[DRAFT] WA Digest Jan


A rocket has landed. A dog is inside.
TNP Nation

General Assembly
Improving the world one resolution at a time

Data Protection Accord
Status: Failed | Delegate's Vote: Against
Final Vote (World): For - 3,814 (26.2%); Against - 10,713 (73.8%)
Final Vote (TNP): For - 91 (15.8%); Against - 484 (84.2%)
Percentage of TNP WA nations voting: 41.9%​
Forensics Accord is a poorly-written proposal that was submitted with virtually no drafting. Firstly, its title is misleading as it suggests the proposal is about forensics in general, when it exclusively covers "forensic genetics". Another major flaw of the proposal is that it does not mandate any action from nations, as its clauses only "encourage", "welcome" or "emphasize" certain things, meaning it is essentially useless and arguably has no area of effect. Its category of health is also arguably incorrect, as it does not fit the description. Furthermore, the proposal is ironically full of both vague undefined terms and unnecessary definitions. It defines the word "forensics", which is not used at all in the rest of the text, while its other definition is for "impunity", a word used only once. The vague term "forensic genetics", which is used multiple times, is undefined, while other terms such as "international sentient law" or "sentient rights international law" are unclear and/or grammatically incorrect.

For the above reasons, the ministry urges a vote Against this proposal.

Ensuring Safe Syringe Use
Status: Passed | Delegate's Vote: For
Final Vote (World): For - 13,592 (86.9%); Against - 2,041 (13.1%)
Final Vote (TNP): For - 552 (94.4%); Against - 33 (5.6%)
Percentage of TNP WA nations voting: 41.9%​
Ensuring the use of safe, sterilized syringes is a worthwhile goal for the World Assembly even if it does not seem like an obvious issue, as it will contribute to the overall reduction in the transmission of bloodborne illnesses. The current proposal does this in such a way that it does not place undue strain on medical systems in less developed member nations.

For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For the proposal.


Security Council
Spreading interregional peace and goodwill, via force if necessary

Commend Benevolent Thomas
Status: Passed | Delegate's Vote: For
Final Vote (World): For - 11,930 (81.5%); Against - 2,710 (18.5%)
Final Vote (TNP): For - 445 (90.4%); Against - 47 (9.6%)
Percentage of TNP WA nations voting: 38.0%​

Codemn Norlands
Status: Failed | Delegate's Vote: Against
Final Vote (World): For - 1,741 (12.8%); Against - 11,878 (87.2%)
Final Vote (TNP): For - 57 (10.8%); Against - 467 (89.2%)
Percentage of TNP WA nations voting: 37.5%​