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- Trondstorm#8233

The Ministry of Defense
23 April, 2020
On the twenty-third (23rd) of April's Major update, the North Pacific Army refounded Republican Army, a region included in the exemptions under Chapter 7.6 Sections 32 and 33 of the Legal Code. It was a preceded by a hold which lasted for 6 updates. A total twenty-five (25) soldiers participated.
The North Pacific Army (NPA):
General Trondstorm (Point)
General Gladio
General QuietDad (Point)
Colonel BluieGamer
Colonel Bobberino
Colonel Rom (Point and Trigger)
Major Koopa
Major Robespierre
Captain Knightblood
Captain Owenstacey
Lieutenant 9003
Lieutenant Gorundu
Sergeant Aerilia
Sergeant Krevt
Sergeant Nimarya (Refounder)
Sergeant Racoda
Corporal ACR of Deerfenland
Corporal Bootsie
Corporal Tonga
Private First Class Inven
Private First Class Samuel RTK
Private Arichia
Private Islands
Private Hiero
Private Pierce
Republican Army