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- El Fiji Grande (#3446)
by El Fiji Grande
General Assembly
Improving the world one resolution at a time.
Oceanic Waste Disposal Ban
Status: Discarded
Delegate's Vote: No vote
Final Vote (World): For: 13,550 Against: 2,693
Final Vote (TNP): For: 533 Against: 50 Percentage of WA nations voting: 40.3%
Status: Discarded
Delegate's Vote: No vote
Final Vote (World): For: 13,550 Against: 2,693
Final Vote (TNP): For: 533 Against: 50 Percentage of WA nations voting: 40.3%
No Recommendation
Repeal: "Promotion of Recycling"
Status: Failed
Delegate's Vote: Against
Final Vote (World): For: 3,028 Against: 12,850
Final Vote (TNP): For: 46 Against: 547 Percentage of WA nations voting: 40.8%
Status: Failed
Delegate's Vote: Against
Final Vote (World): For: 3,028 Against: 12,850
Final Vote (TNP): For: 46 Against: 547 Percentage of WA nations voting: 40.8%
This repeal ironically uses rather ambiguous reasoning to argue that clause 3 of GAR #483 is ambiguous, stating that it creates for possible loopholes and abusive regulations for member nations and large corporations, without providing prove or examples as to how the by the author predicted negative consequences might come to pass. It is also rather contradictory, in claiming firstly that clause 3 was ambiguous, but then stating that clause 3 specifically creates abusive regulations while in fact the resolution itself does not create those regulations, but requires member nations to create regulations or subsidizations and tailor them according to their needs and requirements. Although it is possible for environmental regulations such as those on recycling to impact small businesses more than big businesses, it is up to national governments to craft regulations that do not disadvantage small businesses unfairly.
Considering further that the author of the target resolution is currently working together with other members of the World Assembly to properly repeal GAR #483 and replace it in order to correct actual deficiencies, of which none where mentioned in this repeal, the Ministry advises to vote Against this proposal.
Disease Naming Compact
Status: Passed
Delegate's Vote: Against
Final Vote (World): For: 8,490 Against: 7,203
Final Vote (TNP): For: 210 Against: 379 Percentage of WA nations voting: 40.5%
Status: Passed
Delegate's Vote: Against
Final Vote (World): For: 8,490 Against: 7,203
Final Vote (TNP): For: 210 Against: 379 Percentage of WA nations voting: 40.5%
This proposal appears to be written opportunistically based on current real-life events. Unfortunately its provisions appear unnecessary as a common name for a novel disease would be adopted by most nations through communications between government authorities, and medical professionals would be aware of different names if they exist. In addition, the large variation in the languages of WA nations will make the task of creating a name suitable for all languages functionally impossible, and nations need flexibility to adopt a name that suits their language.
For the above reasons, the Ministry recommends a vote Against this proposal.
Interference Causing Equipment Act
Status: Failed
Delegate's Vote: Against
Final Vote (World): For: 3,511 Against: 11,040
Final Vote (TNP): For: 51 Against: 500 Percentage of WA nations voting: 38.4%
Status: Failed
Delegate's Vote: Against
Final Vote (World): For: 3,511 Against: 11,040
Final Vote (TNP): For: 51 Against: 500 Percentage of WA nations voting: 38.4%
While a well-intentioned proposal, it unfortunately falls victim to wording problems, which are at times overly complex while also creating loopholes. For example, clause 2i includes technical vocabulary that is not properly defined. Clause 3 prohibits distribution of non-compliant devices between member states while allowing member states to import and export from non-member states. Clauses 3 and 4 together ensure only member states capable of developing non-compliant devices are able to use them for government purposes such as security and defence, while those not as technologically advanced cannot purchase them, and are left without a vital line of defence.
For these reasons, the Ministry recommends a vote Against this proposal, in hopes of a better resolution in the future.
On the Health and Financial Well-Being of Workers
Status: Failed
Delegate's Vote: For
Final Vote (World): For: 6,815 Against: 8,326
Final Vote (TNP): For: 463 Against: 101 Percentage of WA nations voting: 39.4%
Status: Failed
Delegate's Vote: For
Final Vote (World): For: 6,815 Against: 8,326
Final Vote (TNP): For: 463 Against: 101 Percentage of WA nations voting: 39.4%
This proposal aims to establish leave for workers in the event they become sick, have a family medical emergency, or if they have children. These types of events in a person's life are important for them to attend to, regardless of work obligations. On top of that, in the event they are sick, it would be wise to provide some sort of program that allows them to stay home and prevent the spread of the disease. Further, workers will receive identical compensation as they would have had they been at work, easing financial stress undertaken by not attending work. Creating an umbrella program for each of these, allowing greater flexibility for workers, is the best course of action.
For these reasons, the Ministry recommends a vote For this proposal.
Security Council
Spreading interregional peace and goodwill, via force if necessary.
Liberate The East Pacific
Status: Failed
Final Vote (TNP): For: 211 Against: 365 Percentage of WA nations voting: 39.7%
Status: Failed
Delegate's Vote: Against
Final Vote (World): For: 6,708 Against: 8,799Final Vote (TNP): For: 211 Against: 365 Percentage of WA nations voting: 39.7%
In an event that can only be described as confusing, the Delegate of the East Pacific themselves has called for an end of their tyranny and wishes for a liberation of their region. While The North Pacific is always glad to help the weak and oppressed, we believe in this case it is sufficient to point out all the wonderfull options available to end ones own tyranny and political career, like self-impeachement or a good old donation affair.
While we advise a vote Against this proposal, we sincerely wish The East Pacific all the best in ending its Delegate's reign of tyranny.
Commend Kindjal
Status: Passed
Final Vote (TNP): For: 519 Against: 72 Percentage of WA nations voting: 40.6%
Status: Passed
Delegate's Vote: For
Final Vote (World): For: 10,818 Against: 4,208Final Vote (TNP): For: 519 Against: 72 Percentage of WA nations voting: 40.6%
While we have our reservations, Kindjal has demonstrated a determination in a popular field of the game that is not usually discussed in the Security Council. Although they intended to dedicate to roleplay, they struggled with writing as English is not their first language. Instead, they chose a path that led to them becoming the best in their field of NS issues. Kindjal, in adjudicating right from wrong, has topped every other nation in 10 different censuses in the game, all of which are highly competitive. We hope that this well-written commendation demonstrates that nations in all fields of the game can be commended, and serve as an inspiration to dedicated issue answerers.
For the above reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For this commendation.
Commend Cormactopia Prime
Status: Failed
Final Vote (TNP): For: 63 Against: 459 Percentage of WA nations voting: 36.4%
Status: Failed
Delegate's Vote: Against
Final Vote (World): For: 4,255 Against: 8,936Final Vote (TNP): For: 63 Against: 459 Percentage of WA nations voting: 36.4%
Cormactopia Prime, commonly known as Cormac, despite being a potentially deserving nominee, is the subject of a rather stale proposal that doesn't paint an accurate picture. Cormac is known for being capricious but still dedicated and charismatic in any role (defender, invader, imperialist, journalist, etc) they decide to take. The proposal doesn't argue that, rather that Cormac has great recognition among their peers for a collection of accomplishments. The proposal is jumpy and doesn't flow well throughout the clauses, each of which is shakily written and barely supports the the initial argument. Several of the clauses, such as the "Affirming" clause on developing stability in Osiris, contradict further evidence on Cormac's history with Osiris.
For these reasons, the Ministry recommends a vote of Against "Commend Cormactopia Prime", hoping for a better proposal down the line.
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