- TNP Nation
- PotatoFarmers
- Discord
- Freg#0420
Consumer Protection Act
Category: Regulation
Strength: Mild
The General Assembly,
Realising that consumers may not be aware of the quality of their products they are purchasing;
Recognising that firms may be hiding information for their personal gains;
Deeply concerned about the lack of resolutions protecting the rights of consumers
- Defines:
- “sellers” as individuals who are trading products or services to consumers;
- “companies” as organisations who does the role of sellers, or consists of groups of sellers;
- "consumers" as individuals who have purchased a product or service from sellers or companies for personal use or to maintain ownership of the said product.
- Mandates member nations to set up an accreditation agency, to recognise companies which sell products meeting quality standards;
- Requires that products or services which are being marketed should have accurate and conspicuous descriptions of the said product, including providing any information about any known risks that comes with the use of the product or service;
- Demands member nations to create legislation to ensure that consumers, including foreign citizens, are given the relevant avenue to report any problems with the products or services, as well as the ability to gain compensation for the problems, including, but not limited to:
- Full refund for the product or service that the consumer has purchased
- Repair or replacement of the said products.
- Encourages sellers and companies to ensure that their products meet the relevant quality standard.
NS Forum Link can be found here. As this is my first draft resolution, I look forward to any guide/comments!