There's been some talk lately about whether or not our law permits our BC officers to extend bans to puppets of players who had their original nation banned. For the most part this only happens when a problematic player shows up under a new name and continues to be a problematic player, but it may not always be so. To make this crystal clear, and to avoid the possibility of improper bans, I propose the following:
Bad players making puppets and returning usually leads to an easy subsequent ban, as these players typically cannot restrain themselves and fall into the same bad habits. There are cases, though, where smarter, devious players will learn from the original ban and sow their seeds of discord in nefarious and careful ways, avoiding the easy ban and only being felled by the ban evasion option. Right now, they can still be taken care of, but with this cloud of uncertainty. This change would remove the cloud and allow us the opportunity to take the logical, common sense approach to making sure punishment applies to bad players no matter how many names they come back with.
I know there's a lot of people who feel that we need to give room for banned players to turn over a new leaf and with their other nations behave better and contribute. This is still possible - note that the banning is entirely discretionary. This change would simply explicitly include "ban evasion" as one of the criteria for discretionary bans. It is not adding something, it is formalizing what is already being done.
Ban Evasion Prohibition:Section 7.3 of the Legal Code will be amended to:
Section 7.3 Onsite Authority:11. Violators of NationStates rules, or residents banned offsite by forum administration, may be subject to summary ejection or banning.
12. Residents banned on the basis of forum bans imposed by forum administration may not be banned for longer than the length of the ban imposed by forum administration.
13. Nations recruiting for other regions may be subject to summary ejection or banning.
14. Nations controlled by the same individuals whose nations were previously banned for any of the preceding reasons may be subject to summary ejection or banning, provided the time for that ban has not already expired.
15. Nations for which the Court has issued an indictment permitting it may be ejected or banned.
16. Nations that have been so sentenced by the Court will be ejected or banned.
17. The official performing an ejection or ban will promptly inform the region and Government.
18. The Serving Delegate may regulate the Regional Message Board as they see fit.
19. Such regulations may not prohibit speech which is in the context of TNP politics.
20. All actions of the WA Delegate, the Serving Delegate, or of their appointed Regional Officers related to this section will be subject to judicial review.
Section 7.3 Onsite Authority:11. Violators of NationStates rules, or residents banned offsite by forum administration, may be subject to summary ejection or banning.
12. Residents banned on the basis of forum bans imposed by forum administration may not be banned for longer than the length of the ban imposed by forum administration.
13. Nations recruiting for other regions may be subject to summary ejection or banning.
14. Nations controlled by the same individuals whose nations were previously banned for any of the preceding reasons may be subject to summary ejection or banning, provided the time for that ban has not already expired.
15. Nations for which the Court has issued an indictment permitting it may be ejected or banned.
16. Nations that have been so sentenced by the Court will be ejected or banned.
17. The official performing an ejection or ban will promptly inform the region and Government.
18. The Serving Delegate may regulate the Regional Message Board as they see fit.
19. Such regulations may not prohibit speech which is in the context of TNP politics.
20. All actions of the WA Delegate, the Serving Delegate, or of their appointed Regional Officers related to this section will be subject to judicial review.
Section 7.3 Onsite Authority:11. Violators of NationStates rules, or residents banned offsite by forum administration, may be subject to summary ejection or banning.
12. Residents banned on the basis of forum bans imposed by forum administration may not be banned for longer than the length of the ban imposed by forum administration.
13. Nations recruiting for other regions may be subject to summary ejection or banning.
14. Nations for which the Court has issued an indictment permitting it may be ejected or banned.
15. Nations that have been so sentenced by the Court will be ejected or banned.
16. Nations controlled by the same individuals whose nations were previously banned for any of the preceding reasons may be subject to summary ejection or banning.
17. The official performing an ejection or ban will promptly inform the region and Government.
18. The Serving Delegate may regulate the Regional Message Board as they see fit.
19. Such regulations may not prohibit speech which is in the context of TNP politics.
20. All actions of the WA Delegate, the Serving Delegate, or of their appointed Regional Officers related to this section will be subject to judicial review.
Bad players making puppets and returning usually leads to an easy subsequent ban, as these players typically cannot restrain themselves and fall into the same bad habits. There are cases, though, where smarter, devious players will learn from the original ban and sow their seeds of discord in nefarious and careful ways, avoiding the easy ban and only being felled by the ban evasion option. Right now, they can still be taken care of, but with this cloud of uncertainty. This change would remove the cloud and allow us the opportunity to take the logical, common sense approach to making sure punishment applies to bad players no matter how many names they come back with.
I know there's a lot of people who feel that we need to give room for banned players to turn over a new leaf and with their other nations behave better and contribute. This is still possible - note that the banning is entirely discretionary. This change would simply explicitly include "ban evasion" as one of the criteria for discretionary bans. It is not adding something, it is formalizing what is already being done.
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