Democracy Day 2020 - A Brief Address
The last time I was Minister of Culture back in 2016, we would make little threads whenever each holiday came, briefly talking about each holiday. At the time it was a novel approach and one that generated a fair amount of conversation. Given time, however, I realized why something like it hasn't been done much. It turned our region's time-honored holidays into novelties. Going into this term, therefore, I'm glad to see that we have since given more thought towards holidays like Democracy Day; especially Democracy Day. Holidays exist to celebrate things, and in a region like ours, I believe Democracy Day is therefore the most important holiday of all.
Prydania said last year that, in contrast to many other regions in NationStates, "we are not dependent on one citizen, one strongman or strongwoman, one dictator. No, we believe in something greater. A series of laws. Of legal precedent. In an unwavering commitment to the ideals that it's the people who hold the reigns of power." Nothing could be more true. We've worked hard to get to where we are - at one time, we were coup city; one of the least stable GCRs in the game. We were the laughing stock of NationStates. But on one July 7, fifteen years ago, we said that enough was enough and we threw down rogue delegate Pixiedance.
Many of us were not there that day. Many of us didn't even know what the Internet was. Hell, I was four years old. But, in a way, we were there that day, because we continue to carry the spirit that was born that day. We have become a part of it, and others will become a part of it after us. On that day fifteen years ago, a small group of hopeless natives decided that hoping, that believing, could still be worth it. Today, we continue to hope. We continue to believe. Don't get me wrong, there's been many a dramatic incident here and there, both in gameplay and roleplay, and sometimes they even overlap. But at the end of the day, all of us, as TNPers, get up, dust off our wounds, and keep going. We get that resilience from the courageous actions of those who overthrew Pixiedance fifteen years ago.
It's that resilience as a community that helped us turn things around; helped us stabilize and grow our little online puddle into a true North Pacific Ocean. And of the ideals that serve as the foundations for that resilience, it's the last of those that Prydania mentioned last year that I want to call special attention to. The ideal that it's the people who hold the reigns of power. Together, whether you're merely standing on the ship's deck or your hands are on the proverbial steering wheel, we have all helped steer the ship in one way or another, whether you realize it or not. Today The North Pacific stands, as the iconic phrase goes, as a shining city on a hill, with the eyes of all people upon us. Democracy Day reminds us that however you choose to participate in this region's community, at the end of the day, what's important above all is that this is the largest, most powerful, and most prosperous region in the world, and it is yours.
But enough with all that. Let's get onto what has become a yearly tradition in its own right! Now, I should note: what I'm about to talk about, don't discuss it on NationStates.net. That's a given. That being said, as we did last year, in honor of the freedom we cherish as TNPers, the Government of The North Pacific is offering a pocket copy of the Constitution; FREE OF CHARGE; anywhere in the world! All you need to do is fill out the form given below, and you'll get one sent directly to you as soon as possible.
There should be a Kickstarter up next week which will fund the costs of production. You don't have to donate to it to actually be eligible to get the Pocket Constitution - all TNPers are eligible. It's just if you want to help fund their production so that everyone who registered can get them. The Kickstarter will conclude around July 24th. Given the circumstances regarding the Coronavirus pandemic, they will likely be released around early to mid-August at the earliest and early September at the latest. If that changes, we intend to be as transparent as possible about it. We will keep you all posted about the process!
Minister of Culture of the North Pacific
Minister of Culture of the North Pacific
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