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The Ministry of Defense
22 February 2020
From the sixteenth (16th) up to the twenty-second (22nd) of February, the North Pacific Army joined a coalition of regions in capturing Slatos. A total of 23 NPA soldiers participated.
The North Pacific Army (NPA):
General Trondstorm
General Gladio
General QuietDad
General Zazumo
Colonel BluieGamer
Colonel Bobberino
Colonel Rom
Major Koopa
Captain Deropia
Lieutenant Yuno
Sergeant Aerilia
Sergeant Cimmerien
Sergeant Gorundu
Corporal St George
Corporal Racoda
Corporal Tonga
Private First Class 9003
Private First Class Democratu
Private First Class Chinar
Private First Class Inven
Private First Class Nimarya
Private First Class Yamantau Em
Private dawgman15
Everyone who participated earned The NPA's Regional Invasion Award: