by Bobberino - Minister of Communications
Regional Assembly Highlights - March 2020
Speaker: Deropia
Deputy Speakers: Koopa, Rom, MadJack, Owenstacey
Current Business
Delegate's Report Bill by Brendog
Summary: This bill writes into law the recent common practice of Ministers providing reports as per their administration's requests, following the precedent established by El Fiji Grande in his Delegacy.Speaker: Deropia
Deputy Speakers: Koopa, Rom, MadJack, Owenstacey
Current Business
Delegate's Report Bill by Brendog
Summary: An election law based bill, this addresses the addition of preferential voting into our judicial elections, eliminates restarting elections, which also permits candidates withdrawing during voting. In addition, it provides yet more power to the oligarchy by stating that after backwards tiebreaking a tie remains, the longest-standing citizen is declared the winner, in a clear bone thrown to the oligarchy to get this passed.
Summary: A bill that makes some common sense changes regarding the court rules and presents them to the RA. These include the court seeking out government officials for R4Rs relevant to them, a statement re: how to submit and withdraw R4Rs, an extension for opinion drafting and submission from 7 to 14 days, and introducing rules re: Freedom of Information and an insurance plan for vexatious appeals and/or relevant reviews are vexatious.
Status: In Discussion
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