Opening Address: Dawn of a New Day


Spammer in Chief
He/Him, They/Them
TNP Nation

April 7, 2020

Greetings, Communications! I am proud to have been offered the opportunity to lead this storied Ministry for the last month of this term. Now, as many of you are aware, this term has not been one to particularly write home about for our beloved Ministry - we have been notably behind schedule on our TNS releases, and TNL has been gasping for air. I come into this office looking to remedy these things.

This would take a Herculean effort if it was solely me who was doing this. However, this is not the case. Joining ranks to aid my efforts will be new Deputy Ministers of Communications: @Robespierre and @Cosmosplosion. I will additionally need support from you, the staffers, who are the heart and soul of this Ministry and have a strong tradition of supporting our efforts. Together, it is my hope that we, as a Ministry, can come together, finish the term strong, and notably get TNS and TNL both back on track to monthly and bi-monthly releases, respectively.

Hopefully, together, we can see this great Ministry to a fantastic finish and a bright future to come. Here's to a splendid April!

Warm regards,
Minister of Communications
Thank you for the appointment. It’s very good to be able to return and hopefully this Minister’s tenure marks a stretch where we catch up on a lot of things.