Questions for Admin

St George

RolePlay Moderator
Deputy Speaker
He/Him, They/Them
Well since admin refuses to answer questions on the discord, figured I'd ask them here:

1. Why didn't admin inform RP moderation that Angshire and Crown Isles were the same people when they merged their forum accounts?

2. Why did admin choose to unban Crown Isles from the RP server over the objections of RP moderators - don't pretend they didn't object, I know better - and not instead ban Angshire for evading their ban?

3. On what basis did admin decide that Crown Isles original ban was unwarranted?

4. In relation to 3., what evidence specifically did admin use to make this case?

5. Why is all discussion of these decisions in both the RP and main discord servers being suppressed?

6. Why did these decisions take less than 12 hours or so to make, when you were almost entirely inactive for 90% of my tenure as lead rp moderator and admin on the RP server?
  1. The ban imposed against the Crown Isles account was imposed unilaterally by a moderator on the discord servers. Given the limitations of reporting of these warnings, including the keeping of records, as well as the fact that discord bans do not affect a user’s access to the regional forum, that connection between Angshire and Crown Isles and the relevant discord ban was not immediately made. We are working on improving the record-keeping and communication around discord bans.
  2. Admin consulted with roleplay moderators to ask them to provide evidence that would support an indefinite ban of Angshire. There was evidence that showed Angshire’s behaviour on the regional message board as Crown Isles, but this evidence was not sufficient to warrant an indefinite or permanent ban from discord. Some objections were raised over the fact that Angshire did not appeal the ban. However, given that the length of the ban imposed was excessive in the first place and that Angshire was not given any direction upon receiving the ban on how to appeal it, we felt this was not reason enough to apply another ban to Angshire. In our opinion the ban received by Angshire on his account Crown Isles, prior to his return as Angshire, was sufficient in duration.
  3. The evidence provided to admin suggests that a temporary ban to Angshire would have been appropriate. The matter was effectively handled by the NationStates Moderators. We did not see any other evidence to suggest that a permanent or indefinite ban was necessary.
  4. We reviewed evidence of discord conversations by Crown Isles as a deleted user as well as screenshots provided by the Roleplay Moderators and RMB posts - including the NS mods warning to Crown Isles.
  5. We are not suppressing discussion on the topic. We are however suppressing the manner in which this was addressed.
  6. The decision did not take less than twelve hours to make. Discussions began Wednesday 29th of January, starting in the Gameside Advocates channel. Subsequently discussions were held in moderation in both the general server and the roleplay server, where evidence supporting the indefinite/permanent ban was requested. Roleplay moderators provided their evidence and input. Roleplay Moderation was advised of the decision on Saturday February 1st.