Hello! I’m from Europeia, and I am submitting this here for recommendations.
The World Assembly,
DEEPLY CONCERNED with the adverse humanitarian effects of allowing private entities to own or operate prisons due to monetary motivations to cut running costs at the expense of prisoners' living standards,
NOTING that private prisons exist in many World Assembly nations,
APPALLED that allowing private prisons incentivizes intentionally increased recidivism rates, and
SEEKING to replace the now-repealed GAR #468, which had a commendable goal but exigent loopholes, with a resolution achieving the original's intended aim of banning private prisons,
Hereby enacts the following:
- "Prison" in this resolution shall be defined as a facility in which people are confined on remand or as a punishment for a crime they have committed. Home detention and probation are not included in this definition.
- "Operation" in this resolution shall be defined as the control and management of the daily responsibilities needed to maintain a prison facility and provide for the detainees' general welfare.
- “Basic civil rights” in this resolution shall be defined as the right to adequate, nutritious, and regular meals that keep prisoners in good physical health; the right to clean and adequate safe drinking water; the right to appropriate sanitation, including, but not limited to: showers, toilets, and sinks; and the right to clean clothing and bedding.
- No prison in a member state may be owned, wholly or in part, by a private entity.
- No prison in a member state may be operated, wholly or in part, by a private entity, except for the provision of supplies
- There shall be a transition period of three months from the passage of this resolution where all privately owned prisons are to be transferred over to the state. The state shall pay the owner of private prisons a reasonable and mutually agreed upon sum.
- Clarifies that member states may hire private entities to provide supplies or services to prisons, but must ensure that these supplies or services grant prisoners civil rights as defined in §3.
- Whole prisons may not be contracted out to private entities.