Ringworld Tok
Sometime Station Time
Kosh pulled at the neck of her protective ferroweave suit. It was starting to get too tight for her liking. Like it was trying to choke her. She could not tell if it was because she had grown and needed a resizing or because she was hearing the call of her ancestors. To run free like they did. To hunt as they did. Just pitting oneself against the worst that nature could muster. To feel the hunger of an empty belly that yearns for anything to satiate its need. Reflexively she took a puff of her y-stick. The soothing vapors washed away such thoughts. Instead returning her to her irritation. She pulled at the suit once more. Guess I have grown a bit, she thought. She rubbed her knees trying whilst trying to shift her weight back and forth. Sitting cross legged all day was far from easy. Staring at the same bland door everyday too was far from easy. She bet she could recreate that door from memory with her eyes closed. If only there was no door. Then perhaps she would at least get to stare out into the landing hangar for guests and visitors. Alas that was not her fate. Instead she had the privilege of staring at the grey sliding door.
The silence was deafening. Only the low hum of the ring permeated the space. The urge to check her dataslate scratched its way into her mind. She tried to resist. She really did. All it would do was remind her that there were no new arrivals today. No incoming shipments. No visitors. Nothing. Just a blank manifest with a clock reminding her that she still had long to go before her shift was over. She kept looking at it from the corner of her eye. She took another puff in an attempt to alleviate her growing restlessness. It did not help much. Kosh questioned why today was so bad. Sure it was not the greatest assignment, sitting and waiting all day, checking in other people, getting them situated for their hunt, watching them run off into the jungles of the ring. Many times she found herself jealous. She figured one day she would join her sisters and brothers out there. However she was still young. Most who went out were middle aged or close to the end. A sort of retirement from society and service. There was no coming back though. And Kosh figured she was not ready to give everything up yet. Far too soon for that.
Her dataslate beeped with a notification. Change! She immediately swept it up to see the news. Finally! Battery low. Her head sunk into her hands as she pulled at her bone ridge out of frustration. This day will never end. A part of her was actually arguing for going on a blood rage fueled massacre, but ultimately she decided against it. She rested her dataslate on a charging pad. That was when to her great surprise. The bleak unchanging grey door in front of her beeped before sliding open. She looked on in disbelief as an upright bipedal pink faced being walked into view carrying a small bag. It was a human. She had never met a human before. She had seen them in her exobiology and galactic civilization classes. The human looked short in comparison to the door. She almost met him eye to eye even when sitting down. The human approached without a care in the world. Soon enough he was standing right in front of her. A bit too close even for her comfort.
“Can you understand me?” the human asked.
That’s right I can understand you! Kosh thought in a sudden flash of excitement. Her training was kicking in. The ring rarely got visitors from other species, but they did sometimes. She had trained just for this. She thought hard before responding.
“Correct,” was all she could muster.
“Ah, that’s good then. I believe I am scheduled for arrival,” the human said. This one was a male. A man. She thought she might have misheard him.
“Arrival? You visitor,” she responded whilst pointing at the human.
“No, no. Not a visitor. I am an arrival. I wish to undergo the Kyng,” he said matter of factly.
This was the second time she was in disbelief in a span of minute. If she was understanding this human correctly. He wished to join her sisters and brothers in the Kyng. The last hunt. To pit himself against the unwavering hammer of mother nature. To survive alone. To die alone. She could not believe it. She grabbed her dataslate to check the manifest. Battery low. She growled in frustration. Of course now of all times. She looked back to the human standing before her. This had to be a mistake or failure to communicate. For the first time in hours she stood, towering over the human. He seemed to pay it no mind. In fact to her observation he seemed more than comfortable being in her presence. Kosh beckoned the human to follow her. She walked down one the hallways that led to an observation bridge before one of the main living barracks, the human following behind, he seemed to be taking in everything with ease. She stopped once they reached a sizable window that beheld the vastness of the ring world. An artificial structure dedicated to one of her people’s most sacred practices. Its jungles and its mountains were visible the whole way around the ring. She pointed out the window and then to the human.
“You go out there? Hunt? Die?” she asked. She really hoped she was saying the correct things. This would be a first. If it was real, she could not wait to tell her clutchmates.
The man gave out a small laugh and shrugged his shoulders. “I heard it’s one of the best ring worlds your people have.”
Kosh definitely knew she was saying the wrong things. Damned classes! Otherwise this human would be terrified. She opted to take him to the visitor center. At least there she could talk to her clutchmother. Mother would know what to say. She beckoned the human with a talon. He followed happily along. Now her day seemed like it would never end for another reason.
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