasks and departments including Home Affairs, whereas in TNP these tasks are more spread out and HA has its own minister. What do you think about this difference? What would you say, in your experience, are the pros and cons of each outlook and what do you personally prefer?
Nimarya [TNP]Today at 5:11 PM
Well, I think there's something to be said for having a ministry focused only on recruitment and integration. In TNP, at least, there is a lot we do as it is, so adding additional responsibilities would have to be done carefully and taking into consideration the availability of current staff and such.
m'name jef [TSP]Today at 5:12 PM
What are your thoughts on TSP's Ministry of Regional Affairs and what can be improved with it?
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Today at 5:13 PM
Many ministries in TNP routinely have difficulty with staffing. Would you say Home Affairs has encountered this problem? Have you considered programs that help incentive participation within the Ministry, such as an NS Cards reward program?
Nimarya [TNP]Today at 5:14 PM
Without knowing the particulars of what TSP's Regional Affairs does in addition to HA tasks, that's about all I could say. However, I have often thought that HA could use something else to bring fun to the region and to HA staff themselves, hence why I did game night. If TSP's Ministry does similar things, I would say they've probably found a good balance.
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Today at 5:15 PM
What would you say is the most pressing difficulty currently facing the Ministry of Home Affairs?
Nimarya [TNP]Today at 5:15 PM
HA has had high and low points with staff participation, yes. Recently it's been better, but I would agree but I understand that there will naturally be lulls in activity
we are actually considering a cards program
basically, we've been cooking up this idea pretty much all term, doing research on the activity levels of staff, and the statistics for what HA does. We believe we have a program that could go into effect as soon as next month. it's been cleared with r3n, but we've yet to make it official.
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Today at 5:17 PM
I'm definitely looking forward to that. I've been advocating for such a program for a long time.
Do you believe the Gameside Advocates should be folded back under the leadership of HA? What recommendations would you give GAs to improve their operations?
Syrixia [TNP]Today at 5:20 PM
What role do you believe HA-related ministries (such as in TNP) and/or subdivisions within larger ministries (such as in TSP) play in the culture of regions such as TNP/TSP? And, specifically in the context of regions where the two are separated, how do you think HA-related ministries and Culture-related ministries can collaborate?
Nimarya [TNP]Today at 5:20 PM
GA's appear to be operating fairly well independently of mean HA leadership. They're out there on the RMB every day with a dedication that's impressive. If I could give any advice to GAs it would be to not let trolls bait them. I've had an instance in the past where i've had to ask a GA to cool down and back off, but for the most part I think Gameside advocates are doing fine.
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Today at 5:21 PM
What factors into the decision of which recruitment list to run on a given week?
Nimarya [TNP]Today at 5:23 PM
I think HA related ministries are crucial to the livelihood of a region. They're the people responsible for bringing in and integrating new members. I spent almost 2 years doing nothing but lurking on NS before finally getting sucked into TNP. I would like to reach out to as many others like how I was as possible.
I think HA and Culture go hand in hand
HA is primarily responsible for bringing people in, but Culture is what makes a region a place people want to stay.
Ha and Culture could easily collaborate by promoting events together, since HA in particular is designed to promote information and engagment.
to answer your question, Fiji, it mostly depends on 2 factors
what the region needs at the moment, and what lists were released previously.
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Today at 5:26 PM
Does HA have any plans to update the TNP FAQs?
Nimarya [TNP]Today at 5:26 PM
Yes, actually. We're working on updating a lot of things, which I believe you'll see go into effect throughout this month
did I miss any question?
actually I did, you asked what the most pressing issue facing HA is right now
So to answer that question. I think the biggest issue we're currently facing is keeping people from burning themselves out. We've lately had instances of people claiming many, many rows without leaving any for other people. then those rows haven't been completed as consistently as we'd like to see
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Today at 5:29 PM
How do you think that issue might be resolved?
Nimarya [TNP]Today at 5:31 PM
We're hoping to encourage people to engage with quality over quantity- claim fewer rows, but complete the ones you do. the cards program will also likely help with this, because rather than being rewarded for individual achievements, HA would be rewarded as a whole for the group achievement of a certain completion rate
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Today at 5:31 PM
What are your plans in NS going forward? Do you wish to stay on as Minister of Home Affairs, or move on to other offices?
Nimarya [TNP]Today at 5:33 PM
I would definitely like to stay on as MoHA for another term. This term was spent laying the foundation for a smoother running ministry, and we've integrated a lot of big changes, with still more approaching. I think after that amount of change HA needs another "stabilizing" term, if that makes sense. I also have many ideas for things I'd like to do in the future, such as a series promoting all the minsitries in TNP, and further ways of engaging new members of the region
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Today at 5:34 PM
Besides lists and forum mentorship, in what ways can HA boost recruitment and retention of new members to the region?
Nimarya [TNP]Today at 5:37 PM
Frankly, by adding a personal touch. Lists are very good, as is forum mentorship, but it's by building personal relationships and engaging with newcomers on a one-on-one level that many get drawn in. I've started a sort of Pen Pal program that's in the beginning stages that will try to reach out and send personalized telegrams to some of the promising newcomers in the region.
I also think working to do events like Executive Staff game night will also encourage more people to join the Executive staff and be engaged with TNP
Syrixia [TNP]Today at 5:42 PM
Does anyone else have any other questions? If not, we'll conclude in a few minutes.
Alright! That'll be it for this session, then. Thank you all for coming and thank you to @Nimarya [TNP] for answering the questions thrown your way! I think I can speak for everyone when I say that the future is bright as far as Home Affairs goes, for both north and south.
The next session will be at 8 PM EST tonight, with TSP Minister of Military Affairs Phoenix! We hope to see you all there! :smile:
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Yesterday at 8:07 PM
Welcome everyone, thanks for coming! I'll get this AMA started by asking the first question. @Jay [TNP/TSP] , you're one of the few people at this event who contribute to both TNP and TSP. In your opinion, what's the importance of doing so?
Jay [TNP/TSP]Yesterday at 8:10 PM
Yes, I'm a citizen of both TNP and TSP. For TSP, I've been a citizen for more than six years now. For TNP, just under a month. I must admit that I am a citizen of both regions out of self-interest, but I guess that's pretty much applicable to everyone in NS. This is my first or second time giving the cosmo life a try but I think doing so gives one a better understanding of how different regions work.
BasicWhitePenguin[TSP]Yesterday at 8:11 PM
What are your goals for the MoFA term? And what goals have you found the hardest to make headway on?
Jay [TNP/TSP]Yesterday at 8:14 PM
Well, my fundamental goal is making sure that TSP maintains a cordial relationship with other regions, such as TNP, which is something that hasn't been of great difficulty. Well, that's something that can be said by any MoFA. The top priority in this term is the pursuit of a defender bloc in the World Assembly, in whatever form that takes. Without a doubt, that is the most difficult part of the agenda because there are several regional leaders that you need to communicate and find common ground with, but I feel confident that we can overcome any obstacle that comes our way.
