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Commend Cormactopia Prime
Category: Commendation | Nominee: Cormactopia Prime
Proposed by: Jakker City | Onsite Topic
The Security Council,
Highlighting the recognition that Cormactopia Prime has among their fellow nations due to their region-building and authorship,
Further highlighting that this recognition is evident by this nominee being named the most influential and impactful nation across four years,
Affirming the nominee's years of service to Osiris in building regional stability through:
Recognizing that after foreign agents attempted to manipulate the government of Lazarus in 2018, Cormactopia Prime stepped in to write the constitution for the region and minimize hostile influences,
- Serving in multiple leadership positions including delegate on three separate occasions and vice-delegate twice;
- Authoring several constitutions and playing a vital role in the current governmental structure of the region;
- Intervening to ensure that the region recovered after hostile foreign agents were found to be in the government including LizLemons, a candidate for delegate at the time, and Adytus, who proposed a constitution and attempted to stack the voting with other hostile parties;
Noting that after these agents were revealed, Cormactopia Prime became heavily involved in Pacifica, serving as the region’s delegate and president,
Admiring the responsibility that the nominee took on to form the regional community and government,
Further admiring Cormactopia Prime’s leadership in transitioning these nations to Thalassia after the regional founder refused to step down after many months of inactivity,
Applauding the nominee’s efforts, across several nations, in authoring numerous resolutions and documents including:
Appreciating the nominee’s commitment to fighting the spread of fascism and condemning the ideology over the years through multiple military campaigns including their assistance in leading the Sovereign Confederation's invasion of Union of Fascists, and advancing regional policies against fascism in Pacifica, Thalassia, and Asgard,
- Four Security Council Liberations (#144 Liberate Liberal Haven, #154 Liberate Coalition of Freedom, #159 Liberate The International Communist Union, and #198 Liberate The Arab League);
- The Ten Commandments of Detagging to provide expectations for novice defending nations as well as a notice on how to approach nations who have engaged in behaviors that have caused harm in regional communities;
Acknowledging Cormactopia Prime's advocacy of equality and inclusion through their Commendation of Gay and their organization of The NationStates #LoveIsLove Campaign,
Declaring that it takes significant competency to not only possess the level of command that this nominee has held for years, but also use that power to build up other regions,
Hereby Commends Cormactopia Prime.
Voting Instructions:
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!
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