The North Star XVII


Spammer in Chief
He/Him, They/Them
TNP Nation
*|CENTER ALIGN|**|[img]|**|TNS Header Image|**|[/img]|**|Center align close|*
*|[img]|**|Article Image|**|[/img]|**|Title Text Size|*Regional Assembly Highlights*|Close Title Text Size|*
*|RIGHT ALIGN|*[I]by Bobberino, Minister of Communications[/I]*|Right align close|*
*|CENTER ALIGN|*Speaker: [url=]Deropia[/URL]
Deputy Speakers: [url=]Koopa[/URL], [url=]Rom[/URL], [url=]MadJack[/URL], [url=]Owenstacey[/URL]

[B]Current Business[/B]

[url=]Delegate's Report Bill[/URL] by [url=]Brendog[/URL]

Summary: This bill writes into law the recent common practice of Ministers providing reports as per their administration's requests, following the precedent established by El Fiji Grande in his Delegacy.

[B]Status:[/B] In Discussion

[url=]Lessening Repeating Work Bill[/URL] by [url=]Praetor[/URL]

Summary: An election law based bill, this addresses the addition of preferential voting into our judicial elections, eliminates restarting elections, which also permits candidates withdrawing during voting. In addition, it provides yet more power to the oligarchy by stating that after backwards tie-breaking a tie remains, the longest-standing citizen is declared the winner, in a clear bone thrown to the oligarchy to get this passed.

[B]Status:[/B] In Discussion

[url=]Court Rule Amendments Consulation[/URL] by [url=]Zyvetskistaahn[/URL]

Summary: A bill that makes some common sense changes regarding the court rules and presents them to the RA. These include the court seeking out government officials for R4Rs relevant to them, a statement re: how to submit and withdraw R4Rs, an extension for opinion drafting and submission from 7 to 14 days, and introducing rules re: Freedom of Information and an insurance plan for vexatious appeals and/or relevant reviews are vexatious.

[B]Status:[/B] In Discussion
*|Center align close|*
*|[img]|**|Article Image|**|[/img]|**|Title Text Size|*NPA Bulletin*|Close Title Text Size|*
*|RIGHT ALIGN|*[I]by Pierce, Communications Staffer, NPA Soldier[/I]*|Right align close|*
*|CENTER ALIGN|**|[img]|**|[/img]|*


Minister of Defense: Trondstorm
Deputy Minister of Defense: Colonel Rom[/B]*|Center align close|*

The North Pacific Army (NPA) participated in a few operations, consisting mainly of refounds.

From the 29th of February to the 9th of March, a strong force of 20 NPA soldiers participated in a joint operation with The Black Hawks (TBH) on the region of Opstan to prevent a refound by removing the Delegate and all Regional Officers. The operation ended by the Minor update on the 9th of March, by which the region was passworded.

On the 7th of March, Colonel BluieGamer of the NPA refounded Itaque Sanctus Defensus after it had ceased to exist. The region was previously protected by Chapter 7.6 Section 32 and 33, which protects regions and its natives from permanent harm and excessive force through altering the embassy list, password protecting the region, forcibly removing natives, and refounding the region. The section states that exceptions can be made upon authorization of the Delegate and majority approval of the Regional Assembly. Since the region had formerly been an embassy partner with the Confederation of Corrupt Dictators, Delegate McMasterdonia proposed the exception for ISD alongside other regions to the RA on the 15th of February and the exception was approved with a 30-3 vote. The region had ceased to exist during the vote, and it was refounded following the passage of the exception and passworded.

On the 24th of March, the NPA took note during a training operation that the Hitlers Alliance had been abandoned by its natives, and was refounded by Corporal Nimarya and Colonel BluieGamer to prevent the region from being a site for fascists.

