An introduction.



From a distance away it looks like the iconic paradise. Beaten copper beaches upon azure shores, palm trees nodding in the wind as if being lulled to sleep by the lonely cries of the gulls and terns as they search for food circling under the heat of the tropical sun in invisible waves. Upon getting closer, the true nature of the island is revealed. The potential poison behind the sweet looking lush fruit that is Bobobtia slowly shows itself in the summer sun.

Upon the beaches the tropically inclined people fish, hunt and farm near ramshackled huts and docks armed militiamen patrol the beaches armed with submachine guns around the small villages of well tanned natives. Bobobtia is a realm of 4 islands, each divided into over 12 different governments, 5 different ethnic people and a series of towns using technology modern to ancient, rich in its variety amongst the flora and fauna of the island. On Bobobtia, hundreds of undiscovered species ranging from bugs of spectacular color and behaviors to mammalian creatures yet unseen by the world lurk behind the trees and canyons, and other creatures of cunning and design wait for their next meal.

Here Bobobtians live, thrive or die in a constant struggle amongst the decaying shifting grasps of governments and struggles ranging from tribal settlements to despotic warlords who feed those in need of whatever vice they desire. Anything from native made drugs, to exotic weapons or blood is fed to those who can afford such services in the meager resources that are ruthlessly ripped away in the constant change in tides of resources, power and territory, these governments locked in a death struggle unwilling to give a single inch lest it mean the end of their regime.

To those who enter as foreigners, they find their welcome to be a polar opposite of the humid weather unless money is exchanged and palms greased. Many do not return despite having paid their dues to the various warlord or bandit bands who roam the islands. Lost among the civilized nation Bobobtia and all she holds awaits those who dare explore the treasures, and terrors her shores have to offer.