BasicWhitePenguin[TSP]Yesterday at 8:15 PM
Any thoughts or comments on TEP's new Consortium bloc?
Jay [TNP/TSP]Yesterday at 8:18 PM
Ah yes, that seems to be the news of the day. Well, we knew for a while that this was something that TEP has been pursuing since the Marrabuk delegacy and today's "announcement" or "leak", whatever it's called, since there was no formal announcement, shouldn't come as a surprise if you were following the news in the FA world. I must say that they've brought together an unusual coalition of regions and I'm very interested to see how that works out.
BasicWhitePenguin[TSP]Yesterday at 8:20 PM
What sort of cultural or systemic differences did you find most surprising joining TNP after being immersed in TSP for so long?
Jay [TNP/TSP]Yesterday at 8:22 PM
Well, at first, it was like a culture shock. There are a few familiar faces who are members of TNP's Regional Assembly that I've come across as MoFA, but for the most part, I'm getting to know a lot of people who aren't in TSP's Assembly. I'd say that what we consider as legislators in TSP are citizens in TNP, which is something I'm gonna have to get used to remembering.
BasicWhitePenguin[TSP]Yesterday at 8:23 PM
How the two systems compare in your mind?
Jay [TNP/TSP]Yesterday at 8:24 PM
Well, I'd say that TNP is a presidential republic where executive power rests in the delegate and TSP is a parliamentary republic where executive power rests in a prime minister elected by the Assembly. That was the simplest way to differentiate.
Somyrion [TSP]Yesterday at 8:25 PM
As someone who inhabited the roleplay/regional affairs world for almost all of your time on NS so far, do you think you bring anything special to the FA role? What has the adjustment been like?
Jay [TNP/TSP]Yesterday at 8:28 PM
Well, I believe that TSP has the potential to build relations with RP regions such as Greater Dienstad, a relationship that we just recently established. I think there's a lot of room to grow a relationship with these regions. As for the adjustment, I'd say I had my first taste in FA when I helped organize Pacific-Con when I was the Minister of Regional Affairs. I guess organizing that event kinda helped me grasp a basic understanding of FA before running for MoFA in the June election.
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Yesterday at 8:28 PM
While you're most recognized in TNP for your current role as MoFA, I understand you're quite accomplished as a roleplayer as well. What makes you interested in roleplay? What differentiates the Union of Hystaiga and the Valkyrian Republic? What do you consider your most memorable post?
BasicWhitePenguin[TSP]Yesterday at 8:32 PM
Cake or Pie? and a follow-up: SPIT or Rum?
Jay [TNP/TSP]Yesterday at 8:33 PM
Yeah, I've been roleplaying for almost eight years now, six of which has been spent in TSP. I'm quite the creative type, which is why I fell in love with RP. The two nations I RP with in TSP are relatively new. Valkyria didn't exist until I merged two RP nations together in 2016 and Hystaiga started in 2018 or 2019 (can't remember) when I grabbed a third spot on the regional map. I think that creating Hystaiga has served as an opportunity to write a nuanced story of war and it's physical and emotional toll on people. That's a story that I was thinking about for a long time before I actually put it into words.
Sinister Spinster [TSP]Yesterday at 8:34 PM
Do you think it is possible to be active and involved in multiple regions, serving in the government of at least one, and still act with impartiality in your duties?
Follow up: how much is Osiris paying you and why do you hate TSP?
Jay [TNP/TSP]Yesterday at 8:34 PM
Cake or Pie?
Pie!!! Execute the cakeists!
and a follow-up: SPIT or Rum?
Imma have to plead the Fifth on this.
Do you think it is possible to be active and involved in multiple regions, serving in the government of at least one, and still act with impartiality in your duties?
There are plenty of people I've come across on NS who are part of multiple regions and I'm here still trying to get a handle on just two. With regard to impartiality, I'd say that sticking to regions that are basically siblings has made it almost easy to avoid any situation where you're gonna have to choose. It's not like I'm a citizen of TSP and Balder, which is basically impossible at this time.
Follow up: how much is Osiris paying you and why do you hate TSP?
Imma load a GIF in a second.
Somyrion [TSP]Yesterday at 8:39 PM
Will it ever be possible to be a citizen of TSP and Balder?
Jay [TNP/TSP]Yesterday at 8:39 PM
Sinister Spinster [TSP]Yesterday at 8:39 PM
What regions do you see as the biggest threat to the values TSP stands for in NS, and what regions do you think could or should work together that aren’t currently doing so?
Jay [TNP/TSP]Yesterday at 8:40 PM
Oh, you really want me to cause an international incident, don't you? No wonder we condemned you.
BasicWhitePenguin[TSP]Yesterday at 8:41 PM
How long until TSP's secret plan to coup TNP takes effect?
Sinister Spinster [TSP]Yesterday at 8:42 PM
What do you think the role of diplomacy should play in foreign affairs, and when or under what circumstances do you think talk becomes untenable and action must be taken in some way?
As for my question you so artfully dodged, to be less controversial, let me rephrase the last part: what are regions TSP is not currently involved with or associated with (for any reason) that you think or wish we could be involved or allied with for some reason or other?
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Yesterday at 8:46 PM
One of the things that is consistently challenging is finding suitable nations to serve in ambassadorial roles. Qualified people are often either uninterested or busy with other roles, and newcomers to FA often fail to be active long term. And across the board, getting ambassadors to post updates or prepare reports can lag behind schedule. At least, that's been my experience in TNP. What approaches have you found work that effectively manage such a large team? How do you attract and reward staffers within the Ministry?
BasicWhitePenguin[TSP]Yesterday at 8:49 PM
How does Cabinet work together to present a single unified voice when dealing with other regions? Has there been internal pushback on any of the FA initiatives?
Jay [TNP/TSP]Yesterday at 8:49 PM
How long until TSP's secret plan to coup TNP takes effect?
No comment.
What do you think the role of diplomacy should play in foreign affairs, and when or under what circumstances do you think talk becomes untenable and action must be taken in some way?
Diplomacy is an inseparable part of foreign affairs. I don't think any region, especially the GCRs, can afford to have a foreign minister who can blow a gasket on a whim. Every MoFA needs to maintain a calm, measured voice while serving in office lest they harm the reputation of their region.
As for my question you so artfully dodged, to be less controversial, let me rephrase the last part: what are regions TSP is not currently involved with or associated with (for any reason) that you think or wish we could be involved or allied with for some reason or other?
There's only one GCR out there that TSP doesn't speak to or share an embassy with and it's because they made the decision to proscribe our region. TSP maintains a relationship with every member of the World Assembly Legislative League with the exception of one because of this. It's rather unfortunate really.
Sinister Spinster [TSP]Yesterday at 8:50 PM
What do you look for in an ambassador, and how do you prioritise what regions to appoint more senior ambassadors to?
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Yesterday at 8:52 PM
What is your opinion of TNP's publications? Do you think The North Star (TNS) is valuable as an update? Has TSP experienced accessibility issues when viewing The Northern Lights (TNL), which is image-based? Do you find TNL articles thought-provoking?