Finally, the NPA captured and refounded the region Nessuno (named after Lead Gameside Advocate Territorio Di Nessuno) to prevent its use from outside individuals.
*|[img]|**|Article Image|**|[/img]|* *|Title Text Size|*March 2020 Judicial Election*|Close Title Text Size|*
*|RIGHT ALIGN|*[I]by Haven[/I]*|Right align close|*

With four months since November now behind us, it's time for another judicial election. March's vote comes as the Court in recent months has faced criticisms over a series of seemingly over-punitive decisions, including in cases featuring guilty pleas and requests for commutation. It also follows the abolition of the office of the Attorney General with the passing of the AGORA Act, leading to questions of the Court's standing to decide on legal ambiguities in a trial format, among other issues. The field was exceptionally large this month, with six candidates eventually making it to the final ballot. This included respected veterans and a few fresh faces looking to make a name for themselves on the bench.

[B]The Candidates:[/B]

Lady Raven Wing
MintChocoIC13 (Disqualified)


Vivanco's campaign emphasised his experience as Attorney General, and his record of upholding the independence of the judiciary. Vivanco responded to the issue of harsh sentencing by implying punishments may seem "more harsh [sic]" due to their final nature. Though they seemed to support the idea that the Court should always be open to rehabilitation, they indicated that past good deeds should not negate a bad act in the eyes of the law.

Notably, they supported establishing a civil procedure for the Court, as a forum outside of moderation for the resolution of conflicts among individuals. They stated that the administration would assume the duty of enforcing these decisions, though they did not indicate what penal actions may be incurred upon violation.

Vivanco received 18.31% of the vote and was not elected.


Having served as the previous Chief Justice, Zyvetskistaahn's reelection campaign had an air of inevitability surrounding it, heightened by a highly thorough, issue-based campaign. On procedures, Zyvetskistaahn laid out a plan for much-needed reforms following the AGORA Act, including alteration of the requests for review form, the introduction of a form for indictments, and rule amendments to reflect the inevitable delay that will come from appointing a prosecutor after charges are accepted. Other amendments he endorsed included clarifying of indictments and requests for approval for bans, the introduction of requirements that changes to indictments be approved by the Court, and changes to the guilty plea process.

Zyvetskistaahn received 49.30% of the vote and was elected.

[B]Lady Raven Wing[/B]

Lady Raven Wing, running a concise but thoughtful campaign, was a clear favourite for reelection as Justice, having received several high-profile endorsements early on. Her time as Justice launched them from a relative unknown in TNP politics to a highly respected and experienced member of the bench.

In the wake of the AGORA Act, she indicated that the Court should, going forward, not be resolving ambiguities of law in the criminal trial process, if at all. She qualified that this pertains only to ambiguities that do not result in "Constitutional conflict". Speaking on penal restrain, she stated that she did not feel any particular cases in recent years were decided improperly or that the Court handed down any unreasonable punishments.

Lady Raven Wing received 50.70% of the vote and was elected.


This was Wonderess' second campaign for Justice, having run unsuccessfully last July in a comparatively bare-bones effort. This time around, he emphasised his conservative approach to interpreting and applying the statute, declaring that it was not the Court's role to innovate on the law but instead to act as a "respectful referee" of the trial process.

On the issue of retribution, Wonderess pointed to The North Pacific v Bobberino as a case in which the Court could have pursued more leniency. He made it clear, however, that he did not see it as his place to criticise the Court for its previous decisions, especially considering we the public may not have all the "pieces of the puzzle". He offered a reasonable position on heavy-handed rulings, emphasising that punishment should be, first and foremost, about the rehabilitation of the defendant and that the Court should use only such legal force as necessary to affect this outcome. He indicated that, especially with as sparse a body of case law as the North Pacific has, precedent should not be the final word, and that each case encompasses unique circumstances that require a unique approach to resolution, even if the charges are the same.

Wonderess received 50.70% of the vote and was elected.


Eluvatar, the renowned former Delegate and elder statesman who has previously served in the now-defunct position of Attorney General, only tentatively accepted his nomination for Justice. He failed to post a campaign thread, and seemed to have relied on name recognition and a robust record.

