[Inaius] Akida Worlbuilding


Minister of You
TNP Nation
Trials of the Pack (Dokpak)

  • Trial of Satisfaction: When disputes arise between individual akid that neither they nor their immediate superiors can resolve, the akid in dispute must petition to have their differences heard by their Shipmaster. If the Shipmaster cannot resolve the issue the akid are kept separate if possible until the Trial can be performed. The trial involves highly ritualized combat until one or both akid cannot participate further. Participants in this trial are forbidden from killing or maiming. The trial is repeated until one side is victorious or both parties come to resolution. Words mean nothing, this is how you have a conversation!

  • Trial of Ascension: When one or more akida (including entire clutches or ships) feel their societal role is not befitting of their stature. This can develop from a Trial of Satisfaction as a subordinate may believe they can do better than their superior or that the superior is abusing their position. The shipmaster will denote events that the participants must complete that test for the position in question. The better akid will then ascend or keep their position. The loser of said trial must then assume the victor’s role or remain at their lower station. This trial cannot be enacted for the position of Shipmaster or Queen. It can be enacted between shipmasters for position within the fleet (i.e. first strike), political hierarchy, etc. I want your job!

  • Trial of the Weak: When an akid or group of akida is seen as detrimental to the survival or advancement of the pack as whole. This can only be enacted if there is sufficient evidence brought before the Shipmaster. Many Shipmasters usually try to convince all parties that a Trial of Satisfaction would suffice. If this is not enough, the akida in question are stripped of all enhancements and armor/clothing and commence a fight to death within a bare ring. In the event of uneven sides the larger group can only use as many akida as the smaller group, for example if five akida accused one akid, they would fight one at a time until there are none left. Only the strong survive!

  • Trial of Blood: If an akid is not born into the warrior caste they can choose to undergo this trial. The trial involves simulating and participating in live combat and duels with others from the warrior caste. If one passes all these trials the akid will then shed their natural born clutch and take on the new clutch name. They will then be considered for the highly ritualized mating that happens on warships to ensure their natural predator genes are passed on. The warrior lives forever!

  • Trial of Nature: In nature there are no rules. There is no recourse. There are only those who live and those who die. This trial is used as a declaration of war between large groups of akida or it is used as a method to ascend to the position of shipmaster or queen. To invoke this trial is to challenge the fates. It allows an akid to use any means necessary to achieve their goal, however it also opens them the violence of all akida who see this as their chance. For example, if one akid challenged a Shipmaster to a trial of nature, then all akida in the room could, without repercussion, tear apart the challenger. Live or die, that is the hunt!

  • While most akida tend to follow these rules, they are not exactly written into law. Only one of the tetrarchy follows these trials to the letter.
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Queen of the Akida: One of the four queen that rule in the tetrarchy. Always vying for dominance over the other three. The balance of four queens has been a rocky one since the introduction of the fourth queen. They are tend to be some of the oldest Akid in the entire tetrarchy but that is not always the case. To pass the trial of nature to reach this rank is to prove one's strength and guile enough so that one can rule such a vast territory. However, the queens have sometimes been chosen and practically 'given' the position by the many aster councils that support them.

Aster council: A form of regional governing body of chosen shipmasters in an area. It is a council of five shipmasters. This is one position that is not fought for, instead it is fairly democratic as one must merely garner the support of other shipmasters to be chosen. While technically a superior rank to their sister shipmasters, it is generally accepted that what they decree is not law but merely helpful suggestion. There is the possibility that one of these bodies gains the support of their queen when passing law/judgement, and thus their word must be followed.

Warmaster: A military shipmaster must fight all other military shipmasters in a fleet in a more open trial of ascension for this position, this trial differs for the normal trial of ascension as the events that the akid must participate in are not chosen by a superior, it is merely a set of tests and fights that have been around in military tradition for centuries. It is a method to show who amongst the fleet would have the most keen mind for such endeavors. Warmasters can command civilian fleets for logistics and evacuation operations. Warmasters as is named can only exist during formal conflicts as dictated by the trial of nature. As soon as said conflict is over a Warmaster can step down, or choose to stay on as a fleet master, but the previous fleetmaster, if there was one, can object to this.

