A normal person
The voting booths were open for 2 weeks, all people over 18 could vote. After 1 month, the results were announced, "Mr Henry Nathaniel got 45,996 votes. Ms Sophia O'Daniel got 24,004 votes. Therefore Mr Henry Nathaniel is the new Governor-General." Preparations for the oath began, after a week, the governer-general was ready to take the oath, the ceremony was broadcasted on radios all over York. He spoke after the Chief Justice, " I, Henry Nathaniel, or solemnly affirm that I will faithfully execute the office of Governer-General of the Republic of York, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect and defend the Constitution and the law and that I will devote myself to the service and well-being of the people of the Republic of York.", people all over York rejoiced, as Ms Sophia was hated by the majority.