Eluvatar received 32.39% of the vote and was not elected.


Though a TNP native for some time, Alamei has only recently begun to actively engage in regional government. An experienced legal official for the Versutian Federation, Alamei hopes to bring their philosophy of transparency and impartiality to the North Pacific. They supported the recent reforms under the AGORA Act, stating that it made the Court more accessible to the "common citizen". They also proposed a rule change that would allow Justices other than the Moderating Justice to ask questions of trial participants, suggesting this would allow Justices an opportunity to make a more 'fully informed' decision.

Alamei received 35.21% of the vote and was not elected.


MintChocoIC13 did not post a campaign, and they lost their citizenship during the initial vote. They were struck from the ballot, and a new vote was triggered automatically.

*|[img]|**|Article Image|**|[/img]|**|Title Text Size|* World Assembly Digest*|Close Title Text Size|*
*|RIGHT ALIGN|*[I]by El Fiji Grande[/I]*|Right align close|*
*|CENTER ALIGN|**|[img]|**|[/img]|*
*|COLOR FOR|*General Assembly*|COLOR CLOSE|*
[I]Improving the world one resolution at a time.[/I]

[B]Oceanic Waste Disposal Ban[/B]
Status: [B][COLOR=orange]Discarded*|COLOR CLOSE|*[/B]
Delegate's Vote: [B][COLOR=orange]No vote*|COLOR CLOSE|*[/B]
Final Vote (World): For: [B]*|COLOR FOR|*13,550*|COLOR CLOSE|*[/B] Against: [B]*|COLOR AGAINST|*2,693*|COLOR CLOSE|*[/B]
Final Vote (TNP): For: [B]*|COLOR FOR|*533*|COLOR CLOSE|*[/B] Against: [B]*|COLOR AGAINST|*50*|COLOR CLOSE|*[/B] Percentage of WA nations voting: [B]40.3%

No Recommendation

Repeal: "Promotion of Recycling"[/B]
Status: [B]*|COLOR AGAINST|*Failed*|COLOR CLOSE|*[/B]
Delegate's Vote: [B]*|COLOR AGAINST|*Against*|COLOR CLOSE|*[/B]
Final Vote (World): For: [B]*|COLOR FOR|*3,028*|COLOR CLOSE|*[/B] Against: [B]*|COLOR AGAINST|*12,850*|COLOR CLOSE|*[/B]
Final Vote (TNP): For: [B]*|COLOR FOR|*46*|COLOR CLOSE|*[/B] Against: [B]*|COLOR AGAINST|*547*|COLOR CLOSE|*[/B] Percentage of WA nations voting: [B]40.8%[/B]*|Center align close|*

This repeal ironically uses rather ambiguous reasoning to argue that clause 3 of GAR #483 is ambiguous, stating that it creates possible loopholes and abusive regulations for member nations and large corporations, without providing proof or examples as to how the author predicted negative consequences might come to pass. It is also rather contradictory, in claiming firstly that clause 3 was ambiguous, but then stating that clause 3 specifically creates abusive regulations while in fact the resolution itself does not create those regulations, but requires member nations to create regulations or subsidizations and tailor them according to their needs and requirements. Although it is possible for environmental regulations such as those on recycling to impact small businesses more than big businesses, it is up to national governments to craft regulations that do not disadvantage small businesses unfairly.

Considering further that the author of the target resolution is currently working together with other members of the World Assembly to properly repeal GAR #483 and replace it in order to correct actual deficiencies, of which none where mentioned in this repeal, the Ministry advises to vote Against this proposal.

