[Draft] Spotlight - With 9003


Just like a queef in the wind, so is life
TNP Nation
McMasterdonia: Today I am joined by 9003, a relatively new member of The North Pacific who is already a prominent member of our community and in the Cards Guild specifically. Welcome and thank you for joining me!

9003: Thanks for having me!

McMasterdonia: Firstly, can you tell me a little about your background in NationStates? When did you join and which region did you first call home?

9003: I've played for 7 years now. Pretty much after founding my nation I got a lovely simple telegram from Sauron recruiting for Mordor. It said “one does not simply walk into Mordor” so I did the only logical thing and simply walked in. I helped develop the then fledgling region into a hotspot of a player region after out posting the RMB bot, I joined the force of Mordor and held a warzone for a couple of months.

McMastedonia: What did you enjoy most about your time in Mordor? During your time of supporting regional development in that region, what did you learn?

9003: I learned a lot about developing the region including that the founder and in turn dark lord can be put on trial and serve as the sitting judge on said trial. In a mess of legal debate. My favorite activity in Mordor was spamming on the forum I played every one of the games to a crazy level reaching several thousand posts a week. Raising in the ranks in the forces of Mordor was also fun and fits well with me joining the NPA now.

McMasterdonia: Excellent! We will get to your NPA service in a moment, but before that What made you decide to join The North Pacific?

9003: What made me join tnp was the card lotto after seeing all the legendaries going about I knew I had to get in on the action for some of those!

McMasterdonia: How did you hear about the card lottery? Always interested to know how our outreach is going!

9003: I heard about the lottery from the marketplace discord after The Northern Lights posted some winners. The chance to win a soops or mindless contempt while collecting Ex flags was a huge draw. They are the peak ex flag card, after that I knew I couldn’t sit it out any longer.

McMasterdonia: Did this create any conflict for you? In terms of deciding to leave Mordor for The North Pacific?

9003: Well all in all I still haven't "left" Mordor my main has due to a small snafoo with NS breeze. Blowing my 7 years of residency. So I switched a puppet in but for the most part the Mordor government has fallen aside and is quite and a shadow of its former glory

McMasterdonia: And ever since, you have been very involved in The Cards Guild! What is it about Cards that you find enjoyable within the context of NationStates?

9003: I love cards because they give nationstates more of an active game rather than logging on once in a while to answer issues.

McMastedonia: Regarding the NPA, it has been great seeing you get involved there. What made you decide to participate in our Army and how have you found it to be?

9003: After serving in the forces of Mordor and reaching the rank of general there I partook in the UDL for a while before hanging my hat up on r/d for a good while. However, once I saw the NPA was an active army I knew I had to join and give it another shot.

McMasterdonia: Would you say that before joining the NPA you would have identified as a defender?

9003: I would say I identified mostly defender. After some espionage missions among den (pre-predator days) I jumped for a mission or two of tags and always enjoyed it but until now didn't have an army that supported the view. I very much like the NPAs method to preserve the wfe and flag. As the big part of raiding I didn't like was destroying random regions when they didn't do anything warranting destruction.

McMasterdonia: Wow! So you were involved in espionage ops against DEN?

9003: I was mostly just there to muck things up and see if they were up to any large scale raids. The level of opsec was next to zero during that time.

McMasterdonia: So joining the NPA could be another espionage operation? :P

9003: For who! The now defunct forces of Mordor lol. And nah I wouldn't move my main nation into the region if I was, I would have far too much to lose.

McMasterdonia: Naturally I am just teasing! How has your experience differed to your prior military experience?

9003: The npa has a larger occupational force and a larger active force. Most operations of Mordor’s forces were missions with 5 nations. Therefore seeing the NPA show up to a joint op or even just a regular op with 7+ jumpers is impressive and having the Generals here to help out new folks is awesome.

McMasterdonia: You also mentioned earlier that you like that the NPA does not (as a general rule) do destructive raids. Are there any circumstances where you think a destructive raid is desirable and necessary?

9003: Well in the case of anyone The North Pacific is at war with would be a very justified cause or any region that is causing distress to the greater nationstates community.

McMasterdonia: Do you see yourself getting involved in other areas of The North Pacific? Are you interested in pursuing higher office?

9003: I'm trying to. Truth be told when I first moved here it was during the delegate election and I tried to run to only be shot down by just a few days short on the residency requirement. Now, I have learned that it would be far better to learn more about the position before I try and run for it. But I would love to run for more at some point. FOr now, I am enjoying serving as a Deputy Guildmaster. It is great fun!

McMasterdonia: What about the executive staff? Have you considered getting involved in other Ministries?

9003: I have been considering joining the culture Ministry. It fits quite well with Cards and I would be interested to get involved in their other activities.

McMasterdonia: That concludes our interview! Thank you once more for your time 9003. We look forward to seeing your future contributions to The North Pacific.

9003: My pleasure, thank you for having me!