Edit: I ask, since I've served multiple terms as Minister of Comms of TNP. Really no need to be polite, tbh. This is like a reader poll. How can we improve our publications and updates to make them more interesting to TSP?
Jay [TNP/TSP]Yesterday at 8:52 PM
One of the things that is consistently challenging is finding suitable nations to serve in ambassadorial roles. Qualified people are often either uninterested or busy with other roles, and newcomers to FA often fail to be active long term. And across the board, getting ambassadors to post updates or prepare reports can lag behind schedule. At least, that's been my experience in TNP. What approaches have you found work that effectively manage such a large team? How do you attract and reward staffers within the Ministry?
This is an issue that I have encountered as MoFA in this term and it also played a role in the recent expansion in the number of regions TSP sends ambassadors to. We're always looking for new ambassadors and ways to recruit new faces to the Ministry. I was lucky enough to inherit a system that Omega, my predecessor, put together, which is the addition of the Secretary of State. By creating this role, each secretary would be assigned four ambassadors of four regional assignments and the ambassadors would report to them. So far, this system has worked and made the Ministry a much smoother operation. Ambassadors who pull their weight and prove their worth can eventually become a Secretary of State, which gives people a reason to stick and contribute.
What do you look for in an ambassador, and how do you prioritise what regions to appoint more senior ambassadors to?
Well, I look for the ones who are either experienced or newcomers who want to contribute to the region. If they've been around for a while and know what is expected of them, that plays a critical role in whether they become a Secretary of State.
What is your opinion of TNP's publications? Do you think The North Star (TNS) is valuable as an update? Has TSP experienced accessibility issues when viewing The Northern Lights (TNL), which is image-based? Do you find TNL articles thought-provoking?
Edit: I ask, since I've served multiple terms as Minister of Comms of TNP. Really no need to be polite, tbh. This is like a reader poll. How can we improve our publications and updates to make them more interesting to TSP?
It's always great reading up on what's going on in other regions, including TNP, but I suppose one constructive criticism of TNL is image format. I suppose that's a subjective criticism, but I rather prefer text.
Other than that, I don't really have a strong opinion on the issue.
BasicWhitePenguin[TSP]Yesterday at 9:00 PM
Who in the nationstates multiverse do you consider a role model, and why?
Praetor [TNP]Yesterday at 9:01 PM
The most commonly seen areas of interregional cooperation are R/D (mainly), festivals, or the WA, what other areas do you believe should be popular for regions to collaborate in?
Sinister Spinster [TSP]Yesterday at 9:02 PM
Do you have any regrets from your term or experienced any failures or setbacks that you expected to succeed?
Jay [TNP/TSP]Yesterday at 9:08 PM
Who in the nationstates multiverse do you consider a role model, and why?
It may come as a surprise to say this, but I must admit that I have a lot of respect for Xoriet in NPO. She's really done wonders for the NPO in the FA world and helped them rebuild their reputation. I respect that.
The most commonly seen areas of interregional cooperation are R/D (mainly), festivals, or the WA, what other areas do you believe should be popular for regions to collaborate in?
You've really hit the mark on that. Of course, the third most popular thing to do is organizing events between regions such as the event we're doing right now. I think there's a growing interest in cards to do something interregionally about that, but I'm not an expert in cards. Other than that, I can't really think of something off the top of my head.
Do you have any regrets from your term or experienced any failures or setbacks that you expected to succeed?
Time management. It's something that I have always struggled to get a handle on, whether it's in real life or in NS. There are things I wish I did earlier now that we're nearly halfway through the term.
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Yesterday at 9:08 PM
Any other questions?
Sinister Spinster [TSP]Yesterday at 9:10 PM
If you had to summarise your foreign policy objectives for this term in one sentence, what would that sentence be? Please refrain from excessive comma, semicolon, or colon usage. Ellipses are encouraged.
Jay [TNP/TSP]Yesterday at 9:11 PM
If you had to summarise your foreign policy objectives for this term in one sentence, what would that sentence be? Please refrain from excessive comma, semicolon, or colon usage. Ellipses are encouraged.
I, will; make: sure, not; to: abuse, punctuation; marks. The most important foreign policy objective is getting the ball rolling toward the defender bloc.
Praetor [TNP]Yesterday at 9:12 PM
What is the point to a defender bloc if the regions already cooperate together anyways?
Comfed [TNP]Yesterday at 9:13 PM
How do you intend to get a lot of regions into a defender bloc?
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Yesterday at 9:14 PM
Do you have a time limit for this AMA, or are you free to talk so long as you get questions?
Jay [TNP/TSP]Yesterday at 9:16 PM
What is the point to a defender bloc if the regions already cooperate together anyways?
For the most part, it's about expanding the defender sphere and bringing new regions into the fold and training them in the art of defending. The raid that's going on in South Pacific, not the South Pacific, is something we should be making harder to pull off.
How do you intend to get a lot of regions into a defender bloc?
The first order of business is making an offer to defenders with whom TSP already shares a treaty with. We start from there and build.
Do you have a time limit for this AMA, or are you free to talk so long as you get questions?
I guess I can stick around if people still have questions.
Sinister Spinster [TSP]Yesterday at 9:18 PM
What do you think your future is in the TSP government? Will you be running for another MOFA term? Do you plan on seeking the PM or Delegate position? Do you plan on taking a break from leadership for a while after this term? Are you uncertain or making personal plans as you go along?
Will you leave TSP government entirely and become involved in another region? TNP, perhaps?
Jay [TNP/TSP]Yesterday at 9:22 PM
What do you think your future is in the TSP government? Will you be running for another MOFA term? Do you plan on seeking the PM or Delegate position? Do you plan on taking a break from leadership for a while after this term? Are you uncertain or making personal plans as you go along?
I am interested in running for a second term as MoFA. I've taken a liking into this job and it's less difficult than the MoRA job. If anyone's up to the task of serving as MoRA, it's totally Seraph. If I didn't run for MoFA in June, I would've ran for delegate last month, but I think I made the right decision because Amerion totally would've crushed me.
Will you leave TSP government entirely and become involved in another region? TNP, perhaps?
No on the first half, and I may apply to join one of TNP's ministries. Of course, I'll likely avoid the MoFA because that just seems like a conflict of interest.
Comfed [TNP]Yesterday at 9:24 PM
Just a question about TSP, I notice that there is a "legislator" and "citizen" mask. What are the non-legislator citizens?
Jay [TNP/TSP]Yesterday at 9:24 PM
To put it simply,
TNP Resident = TSP Citizen
TNP Citizen = TSP Legislator
Sinister Spinster [TSP]Yesterday at 9:27 PM
What does TNP call people in their region who aren’t citizens, then?
Oh, residents.
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Yesterday at 9:28 PM
Any other questions?
Sinister Spinster [TSP]Yesterday at 9:28 PM
Did you have fun and enjoy yourself?