*|CENTER ALIGN|*[B]Disease Naming Compact[/B]
Status: [B]*|COLOR FOR|*Passed*|COLOR CLOSE|*[/B]
Delegate's Vote: [B]*|COLOR AGAINST|*Against*|COLOR CLOSE|*[/B]
Final Vote (World): For: [B]*|COLOR FOR|*8,490*|COLOR CLOSE|*[/B] Against: [B]*|COLOR AGAINST|*7,203*|COLOR CLOSE|*[/B]
Final Vote (TNP): For: [B]*|COLOR FOR|*210*|COLOR CLOSE|*[/B] Against: [B]*|COLOR AGAINST|*379*|COLOR CLOSE|*[/B] Percentage of WA nations voting: [B]40.5%[/B]*|Center align close|*

This proposal appears to be written opportunistically based on current real-life events. Unfortunately its provisions appear unnecessary as a common name for a novel disease would be adopted by most nations through communications between government authorities, and medical professionals would be aware of different names if they exist. In addition, the large variation in the languages of WA nations will make the task of creating a name suitable for all languages functionally impossible, and nations need flexibility to adopt a name that suits their language.

For the above reasons, the Ministry recommends a vote Against this proposal.

*|CENTER ALIGN|*[B]Interference Causing Equipment Act[/B]
Status: [B]*|COLOR AGAINST|*Failed*|COLOR CLOSE|*[/B]
Delegate's Vote: [B]*|COLOR AGAINST|*Against*|COLOR CLOSE|*[/B]
Final Vote (World): For: [B]*|COLOR FOR|*3,511*|COLOR CLOSE|*[/B] Against: [B]*|COLOR AGAINST|*11,040*|COLOR CLOSE|*[/B]
Final Vote (TNP): For: [B]*|COLOR FOR|*51*|COLOR CLOSE|*[/B] Against: [B]*|COLOR AGAINST|*500*|COLOR CLOSE|*[/B] Percentage of WA nations voting: [B]38.4%[/B]*|Center align close|*

While a well-intentioned proposal, it unfortunately falls victim to wording problems, which are at times overly complex while also creating loopholes. For example, clause 2i includes technical vocabulary that is not properly defined. Clause 3 prohibits distribution of non-compliant devices between member states while allowing member states to import and export from non-member states. Clauses 3 and 4 together ensure only member states capable of developing non-compliant devices are able to use them for government purposes such as security and defence, while those not as technologically advanced cannot purchase them, and are left without a vital line of defence.

For these reasons, the Ministry recommends a vote Against this proposal, in hopes of a better resolution in the future.

*|CENTER ALIGN|*[B]On the Health and Financial Well-Being of Workers[/B]
Status: [B]*|COLOR AGAINST|*Failed*|COLOR CLOSE|*[/B]
Delegate's Vote: [B]*|COLOR FOR|*For*|COLOR CLOSE|*[/B]
Final Vote (World): For: [B]*|COLOR FOR|*6,815*|COLOR CLOSE|*[/B] Against: [B]*|COLOR AGAINST|*8,326*|COLOR CLOSE|*[/B]
Final Vote (TNP): For: [B]*|COLOR FOR|*463*|COLOR CLOSE|*[/B] Against: [B]*|COLOR AGAINST|*101*|COLOR CLOSE|*[/B] Percentage of WA nations voting: [B]39.4%[/B]*|Center align close|*

This proposal aims to establish leave for workers in the event they become sick, have a family medical emergency, or if they have children. These types of events in a person's life are important for them to attend to, regardless of work obligations. On top of that, in the event they are sick, it would be wise to provide some sort of program that allows them to stay home and prevent the spread of the disease. Further, workers will receive identical compensation as they would have had they been at work, easing financial stress undertaken by not attending work. Creating an umbrella program for each of these, allowing greater flexibility for workers, is the best course of action.

For these reasons, the Ministry recommends a vote For this proposal.

