What is a Social Deduction Game?
A social deduction game is a game where players attempt to determine each other’s hidden roles and outmaneuver the competition through lying, deduction, and logic.
What are the games that we will play?
We will be hosting three different types of games for this event:
- Mafia
- Detectives
- Assassin in the Palace
Instructions on how to play these games will be linked here once signups are opened. You can sign up for these games in this thread. We will be accepting players until August 3rd, 11:59 PM, 2020 or until the maximum number of players has been reached. This round of Mafia will have a maximum of 9 players and a minimum of 4 players. Detectives has both a minimum and maximum number of 5 players. Assassin in the Palace has a maximum of 7 players and a minimum of 4 players. You can sign up in this thread by posting in this thread which game or games you would like to join.
Where do we play these games?
The games will take place on The North Pacific’s forum found here. Announcements relating to the game will take place on A Drop in The Ocean 2’s Discord server in addition to this forum.
What is the time commitment?
The games should last for the duration of the festival (it may run a day or two over depending how quickly people die). Players should expect to check in on the game once or twice every day for a couple of minutes. Players that really get into the game may wish to spend more.
Now, for the fun part, how are each of these games played. Feel free to only read the instructions for the game you wish to participate in.
How do I play Mafia?
What is Mafia?
A small town has been infiltrated by the mafia who are masquerading among them. As they seek to take over the village by killing the innocents, the members of the village convene amongst themselves in an attempt to out the guilty ones.
How does the game work?
The game is run by a Host who is responsible for moderating the game, distributing roles, and facilitating votes and actions.
There are different roles in this game that a player may be given, the roles given out depend on the number of players. Prior to the game beginning, the Host will reveal the roles involved. All special abilities are used right after lynching takes place.
1. Town Member
Victory Condition: All Mafia members are dead.
Background: Has no special ability.
2. Detective
Victory Condition: All Mafia members are dead.
Background: Each day, they may investigate one player, if the player is a detective, the Detective gets an innocent result, if they investigate the Mafia, they get a guilty result.
3. Doctor
Victory Condition: All Mafia members are dead.
Background: Each night, they may visit one player and heal them, protecting them from dying from the Vigilante, Godfather, or a Mafia Goon. Cannot protect someone from being lynched. May only heal themselves every other day.
4. Vigilante
Victory Condition: All Mafia members are dead.
Background: At any point in the game, they may kill one player.
5. Godfather
Victory Condition: Mafia members outnumber villagers.
Background: Each day, they select a mafia member. This mafia member will then go attempt to murder another player. Upon death, another Mafia member becomes the Godfather.
6. Mafia Goon
Victory Condition: Mafia members outnumber villagers.
Background: Has no special ability.
The game lasts in phases, the duration of the phase is dependent on each game. These phases are referred to as "days". During the day, players may discuss the game in the thread and must publicly vote for one player to be lynched. At the same time players may submit their actions to be taken just after the lynching happens.
How do I play Assassin in the Palace?
What is Assassin in The Palace?
An Assassin has snuck into the palace and attempted to kill the King! Fortunately, before the Assassin could succeed, the King's loyal Guards saved him, spirited him away, and disguised him as one of his own. The Assassin followed their lead and disguised themselves as a Guard as well. Now, The Palace has been locked down by the Guards as they seek to unmask the Assassin before the Assassin can find the King. All of the Guards know who the King is. Each day, the Guards convene to discuss who they should lynch while the Assassin lurks among them, participating in lynching and waiting to determine who they should spend their one kill on.
How does the game work?
The game is run by a Host who is responsible for moderating the game, distributing roles, and facilitating votes and actions.
There are three different roles in this game that a player may be given.
1. The King (1)
Victory Condition: The Assassin is dead and the King remains alive.
Background: Is told they are the King. Is not given any other information or abilities.
2. The Assassin (1)
Victory Condition: Death of the King.
Background: Is told they are the Assassin. Has the ability to privately assassinate one player at any time in the game by sending a message to the Host.
3. A Guard (Any number greater than one, ideally at least two)
Victory Condition: The King wins. Player does not have to be alive to win.
Background: Is told they are a Guard. Is given the identity of the King. No abilities.
The game lasts in phases, the duration of a phase is 24 hours. These phases are referred to as "days". During the day, players may discuss the game in the thread and must publicly vote for one player to be lynched. At the end of the day, whichever player has the most votes is killed and their role is revealed.
How do I play Detectives?
What is Detectives?
Four detectives of varying ages and skills levels is locked in a house together with a murderer. The detectives have to work together to find out which of them is the murderer before they all die.
How does the game work?
The game is run by a Host who is responsible for moderating the game, distributing roles, and facilitating votes and actions.
There are five different roles in this game that a player may be given. All special actions are taken just after lynching takes place barring the first day in which Detectives can investigate a player before the first day begins.
1. The Sane Detective (1)
Victory Condition: The Mafia is dead.
Background: Is told they are a Detective. Each day, they may investigate one player, if the player is a detective, the Sane Detective gets an innocent result, if they investigate the Mafia, they get a guilty result.
2. The Insane Detective (1)
Victory Condition: The Mafia is dead.
Background: Is told they are a Detective. Each day, they may investigate one player, if the player is a detective, the Sane Detective gets a guilty result, if they investigate the Mafia, they get an innocent result.
3. The Naive Detective (1)
Victory Condition: The Mafia is dead.
Background: Is told they are a Detective. Each day, they may investigate one player, the result they receive is that their suspect is always innocent.
4. The Jaded Detective (1)
Victory Condition: The Mafia is dead.
Background: Is told they are a Detective. Each day, they may investigate one player, the result they receive is that their suspect is always guilty.
5. The Mafia (1)
Victory Condition: They equal or outnumber the Detectives.
Background: Each day, they may kill one player.
The game lasts in phases, the duration of the phase is 24 hours. These phases are referred to as "days". During the day, players may discuss the game in the thread and must publicly vote for one player to be lynched. At the end of the day, whichever player has the most votes is killed and their role is revealed. At the same time, privately submit the actions which they would like to take at night.
What are the rules for Social Deduction Games?
1. All content discussion of an ongoing game belongs in the thread (eg. no chats about who is what role). No private communications are allowed other than with the Host.
2. No posting screenshots of messages from the Host. You may say that the Host told you that you were a specific role, you may not post a picture of the Host sending you a message saying that.
3. You should vote every game phase. If you miss two votes you risk being Host-killed.
4. Votes must be done in the format below to be explicitly clear, bolding is necessary:
5. You must play the game to win.Example:Vote: Praetor
6. What the Host says goes.
7. Breaking any of the rules may result in removal from the game and inability to participate in subsequent games.
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