Jay [TNP/TSP]Yesterday at 9:29 PM
Oh, this was very fun and had a good time answering your controversial questions.
Sinister Spinster [TSP]Yesterday at 9:29 PM
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Yesterday at 9:30 PM
Thanks everyone for coming, and thanks to @Jay [TNP/TSP] for taking the time to answer all of our questions!
Jay [TNP/TSP]Yesterday at 9:30 PM
Thank you all!
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Yesterday at 8:16 PM
Welcome one and all to Gorundu's AMA! Let's get started.
Gorundu [TNP]Yesterday at 8:17 PM
Thanks! I'm looking forward to answering some questions.
Praetor [TNP]Yesterday at 8:18 PM
Percentage wise, how would you divide the effort you spend on the Ministry of Communications between TNS and TNL?
Gorundu [TNP]Yesterday at 8:18 PM
The most difficult part of the job is definitely getting the issues out on time. This can stem from a variety of causes, including lack of interest in writing or committed writers being late or not writing at all. Ultimately, because this is just an online game, there's nothing we can do to force people to write.
Percentage wise, how would you divide the effort you spend on the Ministry of Communications between TNS and TNL?
TNL takes more time per issue because of all the editing and graphics that need to be done, but also publishes less frequently. So, maybe 50/50?
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Yesterday at 8:20 PM
What has your opinion been of using LucidPress as a design tool? Do you think your successors will be equally successful in using it?
Praetor [TNP]Yesterday at 8:23 PM
There has been six issues of TNL published since it was revamped. The number of articles in the editions have been 4, 3, 9, 6, 5, and 3 respectively with three articles being for the publication published while you were Minister. Why do you think the article count varies so much? What is the ideal number of articles for a TNL?
TNL takes more time per issue because of all the editing and graphics that need to be done, but also publishes less frequently. So, maybe 50/50?
Somewhat of a follow-up. Do you believe TNS and TNL contribute equally to the region?
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Yesterday at 8:25 PM
With respect to TNS, are there any sections you'd want removed? Do you have any ideas that would improve that publication? Is it worth improving, or is time spent on TNS better spent elsewhere?
Gorundu [TNP]Yesterday at 8:27 PM
What has your opinion been of using LucidPress as a design tool? Do you think your successors will be equally successful?
Well, thanks to Fiji for introducing it to me. I'm definitely not a pro at it, but I think I've figured out the basics (mostly I just take a previous edition as a template and edit from there). I'd hope that my successors will continue to use it, so it's important we choose someone with a dedication to the ministry who is willing to learn it.
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Yesterday at 8:28 PM
Are you interested in continued service within Communications? Are there other Ministries you'd be interested in leading?
Gorundu [TNP]Yesterday at 8:29 PM
There has been six issues of TNL published since it was revamped. The number of articles in the editions have been 4, 3, 9, 6, 5, and 3 respectively with three articles being for the publication published while you were Minister. Why do you think the article count varies so much? What is the ideal number of articles for a TNL?
Unfortunately, the number of articles is limited by who decides to write. I originally had 5 planned for the last issue but it was cut down to 3 because the other 2 didn't pan out. Ideally, the more articles the better, but in reality we have to work with what we have, and more often than not we'll only have 3-5 articles ready.
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Yesterday at 8:33 PM
How do you find authors for TNL articles? Do you offer suggestions if they aren't sure what topic to take? How frequently do you remind them of the deadline? How long in advance of the publication date are articles due? How much time do you spend editing vs formatting? Does the Ministry have sufficient staff to help with both editing and formatting?
Do you think TNL benefits from having a theme, or is it too restrictive on authors?
Praetor [TNP]Yesterday at 8:34 PM
On May 10th, outgoing McMasterdonia reported to the region that two articles of TNL were finished. Those articles were presumably those that went into July 18th 2020 edition (the aforementioned edition with three articles). Given it took TNL slightly over a two month period for what resulted in a net addition of one article, in what ways can this process be shortened?
Gorundu [TNP]Yesterday at 8:35 PM
Somewhat of a follow-up. Do you believe TNS and TNL contribute equally to the region?
Tough question. TNL certainly gets a lot more attention because it's flashier and has interesting opinion articles. I'd say they contribute in different ways. TNS serves as a record and informs people of regular going on's in the region, while TNL showcases our author's abilities more and the breadth and depth of our perspectives.
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Yesterday at 8:36 PM
Do you believe foreign authors should be welcome to publish through TNL, or should these article slots be reserved only for TNPers?
In what ways have you involved normal staffers in the goings-on of the Ministry? What incentives exist for them to put in effort? Do you think NS Cards could help boost participation?
Gorundu [TNP]Yesterday at 8:39 PM
With respect to TNS, are there any sections you'd want removed? Do you have any ideas that would improve that publication? Is it worth improving, or is time spent on TNS better spent elsewhere?
There has been a bit of talk whether TNS is perhaps too boring. But ultumately I think reporting on these happenings is an important service to the region, although I believe we can spruce up the publication a bit with interesting regional news that don't already fit in to the set pre-existing articles.
Praetor [TNP]Yesterday at 8:39 PM
Do you know how much people read TNS versus TNL? Is record keeping information already publicly available a valuable way to spend the limited resources that MoComm has compared to the flashier TNL? Especially when considering the challenges that have been present in outputting TNL?
Gorundu [TNP]Yesterday at 8:43 PM
Are you interested in continued service within Communications? Are there other Ministries you'd be interested in leading?
I'd be happy to continue serving the Ministry of Communications. As for other ministries, I have already served as Minister of WA Affairs, where a lot of my interests do lie (though I've found it nice to let go of the WA for a while since I don't have any duties as Minister anymore). Other than these, the ministry I'd be most interested in is Foreign Affairs, though I'm a bit of ways off from serving as Minister there.
Dreadton [TNP]Yesterday at 8:46 PM
Who is your favorite minister? and why is it me?
Gorundu [TNP]Yesterday at 8:55 PM
How do you find authors for TNL articles? Do you offer suggestions if they aren't sure what topic to take? How frequently do you remind them of the deadline? How long in advance of the publication date are articles due? How much time do you spend editing vs formatting? Does the Ministry have sufficient staff to help with both editing and formatting?
First thing is ask within the ministry. Sometimes I would approach people with a specific topic that I think they could write about, other times hopefully they can suggest their own. But if someone new wants to write but doesn't have an idea, it might be sign that they're not completely ready yet. As for how often I remind them, I try to do it every 5-7 days, but obviously a reminder is just a reminder, and you'd need them to be willing to write. I haven't really set any hard deadlines this term, because I've found in the past, and through being part of TRT, that they've been ineffective anyway, so I just pester the authors with reminders until they hand it in. Editing doesn't take too long, but formatting I do basically by myself, since it's pretty hard to divide it up for different people when you need it to be cohesive in aesthetic.
Do you think TNL benefits from having a theme, or is it too restrictive on authors?