*|CENTER ALIGN|**|[img]|**|[/img]|*
*|COLOR AGAINST|*Security Council*|COLOR CLOSE|*
[I]Spreading interregional peace and goodwill, via force if necessary.[/I]

[B]Liberate The East Pacific[/B]
Status: [B]*|COLOR AGAINST|*Failed*|COLOR CLOSE|*[/B]
Delegate's Vote: [B]*|COLOR AGAINST|*Against*|COLOR CLOSE|*[/B]

Final Vote (World): For: [B]*|COLOR FOR|*6,708*|COLOR CLOSE|*[/B] Against: [B]*|COLOR AGAINST|*8,799*|COLOR CLOSE|*[/B]
Final Vote (TNP): For: [B]*|COLOR FOR|*211*|COLOR CLOSE|*[/B] Against: [B]*|COLOR AGAINST|*365*|COLOR CLOSE|*[/B] Percentage of WA nations voting: [B]39.7%[/B]*|Center align close|*

In an event that can only be described as confusing, the Delegate of the East Pacific themselves has called for an end of their tyranny and wish for a liberation of their region. While The North Pacific is always glad to help the weak and oppressed, we believe in this case it is sufficient to point out all the wonderful options available to end one's own tyranny and political career, like self-impeachement or a good old donation affair.

While we advise a vote Against this proposal, we sincerely wish The East Pacific all the best in ending its Delegate's reign of tyranny.

*|CENTER ALIGN|*[B]Commend Kindjal[/B]
Status: [B]*|COLOR FOR|*Passed*|COLOR CLOSE|*[/B]
Delegate's Vote: [B]*|COLOR FOR|*For*|COLOR CLOSE|*[/B]

Final Vote (World): For: [B]*|COLOR FOR|*10,818*|COLOR CLOSE|*[/B] Against: [B]*|COLOR AGAINST|*4,208*|COLOR CLOSE|*[/B]
Final Vote (TNP): For: [B]*|COLOR FOR|*519*|COLOR CLOSE|*[/B] Against: [B]*|COLOR AGAINST|*72*|COLOR CLOSE|*[/B] Percentage of WA nations voting: [B]40.6%[/B]*|Center align close|*

While we have our reservations, Kindjal has demonstrated a determination in a popular field of the game that is not usually discussed in the Security Council. Although they intended to dedicate themselves to roleplay, they struggled with writing as English is not their first language. Instead, they chose a path that led to them becoming the best in their field of NS issues. Kindjal, in adjudicating right from wrong, has topped every other nation in 10 different censuses in the game, all of which are highly competitive. We hope that this well-written commendation demonstrates that nations in all fields of the game can be commended, and serve as an inspiration to dedicated issue answerers.

For the above reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For this commendation.

*|CENTER ALIGN|*[B]Commend Cormactopia Prime[/B]
Status: [B]*|COLOR AGAINST|*Failed*|COLOR CLOSE|*[/B]
Delegate's Vote: [B]*|COLOR AGAINST|*Against*|COLOR CLOSE|*[/B]

Final Vote (World): For: [B]*|COLOR FOR|*4,255*|COLOR CLOSE|*[/B] Against: [B]*|COLOR AGAINST|*8,936*|COLOR CLOSE|*[/B]
Final Vote (TNP): For: [B]*|COLOR FOR|*63*|COLOR CLOSE|*[/B] Against: [B]*|COLOR AGAINST|*459*|COLOR CLOSE|*[/B] Percentage of WA nations voting: [B]36.4%[/B]*|Center align close|*

Cormactopia Prime, commonly known as Cormac, despite being a potentially deserving nominee, is the subject of a rather stale proposal that doesn't paint an accurate picture. Cormac is known for being capricious but still dedicated and charismatic in any role (defender, invader, imperialist, journalist, etc) they decide to take. The proposal doesn't argue that, rather that Cormac has great recognition among their peers for a collection of accomplishments. The proposal is jumpy and doesn't flow well throughout the clauses, each of which is shakily written and barely supports the initial argument. Several of the clauses, such as the "Affirming" clause on developing stability in Osiris, contradict further evidence on Cormac's history with Osiris.

