- TNP Nation
- McMasterdonia
Opening Statement
Ministry of World Assembly Affairs
Magicality City, 14 May 2020

I am honoured to once again be joining the Executive Council and to have been appointed, for the first time, as the Minister of World Assembly Affairs. I thank Delegate @Prydania for this appointment and I look forward to working with him to enact his vision for The North Pacific's engagement with the World Assembly. I will keep this statement short and sweet, as there is plenty of work that must be attended to immediately. For the coming term, we will focus on getting our information for voters campaigns out early, avoiding doubling up on IFV telegrams on the same day, and continue to present our IFVs to the NationStates forum threads for each proposal. In addition, we will turn our attention to the Heroes of the North program, where I am hopefully that we will be able to introduce the first couple of proposals into the World Assembly this term.
In addition, we will continue to present proposals regularly to WALL to establish a united front where possible, and to support the proposals authored by TNPers.
For my deputies, I will be retaining @Fregerson and @Morover who have both been outstanding deputies. In addition, I will be bringing @Bobberino and @Wonderess on board. I look forward to working with my team of deputies and the passionate WA staff at large on a successful term.
Any questions, do let me know.