I didn't intend on having a theme for the last issue, but the articles turned out to have a bit in common (namely, they all covered happenings abroad), so I made that the theme. I do think themes can be restrictive on authors, but they could also help with suggesting article topics. For the next issue, I'm hoping to have a WA theme, in conjunction with a second WA Symposium that's being planned. Hopefully, I can take the work of speakers there and adapt them for TNL.
On May 10th, outgoing McMasterdonia reported to the region that two articles of TNL were finished. Those articles were presumably those that went into July 18th 2020 edition (the aforementioned edition with three articles). Given it took TNL slightly over a two month period for what resulted in a net addition of one article, in what ways can this process be shortened?
Neither of those articles were published. One was essentially unfinished, and the author expressed that they were not interested in finishing. The other required some editing, but the author expressed they're not interested in putting more work in it. So, we had to start from scratch and that's why it took so long.
As a note, they were both foreign authors. If they were TNPers I would have pressured them a bit more.
Do you believe foreign authors should be welcome to publish through TNL, or should these article slots be reserved only for TNPers?
Since I had 5 planned articles last issue, I didn't really think it necessary to approach foreign authors, and I didn't know who I'd ask and what I would ask them to write anyway. But I do welcome foreign authors to write for TNL, especially if there is a clear area expertise to which they can contribute. Hopefully, we'll see a bit of that in the upcoming issue on the WA.
In what ways have you involved normal staffers in the goings-on of the Ministry? What incentives exist for them to put in effort? Do you think NS Cards could help boost participation?
One way normal staffers can get involved is in editing, although that can be a boring job and often not much end up getting changed. I try to get newer staffers in TNS, which is a bit easier than TNL, but really, other than writing there's not a whole lot to do. And that's probably why cards wouldn't serve as a good incentive in Comms, because if you're not willing to write an article, it's unlikely some cards will convince you to do it.
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Yesterday at 9:13 PM
Almonds, cashews, or peanuts?
Gorundu [TNP]Yesterday at 9:16 PM
Do you know how much people read TNS versus TNL? Is record keeping information already publicly available a valuable way to spend the limited resources that MoComm has compared to the flashier TNL? Especially when considering the challenges that have been present in outputting TNL?
This question assumes time and effort (i.e. our resources) are easily transferrable between the two and effort is directly proportional to output. Unfortunately, making people write for TNL is no easy feat, and there is a limited number of authors who can do it well. So I don't think we are disadvantaging TNL by publishing TNS.
Who is your favorite minister? and why is it me?
Myself, thanks for asking.
Almonds, cashews, or peanuts?
Cashews, but I prefer walnuts.
SwiftyGamerYesterday at 9:18 PM
Cake or Pie?
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Yesterday at 9:18 PM
@Gorundu [TNP] One last question here for you
Gorundu [TNP]Yesterday at 9:19 PM
Is there any consequence based on my answer?
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Yesterday at 9:19 PM
Probably not
Thanks everyone for coming, and thanks to @Gorundu [TNP] for taking the time to answer all of our questions! Well, all except the cake v pie one. He may like nuts, but he has boundaries.
Gorundu [TNP]Yesterday at 9:22 PM
I like both.
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Yesterday at 9:22 PM
Pretty sure that's all for tonight, folks!
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Today at 4:00 PM
@here Welcome one and all to @Seraph [TSP] 's AMA. Seraph is the Minister of Regional Affairs in TSP, and they're here to answer any questions you may have!
Seraph [TSP]Today at 4:01 PM
Good evening, all!
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Today at 4:02 PM
As a TNPer, I'm somewhat unfamiliar with the role of MoRA in TSP. What would you say are the equivalent ministries in TNP?
Seraph [TSP]Today at 4:03 PM
So, the Ministry of Regional Affairs is kinda this huge conglomerate ministry. It's equivalents in TNP are any that deal with culture, media, events, roleplaying - basically everything that's not really Foreign Affairs or to do with the military.
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Today at 4:04 PM
That's a ton! What's your management strategy to make sure it all gets taken care of? What's the staffing structure like?
Seraph [TSP]Today at 4:05 PM
That's kinda a hot topic in TSP these days and my response for this term was to avoid having a structure as much as possible - to keep things as open and transparent as was possible without spoiling things. Basically, at the moment, there's me and then there are the fellows, with project leads appointed on an ad hoc basis.
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Today at 4:06 PM
Do you find that that more fluid structure helps get tasks done on time, as staffers are shared between projects?
Seraph [TSP]Today at 4:06 PM
In many respects, I chose this because I wanted to avoid the sense that this was anything other than a hobby and an opportunity for people to enjoy themselves and share their talents. I'd found some previous administrations stiifling in their very prescribed structures and procedures and it all just felt like work.
[4:07 PM]
Sharing staff has long been a part of the way MoRA works, regardless of structure - it's basically a necessity with the relatively few active fellows we tend to have at any one time.
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Today at 4:08 PM
How many total active staff would you say you have?
Seraph [TSP]Today at 4:10 PM
That's a hard number to pin down - especially with my more open structure - I don't remove people for inactivity, because I want them to keep seeing what goes on for as long as they want to have some kinda connection to the ministry. In my previous terms as MoRA (3, across 2016-17 and 2017-18), I'd kept fairly tight books, but, to be quite honest, I don't think I experienced any benefits to the ministry for doing so. It's all just quick Discord masking now as needed.
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Today at 4:10 PM
What would you say has been the most difficult part of your role?
BasicWhitePenguin[TSP]Today at 4:11 PM
What governmental role has been your favorite and why?
Seraph [TSP]Today at 4:12 PM
So, the thing I've historically found most difficult in TSP is integration - building structures and systems for welcoming and educating new players. This is something with which the ministry has consistently struggled for as long as I've known it and, this term, I just decided not to have anything to do with it other than what fellows were willing to take up themselves - so it's the most difficult, but not what I've struggled with this term. The latter would be festivals. With returning to work a month ago, I've found myself really exhausted and unable to dedicate the kind of planning I know events deserve. As such, I'm now looking to hire a deputy for festivals and events specifically.
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Today at 4:13 PM
Is your name Seraph related to your nation name Erinor at all? What inspired those names?
BasicWhitePenguin[TSP]Today at 4:15 PM
Do you care to weigh in on the debate to split Regional Affairs?
Seraph [TSP]Today at 4:15 PM
[QUOTE]What governmental role has been your favorite and why?[/QUOTE]
@BasicWhitePenguin[TSP] My favourite role has been Delegate - in that it's pretty chilled, had a minimal workload and allowed me to experiment with things and develop new relationships. It's not really a government role in the truest sense, however, thanks to it being a figurehead position. Actual government roles I've done are Local Council, MoRA and Prime MInister (appointed to fulfil a term) and of those I generally enjoy MoRA the most. Culture and creativity is really my big thing in NS.
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Today at 4:15 PM
Have you considered launching a regional podcast for TSP?
Seraph [TSP]Today at 4:16 PM
[QUOTE]Do you care to weigh in on the debate to split Regional Affairs?[/QUOTE]
@BasicWhitePenguin[TSP] My opinion is well-documented, but I actually made a promise to stay out of the debate from now on and I'm going to stick to that. Sorry!
