Greitbart: The Unexpected Endorsement
Greitbart is the only news organization dedicated to providing the truth (unlike The Northern Lights) and the truth here is pretty damn simple: McMasterdonia is the best choice for Secretary-General.

McMasterdonia: The HBIC
Don't take it from us though, we got the exclusive rights to an interview with a really special guest. The 47-year-old bald Australian author is known for six stellar novels, including one called Jennifer Government that may have been the inspiration for an online game produced by Jolt, the award-winning NationStates 2.

Lots of unknown candidates running this year
When asked about the candidates, the guest, who preferred that we call him [violet] for confidentiality, gave a weird glance at the page.
"Lesbian catgirls? Next you're gonna tell me that there's a gay guinea pig roaming around on this site!" I hated to break the news that there was one, and it was the guinea pig interviewing him.

In regards to the number of socialist and communist candidates, Max...I mean [violet] had a lot to say.
"I took a lot of inspiration from George Orwell when writing Jennifer Government. I'm not gonna say that these candidates are bad...but no one necessary applauds Big Brother."

Max officially endorses McMasterdonia
The only candidate that has a chance of winning in Max Barry's...dang it...[violet]'s opinion is McMasterdonia. They remind him a lot of Melania Trump: rich, powerful, and drop-dead gorgeous...oh yeah, and being a great role model for the youth of the world or whatever inspirational stuff they say.
So yes, take it from Max, vote McMasterdonia today!