(Proposal) Ephyranus Aurorius

Yamantau Em

Prophet of da WAAAAGH
TNP Nation
Yamantau/The Black Cathedral
Proposal - Addition of Species

Species name: Ephyranus Aurorius - homo ephyranus

Proper Name and demonym: Ephyran/Ephyranics

Subspecies: Draxxin, Maylar, Korgal, random interbreed hybrids

Slang names: Sawteeth, Greybacks, Jade Skins

Origin: offshoot of human evolutionary chain due to geographic isolation and natural radiological interference.

Average Lifespan: 100-110
Correction: 45-60

Typical appearance

Skin: green, grey, black, marbled

Eyes: yellow, green, blue, dark amber

Height: 6 feet to 8.5 feet

Weight: 200 - 500 pounds

Other: large sharp teeth, pig like noses, some subspecies (i.e. Draxxin) have small rows of bone protrusions running along the eyebrows and/or along the sides of the head near where the hair would typically part on either side, tattoos and scars are also often prominent and culturally important.


Language: Maori (until conlang complete)

Religion: Ma'akawa (mixture of Polynesian superstition and worship of war)

Relationships: traditional monogamous relationships are less common, tradition leans towards polyamourus relationships
Same sex partnerships are also quite common, especially within said polyamourus relationships.

Family life: Ephyranics strongly believe in bearing as many children as possible throughout their fertile years (16-60) Corrected to 16-35, which is made easier, as the Ephyranic pregnancy cycle takes only 4 (corrected to 7 ) months. Mothers and fathers contribute equally to the raising of children, as they believe children must have both masculine and feminine ways.

Community: Ephyranics are a very social species when around their own people, but are distrustful of outsiders. Communities tend to be median sized at about 10,000 people, all of which usually belong to one tribe. There are 18 tribes that make up the Ephyranic Khanate.

Government: the government consists of the Khan or "Warchieftain", who dictates directly to the people. The new Khan is chosen after the death of the old Khan, usually the strongest warrior.
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As a side note, this new race is not just randomly placed, they go hand in hand with my idea for a secondary nation called Ephyra.

You may ask "Why can't you just use humans?"
Well, the answer is this: to offer a different point of view. I would like an opportunity to explore the function of creatures considered monstrous in a modern world.

The Ephyranics differ from humans not only physically, but mentally, societally, and socially. They isolated themselves because they feared they would be hunted for being monsters, their large, imposing appearance is countered by the fact that they are more terrified of humans than the other way around, causing them to lash out violently against any sort of outside interference in an attempt to pre-emptively protect themselves.
Societally, they are tribal, and somewhat nomadic, not being able to call any one part of Ephyra home. The tribes often align and disalign themselves with one another due to constant infighting and jockeying for favor with the Khan.

I would also like to point out, that physically, they may be stronger, and slightly more endurant to abuse and harm, but are just as physiologically vulnerable as humans, as they share 90% of human DNA.
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There are only a few issues with this being the lifespans and the fertility of this race. They could technically outpace humans in population completely in a short period. The average life span of a human is roughly 80 years. In order to give more meaning to being fertile and bearing many children perhaps increase the time it takes to have kids, or reduce the time period in which they are fertile. Or both. Mind you I believe you don't want to abuse these numbers or anything. It's just that they paint a picture where these Ephyranus Aurorius are practically better in every way to man and thus require some adjustments.
I would absolutely be willing to rework it, so that they live for only 40 to 50 years. My original reasoning, which I forgot to mention, is that even though they have a long lifespan, many only live into their 30's as a result of tribal violence.
That's good for now. Also as a note, With these types of creatures, other RPers can choose to ignore their fantastical origins and such be perceived as sorta crazy humans. Mind you most people don't exercise this right too often. You should still consider also reducing the fertility years a little bit.