[4:16 PM]
[QUOTE]Have you considered launching a regional podcast for TSP?[/QUOTE]
@El Fiji Grande [TNP] We've tried it a couple of times, actually, including during one of my terms. We lack the talent for it at the moment though. Whenever Omega has more time, however...
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Today at 4:17 PM
You missed this one: Is your name Seraph related to your nation name Erinor at all? What inspired those names?
BasicWhitePenguin[TSP]Today at 4:17 PM
Any parts of how TNP handles things that you would like to adapt to TSP?(edited)
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Today at 4:17 PM
What has your favorite NS festival been, and what made it so good?(edited)
Seraph [TSP]Today at 4:19 PM
[QUOTE]Is your name Seraph related to your nation name Erinor at all? What inspired those names?[/QUOTE]
@El Fiji Grande [TNP] So, Seraph has been my internet username since I was 16 (that's 20 years ago) and came about because of a mistranslation of the final main boss of Final Fantasy VII, my favourite game. What was in Japanese Seferu Sefirosu was misread as Seraph Sephiroth (which seemed to make sense because of his famous one-wing). I like angels in general, though, so it suits me. Erinor, on the other hand is kinda a corruption of a fantasy nation I created for a novel. When I was choosing a name for NS, I didn't realise people would primarily know me as my nation name, so when I hopped onto forums and Discord it just made the most sense to be Seraph. (EDIT: DIdn't miss it, just held it back because it needed a longer answer than the other two)(edited)
[4:20 PM]
[QUOTE]Any parts of how TNP handles things that you would like to adapt to TSP?[/QUOTE]
@BasicWhitePenguin[TSP] I... can't answer this without getting into the split debate, which is already more info than I should provide.
BasicWhitePenguin[TSP]Today at 4:21 PM
I suppose I mean more like programs, as opposed to how they manage behind the scenes(edited)
Seraph [TSP]Today at 4:22 PM
[QUOTE]What has your favorite NS festival been, and what made it so good?[/QUOTE]
@El Fiji Grande [TNP] I honestly can't recall. THere have been so many and they can offer blur into one, tending to take a similar shape to other festivals of their era - there's always a kinda 'in' way of doing festivals, I guess. I was quite good at that in 2016, but the 2020 way of doing things is so very much more social and organised than I tend to be. Some festival highlights, though: the creative writing competitions in the Celestial Unicorn Lampshade Triumvirate festival of 2017 was really cool and made me fall in love with the Celestial Union of Lazarus at the time - which I even joined just in time to take part in the resistance... Being able to perform for folk in PacificCon was also an amazing experience.
[4:23 PM]
[QUOTE]I suppose I mean more like programs, as opposed to how they manage behind the scenes[/QUOTE]
@BasicWhitePenguin[TSP] As something of a regionalist and someone who struggles to socialise a huge amount outside of smaller circles, I'm not very aware of what TNP does. Their integration is enviable, however.
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Today at 4:24 PM
One of the things TNP does to recruit newcomers is use telegram lists, which are essentially generic telegrams for a variety of circumstances that are sent to nations most likely to be interested. What does TSP do to recruit newcomers?
Seraph [TSP]Today at 4:25 PM
We have our carefully crafted (and frequently recrafted) welcome telegram, occasionaly regional telegrams, advertising on the RMB and on Discord and word of mouth, really.
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Today at 4:25 PM
Their integration is enviable, however. I'm not sure I agree... we've got so much to improve upon. Not trying to bait for a compliment, but what do you think we're doing so well?
Seraph [TSP]Today at 4:25 PM
To be honest, our integration efforts suck and always have and I just don't have the skill or energy to improve them and never have.
[4:26 PM]
But TNP does at least have a program which seems to work to some degree - your retention levels are well-known, after all.
[4:27 PM]
Integration is just hard, though and I don't think any region should beat itself up over it too much. We just have to keep trying new things and... ideally... find that group of people who are really passionate about it and want to devote the energy to it that it needs.
[4:28 PM]
People like to say 'it's just a game' a lot and whilst I often disagree, this is one area where I'd use it myself. No one should feel pressured into doing work they don't want to do.
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Today at 4:28 PM
Does TSP have any regional publications we should be aware of?
Seraph [TSP]Today at 4:29 PM
At the moment we have the Southern Journal - our main newspaper and the Treasure Island Report, our round-up of roleplay articles.
[4:29 PM]
We also have an independent news source - South Pacific Independent News Network, which has been around a long time historically, but only recently became active again.(edited)
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Today at 4:30 PM
To what extent does the Ministry of Regional Affairs work with the Ministries of Foreign and Military Affairs?
Seraph [TSP]Today at 4:30 PM
Other private publications pop up from time to time.
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Today at 4:30 PM
Does MoRA do WA Affairs, or is that MoFA?
[4:32 PM]
Have you considered bugging Jay to include some of those publications with TSP's foreign updates?
Seraph [TSP]Today at 4:33 PM
[QUOTE]To what extent does the Ministry of Regional Affairs work with the Ministries of Foreign and Military Affairs?[/QUOTE]
@El Fiji Grande [TNP]
[QUOTE]Does MoRA do WA Affairs, or is that MoFA?[/QUOTE]
@El Fiji Grande [TNP] So, to the second, first: neither. Traditionally it's tended to be left to the delegate but we've recently created a cabinet department, as a prelude to one day having a ministry, called the Office of World Assembly Affairs. To your first question, it depends what's happening. We try to coordinate with the MoFA for events, particularly where we think an event will help build or foster relations with another region or set of regions. Working with MA is less common, but right now we're coordinating with them with an article on the current South Pacific situation.
[4:33 PM]
[QUOTE]Have you considered bugging Jay to include some of those publications with TSP's foreign updates?[/QUOTE]
@El Fiji Grande [TNP] TSJ's monthly digest is shared through our embassies and the GP thread.
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Today at 4:33 PM
Ah, I should check that thread more often then.
[4:33 PM]
What are your future plans in NS? Do you think you'll ever run for the delegacy again?
Praetor [TNP]Today at 4:35 PM
Thoughts on TSP using cards? Why do you think that TSP’s government hasn’t been active in cards compared to the other feeders?
Seraph [TSP]Today at 4:35 PM
[QUOTE]What are your future plans in NS? Do you think you'll ever run for the delegacy again?[/QUOTE]
@El Fiji Grande [TNP] I'd love to, but there are two things that would hold me back: 1) I don't want to hog any role for too long and it's great to see newer TSPers getting a shot at the Delegacy as time goes by; 2) Somy really raised the bar over the last two terms, I feel, and I think I'd struggle to live up to that standard.
Praetor [TNP]Today at 4:36 PM
How do you work to ensure that changes you implement (programs, policies, etc.) are continued even after you leave the Ministry?