For these reasons, the Ministry recommends a vote of Against "Commend Cormactopia Prime", hoping for a better proposal down the line.

*|[img]|**|Article Image|**|[/img]|**|Title Text Size|*Spotlight - with 9003*|Close Title Text Size|*
*|RIGHT ALIGN|*[I]by McMasterdonia, Delegate[/I]*|Right align close|*

*|COLOR FOR|*McMasterdonia:*|COLOR CLOSE|* Today I am joined by 9003, a relatively new member of The North Pacific who is already a prominent member of our community and in the Cards Guild specifically. Welcome and thank you for joining me!

*|COLOR AGAINST|*9003:*|COLOR CLOSE|* Thanks for having me!

*|COLOR FOR|*McMasterdonia:*|COLOR CLOSE|* Firstly, can you tell me a little about your background in NationStates? When did you join and which region did you first call home?

*|COLOR AGAINST|*9003:*|COLOR CLOSE|* I've played for 7 years now. Pretty much after founding my nation I got a lovely simple telegram from Sauron recruiting for Mordor. It said “one does not simply walk into Mordor” so I did the only logical thing and simply walked in. I helped develop the then fledgling region into a hotspot of a player region after out posting the RMB bot, I joined the force of Mordor and held a warzone for a couple of months.

*|COLOR FOR|*McMasterdonia:*|COLOR CLOSE|* What did you enjoy most about your time in Mordor? During your time of supporting regional development in that region, what did you learn?

*|COLOR AGAINST|*9003:*|COLOR CLOSE|* I learned a lot about developing the region including that the founder and in turn dark lord can be put on trial and serve as the sitting judge on said trial. In a mess of legal debate. My favorite activity in Mordor was spamming on the forum; I played every one of the games to a crazy level reaching several thousand posts a week. Raising in the ranks in the forces of Mordor was also fun and fits well with me joining the NPA now.

*|COLOR FOR|*McMasterdonia:*|COLOR CLOSE|* Excellent! We will get to your NPA service in a moment, but before that... What made you decide to join The North Pacific?

*|COLOR AGAINST|*9003:*|COLOR CLOSE|* What made me join tnp was the card lotto after seeing all the legendaries going about. I knew I had to get in on the action for some of those!

*|COLOR FOR|*McMasterdonia:*|COLOR CLOSE|* How did you hear about the card lottery? Always interested to know how our outreach is going!

*|COLOR AGAINST|*9003:*|COLOR CLOSE|* I heard about the lottery from the marketplace discord after The Northern Lights posted some winners. The chance to win a soops or mindless contempt while collecting Ex flags was a huge draw. They are the peak ex flag card, after that I knew I couldn’t sit it out any longer.

*|COLOR FOR|*McMasterdonia:*|COLOR CLOSE|* Did this create any conflict for you? In terms of deciding to leave Mordor for The North Pacific?

*|COLOR AGAINST|*9003:*|COLOR CLOSE|* Well all in all I still haven't "left" Mordor my main has due to a small snafoo with NS breeze. Blowing my 7 years of residency. So I switched a puppet in but for the most part the Mordor government has fallen aside and is quite and a shadow of its former glory

*|COLOR FOR|*McMasterdonia:*|COLOR CLOSE|* And ever since, you have been very involved in The Cards Guild! What is it about Cards that you find enjoyable within the context of NationStates?

*|COLOR AGAINST|*9003:*|COLOR CLOSE|* I love cards because they give nationstates more of an active game rather than logging on once in a while to answer issues.

*|COLOR FOR|*McMasterdonia:*|COLOR CLOSE|* Regarding the NPA, it has been great seeing you get involved there. What made you decide to participate in our Army and how have you found it to be?

*|COLOR AGAINST|*9003:*|COLOR CLOSE|* After serving in the forces of Mordor and reaching the rank of general there I partook in the UDL for a while before hanging my hat up on r/d for a good while. However, once I saw the NPA was an active army I knew I had to join and give it another shot.