Fleetmaster: This title can vary in its social status, as owning two or more ships makes one a Fleetmaster. Another method is a grouping of shipmasters see the benefits of running as a fleet and choose one of their own to act as Fleetmaster. Once there is Fleetmaster, however, then the position is open for the more direct trial of ascension.

Shipmaster: The core of leadership in the Akida Tetrarchy. Being a shipmaster is similar to the queen, but on a smaller scale. They are the ruler of their ship in it's entirety. Again, usually one of the oldest or strongest of the clutchmothers, however this is not exclusive to them. The position is technically open to any who can attain and maintain said position. There are only two methods of becoming a shipmaster. Declaring a trial of nature on a current one, and taking their position. Or attaining a brand new ship with no crew. The latter method is the easier way, however it does paint a target on one's back as, they did not fight for the position.

Clutchmother: As the name suggests. The mother of a group of akida. Usually revered and looked after by their clutch. They are helpful in the maintenance of social norms in akid society as they are on the frontlines so to speak. Many akida go to their clutchmother for advice and general interaction that is not being contested. Rivalries do occur between clutchmothers as much as they occur between all akida in the tetrarchy, but it is less competitive as they already bring honor to themselves by having a clutch to support the ship.
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Vra-Lokshi and Lokshi

The origins of this base social interaction between Akida has existed before the destruction of Ra. Before the unification. Before the split. It is the taking of an akid’s tail. It was the original way a clutch would maintain hierarchy, the strongest rule. It morphed through history as personal debt incurred by the tail taker, the Vra-Lokshi. The servant/slave, Lokshi, would be bound to their master or incur their wrath or worse, death. Before this modern era, most akida had a Vra-Lokshi. They also would Lokshi of their own if they were smart. Natural pyramids of owners and owned existed. Now this phenomenon is not so respected in parts of the tetrarchy. It is seen as an old tradition that has no place in the new society that was created by the unifier, despite the unifier using it herself to bring her peoples under her dominion. Only superstitious and religious akid respect these old ways.

Places of technological fervor and yet shrouded in religious zealotry. Half temple, half forge. Technology is simultaneously seen as a crutch against nature by Akid society and also as the very thing that elevates and solidifies the Akida as top of the chain. Keeping this in mind, shipyards are a very complicated political landscapes within their respective queendoms. It is where many Akida become shipmasters, a vital role in modern Akid society. Many Akida argue that the role is merely handed to many with the ease of handing over the necessary funds. Others argue that is how nature has always operated, luck is a part of it and that becoming shipmaster does not guarantee a bright future. As such those who work and build the ships, weapons, and means to attain this role see themselves as superior, as if they are permitting the lesser Akida to rise through society. Even amongst Akida, one might be easily forgiven to think that strength alone is the major determining factor of rank. Only smart Akida, and especially those who work and live in the shipyards, know that it is intelligence and cunning that will win the day. Many a new shipmaster have found themselves at the tail end of jokes from dock workers and station crew members. Many a new shipmaster have not taken well to the treatment and have responded less than optimally to the shipyard as a whole. Many a new shipmaster have found themselves a frozen carcass amidst a shattered, yet brand new ship, barely an au from where they undocked.

One of the largest shipyards in the entire Tetrarchy is Ringworld Shak Dra Sok. As its name suggests, it is a ringworld fitted to be a shipyard, but the reality is that it is three ringworlds working in conjunction. What started as a simple humble station, expanded until it is now the backbone and major producer of ships, munitions, and capable shipmasters for the entirety of the Tetrarchy. The only shipyard to actually have an independent naval academy. Some Akida would argue that Shak Dra Sok could be considered its own kingdom with a kingdom. And in many ways, it behaves as such. With enough material and ships to swing any sort of trial or conflict in their favor. Luckily Shak Dra Sok has been content to stay out of the affairs of others within the Tetrarchy, then again, few shipyards have capable fleetmasters leading them. Fewer still have one with the guile and literal firepower to ignore direct commands from a queen. There is no shame in basking in the warmth of the sun while the enemy tears themselves apart!
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Dadra Class Light Frigate

The Dradra Class Light Frigate is based on the Aurora-class that is built by the Aremites, heavily adopted for its speed and general ease of construction.

Gorogon Class Cruiser

Gorogon Class Cruiser, a lighter version of typical Aremite cruisers, following the adoption of a majority of their designs.
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