Seraph [TSP]Today at 4:36 PM
[QUOTE]Thoughts on TSP using cards? Why do you think that TSP’s government hasn’t been active in cards compared to the other feeders?[/QUOTE]
@Praetor [TNP] We don't have a lot of card players in our government circles. I think it's as simple as that. Agalaesia did try to introduce card farming for reward and so on, but it didn't really take off.
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Today at 4:36 PM
I understand you're also a member of the Council on Regional Security. What lessons do you think TNP and TSP should learn from the TEP coup attempt?
Praetor [TNP]Today at 4:36 PM
(Presuming your ideas are good enough for continuity)
Seraph [TSP]Today at 4:38 PM
[QUOTE]How do you work to ensure that changes you implement (programs, policies, etc.) are continued even after you leave the Ministry?[/QUOTE]
@Praetor [TNP] I don't, really. In theory, the advisory council exists to provide institutional memory, but it's just as often been an overly conservative echo chamber or a completely silent one. I think, ultimately, the freedom of the minister to implement their agenda is paramount. One hopes that if something you do is successful your successor will want to carry it on, but there are no guarantees and, after all, they just might replace it with something better.
[4:40 PM]
[QUOTE]I understand you're also a member of the Council on Regional Security. What lessons do you think TNP and TSP should learn from the TEP coup attempt?[/QUOTE]
@El Fiji Grande [TNP] DON'T TRUST ANYONE! :P But, seriously, you just have to be watchful, vet people as much as is possible, share intel with allies when you think you have something important and hope that the trust you've placed in the people who have the big red button is not misplaced - there's only so much you can do. No one can really prevent a Delegate from going rogue if that's what they want to do - you can only mitigate the damage.
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Today at 4:41 PM
Do you still roleplay a lot?
Seraph [TSP]Today at 4:42 PM
No, sadly. I used to take part in nation RP on TSP's forums and really enjoyed it for a while, but eventually I realised it was becoming a chore and (c.f. above) you shouldn't keep doing something because you used to enjoy it - you should stick with what you like. I did, however, introduce a new fantasy character RP with a focus on fluid storytelling earlier this year and it was quite successful for a while. It's rather stalled a bit now, however.
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Today at 4:43 PM
Almonds, cashews, or peanuts?
Seraph [TSP]Today at 4:43 PM
Depends on context. Almonds on cakes and desserts, cashews in a curry, peanuts dry roasted in a bowl.(edited)
BasicWhitePenguin[TSP]Today at 4:43 PM
Cake or Pie, and Rum or SPIT?
Seraph [TSP]Today at 4:44 PM
Ice cream. Just ice cream.
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Today at 4:44 PM
Any other questions?
Seraph [TSP]Today at 4:44 PM
Possibly with all of the above.
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Today at 4:45 PM
Thanks everyone for coming, and thanks to @Seraph [TSP] for taking the time to answer all of our questions!
Seraph [TSP]Today at 4:46 PM
A pleasure, as always.
Nakari [TSP]Today at 4:06 PM
hello im here to answer ur questions
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Today at 4:07 PM
There aren't as many people as we were hoping for
[4:07 PM]
But I suppose that's alright. I'm sure I have enough questions to cover for everyone
[4:09 PM]
Welcome Seraph (thanks for coming)! I'll get this AMA started by asking the first question. @Nakari [TSP] - For those in TNP unfamiliar with your political history, can you detail your path to becoming Prime Minister within TSP?
Nakari [TSP]Today at 4:11 PM
so i first joined tsp back in 2017, to have a cover for a defender identity while i was spying on the invaders over time, i came to enjoy tsp more and more as the real nakari, and in late 2017 i joined the assembly and became chair of the assembly (speaker, basically). since then i've basically been in every cabinet position, though not always for very long (i was minister of foreign affairs for ten days while filling in the end of someone else's term!) and now i'm prime minister again.
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Today at 4:12 PM
What is your vision for The South Pacific this term?
Seraph [TSP]Today at 4:12 PM
What has been your favourite thing about being part of the South Pacific, in or out of a role?
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Today at 4:14 PM
What value do you believe can be found in strong interregional alliances?
Nakari [TSP]Today at 4:14 PM
i want to see the ministries flourishing, most of all, with lots of people being involved in activities and just generally having fun in tsp. it's... not a particularly daring vision, but i don't care too much about making controversial stuff just to do it. what matters to me is that people enjoy it here!
[4:18 PM]
favourite thing - okay it's stereotypical, but the people and the culture! from the way we kinda just spontaneously developed a culture of lampshade stealing, to the occasional wild pun fests where everyone piles in with absolutely dreadful puns, to the fact that phoenix went from fresh noob to being the spark behind one of the largest update turnouts possibly in ns history. it's a really cool community in general and i've made great friends in tsp.
Seraph [TSP]Today at 4:20 PM
What does the alliance with TNP mean for you as a citizen of the South?
Nakari [TSP]Today at 4:22 PM
an alliance with tnp (and strong interregional alliances in general) is like having a good friend where you've known them for years and years through thick and thin, you've got each other's backs. it's fun when you're doing stuff together like this festival, but there's space for us to do our own thing also without being joined at the hip, secure in the knowledge that when you need the help of that friend, they'll be there, and if they need you they'll be there.
Seraph [TSP]Today at 4:23 PM
You're known for for a side line in worldbuilding and conlanging youtube videos, which has certainly found a home in the South Pacific - what got you into it and do you have plans to expand it any further?
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Today at 4:24 PM
What are your favorite hobbies outside NS?
Nakari [TSP]Today at 4:27 PM
so a while back, i made a dumb pun about "molar eclipses", and wanted to torture as many people as possible with it, and so put it into video form. then i kept wanting to tell people cool stuff about childrens' drawings, but i didn't want to say it over and over, so... video form! then it just kinda became a thing i do i'm planning to keep on with it and maybe do a few more historical videos. i'm currently working on a trilogy of videos about ghosts in a certain fantasy culture
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Today at 4:28 PM
What do you think are the most important qualities for a leader?
Nakari [TSP]Today at 4:28 PM
i'm an occasional artist, i write sometimes, i play a lot of dragon age and assassins creed, i spend like, an absurd amount of each day admiring my pets, that's a hobby right?
Seraph [TSP]Today at 4:29 PM
(Don't we all? he says, admiring a sleek black cat sitting beside him)
Nakari [TSP]Today at 4:30 PM
the ability to pick a direction and to follow it. being well organized in following that goal, but also flexible and empathetic to the needs of others. the kinda charisma that gets people excited to do stuff with that leader.
[4:31 PM]
(aka the qualities i admire in others mostly )
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Today at 4:31 PM
What made you decide to run for office?
Seraph [TSP]Today at 4:31 PM
What excites you most about the future of the South Pacific?
SwiftyGamerToday at 4:33 PM
Cake or Pie?
Nakari [TSP]Today at 4:33 PM
that's less of a fun answer >_> quite a few people wanted me to run, and some were unsure about the people already running, so i put my name forward, so people would have an alternative. i was not expecting to win and it deserved to have been a lot closer
Sinister Spinster [TSP]Today at 4:33 PM
What is an area you feel TSP is lacking in and that should be addressed by the Ministries?