*|COLOR FOR|*McMasterdonia:*|COLOR CLOSE|* Would you say that before joining the NPA you would have identified as a defender?

*|COLOR AGAINST|*9003:*|COLOR CLOSE|* I would say I identified mostly defender. After some espionage missions among den (pre-predator days) I jumped for a mission or two of tags and always enjoyed it but until now didn't have an army that supported the view. I very much like the NPAs method to preserve the wfe and flag. As the big part of raiding I didn't like was destroying random regions when they didn't do anything warranting destruction.

*|COLOR FOR|*McMasterdonia:*|COLOR CLOSE|* Wow! So you were involved in espionage ops against DEN?

*|COLOR AGAINST|*9003:*|COLOR CLOSE|* I was mostly just there to muck things up and see if they were up to any large scale raids. The level of opsec was next to zero during that time.

*|COLOR FOR|*McMasterdonia:*|COLOR CLOSE|* So joining the NPA could be another espionage operation? :P

*|COLOR AGAINST|*9003:*|COLOR CLOSE|* For who! The now defunct forces of Mordor lol. And nah I wouldn't move my main nation into the region if I was, I would have far too much to lose.

*|COLOR FOR|*McMasterdonia:*|COLOR CLOSE|* Naturally I am just teasing! How has your experience differed to your prior military experience?

*|COLOR AGAINST|*9003:*|COLOR CLOSE|* The npa has a larger occupational force and a larger active force. Most operations of Mordor’s forces were missions with 5 nations. Therefore seeing the NPA show up to a joint op or even just a regular op with 7+ jumpers is impressive and having the Generals here to help out new folks is awesome.

*|COLOR FOR|*McMasterdonia:*|COLOR CLOSE|* You also mentioned earlier that you like that the NPA does not (as a general rule) do destructive raids. Are there any circumstances where you think a destructive raid is desirable and necessary?

*|COLOR AGAINST|*9003:*|COLOR CLOSE|* Well in the case of anyone The North Pacific is at war with would be a very justified cause or any region that is causing distress to the greater nationstates community.

*|COLOR FOR|*McMasterdonia:*|COLOR CLOSE|* Do you see yourself getting involved in other areas of The North Pacific? Are you interested in pursuing higher office?

*|COLOR AGAINST|*9003:*|COLOR CLOSE|* I'm trying to. Truth be told when I first moved here it was during the delegate election and I tried to run to only be shot down by just a few days short on the residency requirement. Now, I have learned that it would be far better to learn more about the position before I try and run for it. But I would love to run for more at some point. For now, I am enjoying serving as a Deputy Guildmaster. It is great fun!

*|COLOR FOR|*McMasterdonia:*|COLOR CLOSE|* What about the executive staff? Have you considered getting involved in other Ministries?

*|COLOR AGAINST|*9003:*|COLOR CLOSE|* I have been considering joining the culture Ministry. It fits quite well with Cards and I would be interested to get involved in their other activities.

*|COLOR FOR|*McMasterdonia:*|COLOR CLOSE|* That concludes our interview! Thank you once more for your time 9003. We look forward to seeing your future contributions to The North Pacific.

*|COLOR AGAINST|*9003:*|COLOR CLOSE|* My pleasure, thank you for having me![h][/h]
*|CENTER ALIGN|*[U][B]The North Star[/B][/U][B]:[/B] [I]Lighting The Way To The Truth[/I]
Publisher: McMasterdonia :: Executive Editor: Bobberino :: Managing Editor: Robespierre and Cosmosplosion

[I]The North Star is produced by the Ministry of Communications on behalf of the Government of The North Pacific and is distributed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs externally and the Ministry of Home Affairs internally. Except where otherwise indicated, all content represents the views of the Government of The North Pacific.[/I]

[B][url=]Index of Issues[/URL][/B]*|Center align close|*