Nakari [TSP]Today at 4:35 PM
can i mention phoenix again because i am still on the emotional high of earlier - us crusty old defender types didnt think she'd get too many people in because that hasn't been tried for years and didnt get good results in the past. it fills me with so much hope and excitement that we have newer people in our region who hear the crusty old people saying something won't work, and then make it work anyway.(edited)
[4:35 PM]
cake 100%
Sinister Spinster [TSP]Today at 4:37 PM
What do you consider a failing of your past time as a PM and Minister of various Ministries, and how have you worked to improve on your performance in this term?
Nakari [TSP]Today at 4:37 PM
i think we've been somewhat lacking in training up new people to become ministers, so every election there's a kinda "oh no what if barely anyone runs". i think we're getting better with giving people opportunities to lead. we could also do with a lot more outreach to the rmb.
Sinister Spinster [TSP]Today at 4:39 PM
What sort of responsibility do you feel the Cabinet has to ensuring new nations are encouraged to participate and welcomed into the higher levels of government? What sort of experience do you expect from someone running for a Minister position?
Nakari [TSP]Today at 4:41 PM
in the past, i have frequently put things off until the last minute or not been particularly inventive in thinking out of the box for new solutions to everpresent issues. this term i have improved on this by not doing anything or thinking at all.
Seraph [TSP]Today at 4:43 PM
In my experience, so-called imposter syndrome is a big thing amongst NSers who get elected or appointed into big roles. Have you experienced this much and do you have any advice for up-and-comers about how to deal with this when it happens?
SwiftyGamerToday at 4:45 PM
Would you say that becoming PM has taken you away from being a defender for a little time? How do you feel about this?
Nakari [TSP]Today at 4:45 PM
to an extent, yes, we have a responsibility to get people involved. on the other hand though it's hard to tell the balance between if we just aren't trying hard enough on a certain technique or if it just isn't a technique that works. probably a lot of time has been wasted on things that are fundamentally flawed trying to make them work. if there was a magic button to get people interested and involved i would be mashing the hell out of it. but there doesn't seem to be an easy way, so i guess we just need to struggle through the hard way. or something.
[4:45 PM]
imposter syndrome - maybe i've had it, or maybe i really am an imposter!
[4:47 PM]
i wish i had advice to give on that. i've been feeling a bit more hopeful ns wise on seeing how defenders have been dealing with stuff recently - make a mistake? oh well, not a huge deal, let's figure out how to fix it for next time. i think that kind of attitude - accepting that everyone will have mistakes so it doesn't matter too much if you're an imposter or not! might be a decent way to look at things.
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Today at 4:48 PM
What advice do you have for people looking to make TNP defender?
Nakari [TSP]Today at 4:48 PM
becoming pm has made me feel at times like i shouldn't be publicly doing defender stuff more than i'm publicly doing pm stuff. i'm still decently active, and i still enjoy defending
[4:48 PM]
are you trying to spark an international incident?!
Sinister Spinster [TSP]Today at 4:48 PM
What do you view as the most important duty of the Prime Minister, and what past PM do you think most exemplifies the traits you wish to emulate in your position?
Nakari [TSP]Today at 4:51 PM
the ultimate duty of a pm, in the end, is to pull the region together when needed. like, that's not an everyday thing, but it is vital. and so i'd like to emulate myself specifically during the tep coup (and maybe a bit of roavin)
Sinister Spinster [TSP]Today at 4:51 PM
Penguin coup: yes or YES?
Nakari [TSP]Today at 4:52 PM
[4:52 PM]
as long as they're the only black and white animal involved
El Fiji Grande [TNP]Today at 4:53 PM
Almonds, cashews, or peanuts?
Sinister Spinster [TSP]Today at 4:53 PM
What do you think is the next step for your NS career? Will you be bouncing around as a Minister again, or do you plan to take a break from governance?
Nakari [TSP]Today at 4:54 PM
D: they're all great in their own way! though the best one i've had recently is almonds, in a korean dessert called hotteok which i highly recommend its so gooood
[4:56 PM]
i'm not planning to be in government again for a looong while i'll probably focus more on defender stuff once i'm finished with pm, but i'll also just enjoy my hobbies a bit more without the feeling of "oh no should i be doing pm stuff rn?" >_>
Seraph [TSP]Today at 4:57 PM
If you could ask yourself anything, what would it be?
Sinister Spinster [TSP]Today at 4:57 PM
What are some TSP players not very involved in government that you would be excited to see run for a Ministry position or join one or more of the Ministries?
Nakari [TSP]Today at 5:00 PM
i would ask myself why nationstates is so addictive. i probably wouldn't have a very good answer but there would be an incoherent rant with a lot of gestures around the concepts of emergent communities.
[5:01 PM]
...tbh if someone isn't that involved i probably don't know them well enough to recommend them join a ministry which is absolutely my bad >_>
[5:02 PM]
...except like in the abstract of course, i don't mean i don't think anyone should join stuff unless i know them >_>
Sinister Spinster [TSP]Today at 5:02 PM
Will you ever run for Delegate?
Nakari [TSP]Today at 5:04 PM
i'd be a decent delegate if not for the whole wa lock thing (i like to think, at least!). if i ever want to take a year out of defending, maybe.(edited)
Sinister Spinster [TSP]Today at 5:05 PM
What do you think of TNP's system of appointing Ministers? Do you feel that there are elements, in whole or part, that TSP could adopt that would make our government work more efficiently?
[5:05 PM]
How much democracy is too much when it comes to such highly skilled positions?
[5:07 PM]
[QUOTE]i'd be a decent delegate if not for the whole wa lock thing (i like to think, at least!). if i ever want to take a year out of defending, maybe.[/QUOTE]
@Nakari [TSP] Ah, so you think you would get two terms? Very confident of you.
Nakari [TSP]Today at 5:08 PM
i think it just kinda depends on the regional priorities - in tsp we value each individual minister being picked by the region, while tnp seems to value a bit more the judgement on the pm to pick out the most highly skilled people. agenda vs skill split, maybe? i think both work fine, though ours probably can lead to more disagreements, but also maybe more diversity in cabinet opinion.
[5:09 PM]
skill isn't so much of an issue as trust. the nice thing is that even if someone is incompetent, there's only so much harm they can do. not the end of the world.
[5:09 PM]
and no i'd just need a long while to gather influence
Sinister Spinster [TSP]Today at 5:11 PM
Why did you do it? And don't deny it. You know what you did
Nakari [TSP]Today at 5:12 PM
Sinister Spinster [TSP]Today at 5:14 PM
For my final question: are you satisfied with this AMA? I do hope we gave you enough to think about.
Nakari [TSP]Today at 5:15 PM
it was better than i expected
[5:15 PM]
and yes, gave me a lot to think about, thank you
[5:17 PM]
thanks everyone who asked stuff, looks like this is wrapping up so i am going to go write some ghost stories if nobody has more questions